Monday, September 30, 2019
The World is Flat †Thomas Friedman
1. Do you agree or disagree with Friedman’s assessment that the world is flat? Be sure to justify your answer I agree with Friedman that technology has made the world flat. But there is another point of view disagree with Friedman stating that there are still many people that do not have access to technology and for them the world is still round.2. What are the potential impacts of a flat world for a student performing a job search? In a flat world it is far more difficult to get a job because competition will be increasing at an incredible rate. There are currently 1 billion people online in 2006. It is anticipated that 4 billion people will be online by 2010. As the next 3 billion people come online in the next 4 years competition is going to dramatically increase. But the truth is that Students can now perform a global job search right from their apartment. A student in Chicago can accept a job in Tokyo and never leave the apartment, even when the job starts.3. What can stu dents do to prepare themselves for competing in a flat world? Businesses operate using technology and understanding how business and technology relate will help them achieve success. They can use it as advantage in their completion. And they will gain more skills and learn new ideas4. Identify a current flattener not mentioned on Friedman’s list Videophones and collaboration tools allowing people to meet face-to-face even when they are in different parts of the world Technologies such as Voice-over-IP that offer a cheap alternative to traditional long-distance carriers
Psychology of Health in the Workplace Essay
Health and psychology by some might seem to be intertwined as one and the same; by others health and psychology are two separate aspects in ones life. Ones physical health can depend on many things for example gender, family history and dynamics, stress, type of career and what type of environment one lives in. If one lives near a coal mine and works at the mine they may experience respiratory issues, depression and possibly post traumatic stress syndrome from working underground in a dangerous situation for long periods of time. Physicians have very stressful jobs, one subspecialty that is reputed to be extremely stressful are neonatologists. Many work under severely stressful conditions and over a 5-year period suffer some type of stress-related illness. Having worked for a group of neonatologists it was evident that they all experienced high levels of stress and many-experienced career burn out. They loved what they did but knew that after a period of time they would have to change specialties. Understanding that their choice in careers at some point would affect their physical and mental health. The brain is a powerful thing; power of the mind is an amazing thing when one is sick or feeling down. Having a positive attitude towards life and ones health at times can be better than medicine. I have personally witnessed the difference in patients that are receiving chemo treatment and the differences in there mental attitudes. The ones that have a good positive attitude seem to do much better than the patients with negative attitudes, they seem to complain more and just over all have a hard time. The positive attitude patients seem to do they best they can to keep their lives normal doing as they did before. Knowing that they will experience bad days and making the most out of the days they feel better. I watched the movie Soul Surfer about the young girl who was attacked by a shark while surfing and lost an arm. It was an amazing story on how she recovered keeping an amazing attitude towards life. She trained to surf again with her disability winning a competition. She did not sit back and feel sorry for herself; she pushed herself to accomplish her goals. Health and psychology in the work place is about the choices we make with our career choice. With the economy the way it is today it is tough for many people. Those that have jobs may be over worked due to cutbacks and maybe unhappy or stressed out. Stress can cause many health issues such as high blood pressure, depression, headaches, lack of motivation and lack of energy. For the people without jobs possibly living on unemployment or not receiving an income at all can be devastating. The feeling of helplessness, low self esteem and depression can take a drastic toll on one both physically and emotionally. This can cause major health issues as well, knowing your depressed and trying to get out of that state of mind can be very difficult. To prevent illness and enhance ones life to a healthier way of living sometimes may take a total life style change. Exercise is a very important part even if it is just walking 15 minutes a day. By exercising the body produces chemicals that work like an antidepressant making one feel happy and better about themselves. Changing ones eating habits, eating more fruits and vegetable staying away from sugars and starch. If a person is overweight and they change their diet and see they are losing a few pounds can give them the motivation to continue. With a positive attitude thing’s that may have stressed one out before may seem not as important now. Do things to try and reduce the stress level at work as well as at home, leave a little time in the day to just unwind. Something’s we cannot change but what we can change is how we handle them whether it is part of the job or a person one has to deal with. Look at things outside of the box; if the way it is being handled isn’t working then try another way.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Human Rights Essay
Human rights are defined as all right to which all humans are entitled. Examples of human rights include freedom of expression, freedom against torture, indefinite detainment and unreasonable search and seizure. Jimmy Carter expresses a concern for human rights when he says in his inaugural address: â€Å"We will be ever vigilant and never vulnerable, and we will fight our wars against poverty, ignorance, and injustice – for those are the enemies against which our forces can be honorably marshaled†¦ Our moral sense dictates a clear-cut preference for these societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights. As one of the few ‘doves’ of the American presidency, Carter emphasizes a need to combat poverty, ignorance, and injustice. These are the biggest violators of human rights, and for Carter to mention these concepts in the midst of the Cold War and the Vietnam War demonstrates the importance of these concepts to him. Even at this time, he called for â€Å"the elimination of all nuclear weapons from this earth†, a goal as highly idealistic today as it was almost forty years ago. Balance of Power Balance of power refers to the idea of maintaining stability between two nations or among several nations. John F. Kennedy in 1961 was worried about the balance of power when he said, â€Å"Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms – and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce. Kennedy understood that the United States and the Soviet Union were at odds in developing superior technologies. He exhibits a desire to use scientific developments resulting from the arms race between the two nations for cooperative activities instead of ill-intentioned activities. Kennedy led the United States in bipolar world, so diplomacy to get the two biggest powers to work together instead of to fight each other was key. Unilateralism Unilateralism is a philosophy that supports one-sided action as opposed to cooperative action. Both George W. Bush and Barack Obama addressed this concept, but in different ways. Bush implicitly supported the idea, when he said in his first inaugural address, â€Å"Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry, but do not own. †Obama, however, rejected unilateralism when he said, â€Å"Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with the sturdy alliances and enduring convictions. They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please. Though Bush was sworn in before the events of 9/11, he already demonstrated in this address that part of his policies were to have the United States spread democracy and freedom around the world. Bush thought that this role of ‘freedom martyr of the world’ is America’s role and America’s role alone. Obama debunked this idea, illustrating that in history, countries worked together to fend off harsh governments and to spread democracy and freedom. Obama, whether he truly believes this or not, had to separate himself politically from Bush policies because Bush policies were highly unpopular.
Local Lit Foreign Lit Essay
In this chapter one of the most important early steps in a research project is the conducting of the literature review. This chapter will explain how review of related literature is very important in conducting a study. This is also one of the most humbling experiences you’re likely to have. Because you’re likely to find out that just about any worthwhile idea you will have has been thought of before, at least to some degree. A literature review is designed to identify related research, to set the current research project within a conceptual and theoretical context. The greatest emphasis on research journals that use a blind or juried review system. The literature review will help to find and select appropriate measurement instruments. It will readily see what measurement instruments researchers used themselves in contexts similar to the study. Finally, the literature review will help to anticipate common problems in the research context. It can use the prior experience s of others to avoid common traps and pitfalls. 2.1 Related Literature Local Literature The Department of Education said Monday â€Å"it’s all systems go†for the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE), adding that it expects some 1.5 million fourth year high school students from both public and private schools to participate. â€Å"The annual conduct of the NCAE gives the students and the parents an idea on the field of endeavor most suited to the graduating students thus, allowing for better decision on their choice of career,†Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said. A major part of the exam consists of the general scholastic aptitude test. It also measures a graduating student’s potentials or inclination in such areas as technical-vocational aptitude, entrepreneurial skills, nonverbal ability and occupational interest. The test components are: scientific ability, mathematical ability, reading comprehension, verbal ability, manipulative skills, clerical ability, non-verbal ability and entrepreneurial skills. The exam results are at best recommendatory and are not a requisite for admission to college. There were 717,232 students or 58.62 percent who obtained high aptitude in entrepreneurship. Some 20,307 students with high general scholastic aptitude scores and 22,879 students with high results in technical-vocational aptitude became eligible. (James Konstantin Galvez, n.d.) It says in the article that the assessment exam will determine which career path is best after graduation from high school based on the individual test results. The examination will also minimize the mismatch in career choices and skills that has affected many college graduates who were not well advised about what career path they should take. *PMA exam passers eye academy’s 300 slots.The 942 passers of the recent Philippine Military Academy (PMA) entrance exams will still have to battle it out to make it to the 300-strong cast of final cut and fulfill their dreams of being a member of the PMA Class 2013. The PMA entrance examination is the just first step of a highly competitive process for cadet aspirants in the PMA. To secure a slot in the academy, examination passers will then have to overcome the rigid and complete physical fitness test and medical examination set in early October. But the good news is PMA’s officials are reportedly planning to talk with the Armed Forces of the Philippines general headquarters to extend the final cut qualifiers by 30 to 50. Those who will qualify the second stage will be notified by the PMA thru mail, while the complete list of passers will be published in some major national broadsheets and at the PMA website at And although the exam is just the beginning, PMA Supt. M/Gen. Leopoldo Maligalig appreciated the 18-percent passing rate this year, only a whisker ahead of last year’s 16 percent. Records show that applicants from Baguio registered the highest passing percentage in the entrance exam at 27 percent with 133 passers. There were 8, 449 regulars and 1,834 walk-in applicants nationwide but only 5, 777 have qualified to take the entrance examinations. 5, 652 completed the battery test in mathematics, English and special PMA aptitude test. PMA, considered the country’s top military institution, has been accepting more than 10,000 to 12, 000 applicants in the past years. Academy’s information officer Lady Capt. Agnes Lynnette Flores, however, noted that there has been a decrease in the number of aspiring cadets as a result of PMA’s more rigid training intended to maintain its reputation of producing high-quality cadets and future true leaders.â€Å"The program is also geared to insulate PMA cadets from politics and to mold them into constitutional soldiers who must defend the fundamental law of the land at all costs,†she said. *MMDA chief: Address job mismatch. Saying the education system is failing to produce the skills needed by the private industry, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Bayani Fernando yesterday called for joint public-private collaboration to address the problem of job mismatch. â€Å"The government, schools and private business should get together for an exchange of views on dominant and emerging jobs and the skills needed to fill the jobs,†Fernando said. He suggested human-resource planning to forecast the demand for and supply of critical skills. The planning could be done on an industry basis. Fernando proposed that companies provide the necessary training and retraining, while colleges and universities review their curricula to offer business-friendly courses. The government should also enhance its free training program through the Technical and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) by opening more training centers in rural areas and strengthening its vocational training program. Current opportunities, Fernando noted, are in the fields of information technology, retail, manufacturing, tourism, hospitality and accounting, adding that the call center industry has an opening for at least 60,000 jobs this year. Fernando said the Philippine economy should also continue to grow in order to provide more better-paying jobs that would entice Filipinos to stay in the country. While overseas Filipino workers are providing billions of dollars in remittances for the Philippine economy, their absence in the country also contributes to the brain/skills drain and to dysfunctional families, he observed. Local industries have estimated incurring an additional P1 billion for recruiting and training new workers to replace those who have left to work abroad. Foreign Literature DepEd asked not to rank schools in NAT. The Federation of Association of Private Schools and Administrators (FAPSA) is asking the Department of Education (DepEd) not to rank schools in the National Achievement Test (NAT), saying it is not a healthy competition. â€Å"Our group would not mind the intention of Secretary (Jesli) Lapus provided the outcome would not be published,’’ he added. Kasilag made the appeal after the DepEd administered the NAT to sixth graders and second year high school students last March 5 and 12. â€Å"The conduct of the test had paved the way for ingenious access to leakage. Former DepEd secretary Raul Roco had admitted that questions and answers could bought in the provinces,’’ he said. Kasilag said the NAT, being the precursor of NCEE in the 90’s then NEAT and NSAT in 2000, was the same exam for whose abolition his group lobbied for. Roco abolished the NCEE in a bid to allow more students to enter college. He cited the case of a female student in his school (St. Nicholas school in Marikina) who failed to graduate as valedictorian because she didn’t do well in NEAT exam years back. â€Å"The mother asked â€Å"why should a day’s exam matter most over the entire six years of study in elementary? Schools already have 4 periodicals, 10 monthly tests, countless quizzes and daily assignments, are these not enough?’’ he said. (Shianee Mamanglu, March 18, 2009) The ranking of schools in a publication had proved to be divisive and resulted in unhealthy competition among private schools. Schools that lagged behind prepared rigorously to recover at the expense of regular academic curriculum. Ofcourse, if the result is published it will only cause disgrace to the schools. The conduct of the NAT is not reliable enough to assess the total performance of students, since students, particularly those from the provinces, can buy questions, answers and grades. *Mandatory psych test for leaving OFWs opposed. â€Å"We will also stage various mass actions in national level in the coming weeks to show Malacanang and the House members that there is indeed clamor for this,†he added. Basas, however, expressed appreciation to Secretary Lapus and the entire DepEd in lobbying for the immediate approval of the proposed bill. He also lauded the Senate for the immediate approval of its counterpart proposed law in the Upper Chamber. TDC claimed that since 2001 public school teachers had only two salary increases amounting to P2, 000 combined. Mandatory psych test for leaving OFWs opposed. Manila, Philippines  A coalition of migrants’ rights organizations has opposed the proposal to make psychiatric examination mandatory for leaving overseas Filipino household service workers. Ellene Sana, executive director of the Center for Migrants Advocacy (CMA), said the proposal was made by the Department of Foreign Affairs, citing a study by the Department of Health of mental cases among overseas Filipino workers. She said they got the information from Poe Gratela, private sector representative to the governing body of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), during a consultation meeting on August 6. In Resolution No. 05, Series 2008, the Consultative Council on OFWs (CCOFW), of which CMA is a member, argued that this mandatory psychiatric exam only for household service workers is discriminatory, will be an additional cost to OFWs, and does not guarantee objectivity. *The council also said the test presupposes that the root problem is the workers’ psychiatric disposition. It said this presumption is â€Å"unfounded and illogical.†â€Å"Sound psychiatric test results of a worker cannot guarantee one’s sanity because there are simply too many aggravating factors such as work environment, cultural differences, language barriers, and emotional stress that affect OFWs’ physical and mental conditions,†it said. The council pointed out data which shows that 78 percent of the household service workers deemed mentally unfit were deployed in the Middle East. This indicates that â€Å"what is needed is for the government to look at the working conditions in the Middle East of the household service workers, and not these workers’ mental states,†it said. Instead, the council proposed that the government administer mandatory psychiatric examinations to all government personnel deployed overseas â€Å"to determine their psychological and emotional preparation for overseas assignments, particularly, in handling cases of workers in distress.†*Aside from CMA’s Sana, the other signatories to the resolution are: Fr. Savino Bernardi of the Apostleship of the Sea, Fr. Edwin Corros of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ Ecumenical Commission on Migrants and Itinerants, Luis Andres Maya of the Scalarini Center for People on the Move, Fr. Fabio Baggio of the Scalabrini Migration Center,Gwendolyn Valencia of the Philippine Migrants Rights Watch, Carmelita Nuqui of the Development Action for Women Network, Gina Espinosa of Kaibigan Inc., Francisco Aguilar Jr. of the Fil Migrant Workers Group, Mildred Yamzon and Dr. Gloria Itchon of the Women in Development Foundation, and Luther Calderon of Kampi. *Naveed Azim and Imran Naqvi and Kashif ur Rehman. Learning of student can be assessed by objective type and subjective type questions. Educationists and behavioral scientists declare subjective writing skills essential for senior management positions. Investigation revealed that IT professionals who qualified through objective type online examination and lack subjective writing skills could not earn rise in career to top management positions easily. The study considered ability of a student to express knowledge subjectively as the independent variable and higher management position requirements as the dependent variable. It hypothesized better the student of higher level education in his/her subjective expression, more considerable s/he will be for positions at senior management in business organizations. The study selected 100 private companies engaged in the field of Information Technology (IT) in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan who seek OCP or MCSD or MCSE certified professionals. SalonBooker is the leading online scheduling, point-of-sale and business management software for the beauty industry. Thousands of businesses have joined the GramercyOne family to provide online booking to their customers, manage day-to-day operations and drive new business. SalonBooker is completely web-based, which makes it available from any computer with a browser and internet connection, anywhere at any time, even via an smart phone or iPad. With SalonBooker you will be able to manage your business efficiently by integrating multiple systems in to one, save time through intelligent inventory and commission management and track and report across all activities within your business. ( 2.2 Related Studies Local Studies *According to Wikipedia, â€Å"A test or an examination (or â€Å"exam†) is an assessment, often administered on paper or on the computer, intended to measure the test-takers’ or respondents’ (often a student) knowledge, skills, aptitudes, or classification in many other topics (e.g., beliefs). Tests are often used in education, professional certification, counseling, psychology (e.g., MMPI), the military, and many other fields. The measurement that is the goal of testing is called a test score, and is â€Å"a summary of the evidence contained in an examinee’s responses to the items of a test that are related to the construct or constructs being measured.†Test scores are interpreted with regards to a norm or criterion, or occasionally both. The norm may be established independently, or by statistical analysis of a large number of subjects.†( According to Lee J. Cronbach, â€Å"Test aid in making many sorts of decisions, including selection and classification of individuals, evaluation of educational or treatment procedures, and acceptance or rejection of scientific hypothesis.†(Essentials of Psychological Testing, Cronbach, p.18) According to Wikipedia, â€Å"An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site. It originated as the modern equivalent of a traditional bulletin board, and a technological evolution of the dialup bulletin board system. From a technological standpoint, forums or boards are web applications managing user-generated content. People participating in an Internet forum may cultivate social bonds and interest groups for a topic may form from the discussions. ( According to WORDIQ, †An Internet forum, also known as a message board or discussion board, is a web application that provides for online discussions, and is the modern descendant of the bulletin board systems and existing Usenet news systems that were widespread in the 1980s and 1990s. An Internet forum typically exists as part of a website and invites users to start topics and discuss issues with one another. Sometimes, a forum even comprises most, if not all, of the content of a site. Compared to wikis, Internet forums don’t allow users to edit the forum posts of other users; however, administrators and moderators generally have the capability of doing thisâ€Å". ( Foreign Studies College student retention programs tend to focus primarily on students in their first and second year of college as this is the time when the greatest number of students withdraws from postsecondary education (ACT 2004). Such programs vary substantially in design and execution. Examples include: Early alert, assessment, and monitoring systems to identify students at risk of dropping out for early intervention; Freshman Seminar; and HORIZONS. Organizational Theory practices, designed to create an institutional culture conducive to student retention, are another means of encouraging college student retention. Improving college retention rates may have broad impacts: students who complete college degrees have been found to be less likely to need the support of social services, generate higher tax returns, put less stress on the criminal justice system, and have better health status and improved parenting skills. Expected Beneficial Outcomes, Increased college retention rates, increased graduation rates, Evidence of Effectiveness ACT-Student Retention 2004 indicates that emphasis on retention strategies over the past several decades has not had a substantial impact on college retention overall. However, such programs have been effective in some venues and for some students: Dale 1995 reports that 85% of students participating in HORIZON, a Purdue University based student retention program, were retained compared to only 47% of non-enrollee peers. Participants indicated that belonging to a support network, having assistance with effective study methods, and tutoring were most important to their decision not to leave school. According to Wikipedia, â€Å"Career assessments are tests that are designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes (i.e., interests, values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes and skills), impacts their potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments. Assessments of some or all of these attributes are often used by individuals or organizations, such as university career service centers, career counselors, outplacement companies, corporate human resources staff, executive coaches, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and guidance counselors to help individuals make more informed career decisions.â€
Saturday, September 28, 2019
TMM Brain Storming
Find out In the beginning of the class If the students had done any prior preparations to learn that lesson and encourage such students. 3. Help the students make a smooth transition from +2 Make the students aware that the study pattern Is entirely to (NSA) 4. Different from what they were following in the last 12 years. They should be mentally prepared to adopt a new teaching style and learning process. 5. When students get good results, they must receive some positive strokes and visible appreciation. Increase the Library hours so that students get more time for REAL research . Tidies. Check if they are using it properly. 7. Allocate specific time in the time table for student- teacher interaction on a one to one basis. 8. Encourage and educate students to respect all faculties whether they teach them or not. 9. Do not criticize students in public unless there is a sufficient reason. 10. Do not do anything which would bring down the self esteem and morale of the students. 11. Best teachers (Communicators) should be allocated for the first years. 12. Teachers need to pay undivided attention Just for academic matters. Unfortunately today they re involved in several extracurricular activities like collection of fees, uniforms, dress, sandals, collection of records from the press, taking quotations etc. 13. Curriculum meeting should be conducted every month on a FIXED date in a PROPER manner so that the coordinators are fully equipped. 14. In the clinical, teachers must be given a control over the students than the staff nurse. In the present scenario, staff nurses enforce their work on our students. 15. Special meeting with the parents of weaker students must be conducted more frequently.Change the teaching method – student friendly. Make sure they understand the topic properly. 16. Increase interaction with the students- use Sacramental method of using more questions and make them think. Plan Discussion classes Instead of lecturing classes. 17. Prepare power point presentations In a professional manner. 18. Prepare proper lesson plan and get approval from the concerned person. 19. Assign an Internal faculty to assist or follow up the external faculty. 20. All the faculty should be given training In modern techniques of communication. 21. Equip the students to WRITE the exam properly.Some students write the correct answers, but give wrong embers, and then they wont get marks. They make a lot of such mistakes. They should be given proper orientation before they go for the exams. 22. Class co teach a subject or not. Then they can build up a close knit relationship and maintain it all the time. When the students face with a problem, then it is easy for them to approach that person. This is the time, these students face a lot of psychological, behavioral, hormonal issues and they badly need a mentor and a counselor whom they can trust completely. 23.Plan the curriculum for each year at least two months n advance so that teachers will k now their responsibilities properly. Short notice planning is creating a lot of tensions and problems. Once you plan it, go strict about implementing it. Do not change it as your mood changes. It creates problem for those who are forced to implement it. 24. Faculty should develop a culture of completing their works in the stipulated time. It should not be postponed or kept pending. 25. Find out the weak students in the first quarter itself and plan some special activities for them. Give them more study time if needed, avoiding clinical once in a while. 6. Conduct minimum of three PTA meeting every year. 27. Students who have not cleared I and II year exams should be withheld from Ill year classes and clinical. (Parents to be convinced). 28. There should not be any discrimination between B. Sc and M. Sc faculty. A We Feeling should be created. Conduct all – staff meeting every month. 29. Academic programs should not be interfered by Conferences or Workshops. 30. Disciplinary a ctions should be made without any delay. 31. Students should not be overburdened with extra money collection in various heads. 32. One staff: 10 students family should be created.There should be a mix of brighter as well as weaker students in the group. They should help each other in all matters. There can be even a healthy competition between the groups. Brighter students should help weaker ones to go up the ladder. In the hostel, 5 adjacent rooms can be provided for them. 33. Students must be given opportunities to get engaged in non curricular as well as entertainment programs once in a while. They should not feel that TM CON is a prison and the staffs are kill Joys. 34. Non academic activities are the unidentified ‘hole' in the result bucket. 35.Conduct weakly revision followed by a one hour test on Monday. 36. As far as possible, do not make any changes in our academic master rotation plan for 52 weeks so that the implementation would be more effective. 37. Make the stude nts clear their doubts in the class itself or immediately after the class. Teachers should be available for that. 38. Help the students to adjust the timings and write the answers according to the marks. 39. Constantly appreciate the students and staff for all the good things comes from them. 40. Students Just mugging up the lecture notes and answer key is not advisable.Engage them in some small projects and assignments in their subjects. For the concern of the Management 41. Revise the admission criteria. Consider only those who have more than 70% marks in + 2. Those who got less than that are not fit for the present standards of KUAKA. We are trying to help a family by giving admission to this course. But ultimately we are putting that family in more grief and financial crisis. 42. A student who scores high marks in +2 may not be having any interest or caliber to pursue nursing studies. So strict scrutinizing should be done at the time of admission. 3.The present system of aptitud e test is quiet inadequate to evaluate their interest. It is simply a bunch of questions on physics, Chem.. , Bio, English and Bible. Hardly changed. 44. Let the board create an opportunity for the students to express their assessment and evaluation on their studies or any other topics. We realized that the Chairman and others in the board sat with students during a couple of lunch sessions was very encouraging for them. 45. Reduce the workload of students in the hospital. 46. Arrange faculty welfare programmer regularly without affecting academic aerogramme to relieve them from stress and burn out. 7. Minimize the external faculty for the first year. If needed find out those who can properly communicate to the fresher. Avoid Hi if – trainers. Students are new to the system and atmosphere. Several of them are from Malaysia medium. When they do not understand the teachers hi if stuff, they get mentally dejected. They are scare to express it to anybody. And thus their morale an d confidence level goes down. Their first impression about the course is that it is a hazardous task. That impression lasts throughout. So we need to create a very good first impression to them. 8.Arrange personality development classes like: Effective Time management, How to study well, Goal, How to get out of Exam Phobia, How to prepare for and write exams etc†¦ 49. A forum for expression should be given. It is good if it is a confidential. This is for the first time we get an opportunity to express our thoughts in the last 10 years. So keep a locked box in the reception area so that students, their parents and even the faculty in the college can write and put their suggestions. Either President or Secretary of the College Board only should be able to open it. 50.A big number of he faculty are uncomfortable in the campus due to various reasons. Provide a comfortable and peaceful environment for the faculty to work. Avoid situations which create unwanted stress from superiors in the college. 51. Unnecessary interferences of higher authority (in the campus) even in minute things should be avoided. Faculty should be given certain amount of freedom with an aim of the betterment of the institution in mind. 52. Very often teachers are being called to Principals office during class time. This should be avoided. Otherwise we lose the concentration and the flow.Sometimes we come back with a different mental set up. So avoid such interferences. 53. Individuality of the teachers should be considered. They have their own status. Do not treat them as mere subordinator. 54. When teaching faculty are in some trouble, help them to solve it instead of making it more complicated. More than the money, the Staff should get a Job satisfaction and mental peace. Create such an atmosphere in the campus. 55. Faculty should not be scolded in front of others (Students, parents and other faculty). If the principal or the board wants to say something to the staff, it should be done personally and privately.Avoid ego clashes. 56. At times, I had felt that I am still in a Barbarian era, where there is no concern for one another. Treat others with some respect. TM Con had a family atmosphere in the beginning. That feeling should come back. Faculty, right from the principal to the Junior most should sit together and discuss. Authorities should be willing to accept a good suggestion even if it comes from the Junior most. Faculty should get a listening ear. 57. A good working atmosphere would motivate both the students and faculty. A stressful atmosphere will force you to look always for n opportunity to get out.You feel like working more hard when you own it. A come back to the good old days. 58. More such barnstorming sessions should be arranged with heterogeneous group of people such as two students from each nursing batch, one from M Sc batch, Administrator, Wardens etc and they can be give these points as a background and make them answer to the same old quest ion. 59. We must provide more recreational facilities to the students. 60. Children who come out of their homes need comfort from their parents. So arrange telephones so that they can call their parents and talk to them.
Japanese healthcare system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Japanese healthcare system - Essay Example The delivery of healthcare services in Japan is largely controlled by the government despite the fact that the private sector is involved in the provision of health services. Despite covering the citizens of Japan, the healthcare system also offers medical services to foreigners who might visit the country. The cover provided to the citizens of Japan also depends on employment and the income earned by each individual citizen (Haffner et al, 2009) In every healthcare system, there are expenses incurred in providing services such as treatment, as well as drugs. In Japan, healthcare is paid for by the government, as well as medical insurance cover. Healthcare costs incurred are also paid for by the insurance cover; the social security system of Japan is divided into several pillars, which include public health, social welfare, social insurance, as well as public assistance. Social insurance is mandatory for all citizens and insures them against medical expenses that might be incurred as a result of health conditions. The National Health Insurance Act in Japan has set up an insurance system that is universal to ensure that all citizens can manage to pay for the healthcare costs they incur (Johnson & Stoskopf, 2010). Employed citizens have an employee’s insurance system whereby they pay a premium on a monthly basis based on their income. There is also national health insurance that caters for self-employed individuals. Hea lth insurance in Japan also caters for the elderly persons aged above 75 years. The decision of what care is covered is left to the health insurance agencies, as well as the contribution of the insured persons. Those who contribute a huge amount receive expensive insurance cover compared to those whose contributions are low. In addition, the health policies that the Japanese government has set up also determine the care provided to the citizens. The private sector also determines the care covered by the healthcare system of
Friday, September 27, 2019
Critical analysis based on movie Jesus Camp Essay
Critical analysis based on movie Jesus Camp - Essay Example She brings a religious tract over to a suddenly befuddled blond, telling her "Hi, um, God's just telling me that you're on his mind and he just wants to take you and he just wants to love on you and he has special plans for your life." As the blond responds with a kind, yet confused "thank you," Rachael is congratulated by her mentor for listening to the voice of God and bravely sharing her love for Jesus with a lost soul. A weeping Tory, after a particularly emotional meeting, holds the microphone feebly as she cries with all the strength in her heart "I just pray for a change over our nation," illustrating the hidden political agenda with which she has been indoctrinated. At one point in the film, as the religious world crosses into the political realm, Levi states, "America is supposed to be God's nation." Pastor Becky claims that she "can go into a playground of kids that don't know anything about Christianity, lead them to the Lord in a matter of no time at all, and just moments later make them be seeing visions and hearing the voice of God." On all levels she appears to sincerely believe in her mission, though statements such as "They're so usable in Christianity" point to the frightening view of a larger "army of the Lord." She tells children that in the old days (under the Laws of God) "Harry Potter would've been put to death," a rousing call for exclusion, especially a few scenes later when several children tell another child that he resembles Harry Potter. In one scene she has the children "pray over" a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush, who is lionized in parts of the film. Michael Papantonio, who is the first person introduced...A weeping Tory, after a particularly emotional meeting, holds the microphone feebly as she cries with all the strength in her heart â€Å"I just pray for a change in our nation,†illustrating the hidden political agenda with which she has been indoctrinated. At one point in the film, as the religious world crosses into the political realm, Levi states, â€Å"America is supposed to be God’s nation.†Pastor Becky claims that she â€Å"can go into a playground of kids that don’t know anything about Christianity, lead them to the Lord in a matter of no time at all, and just moments later make them be seeing visions and hearing the voice of God.†On all levels, she appears to sincerely believe in her mission, through statements such as â€Å"They’re so usable in Christianity†point to the frightening view of a larger â€Å"army of the Lord.†She tells children that in the old days â€Å"Harry Potter would’ve been put to death,†a rousing call for exclusion, especially a few scenes later when several children tell another child that he resembles Harry Potter. In one scene she has the children â€Å"pray over†a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush, who is lionized in parts of the film. Michael Papantonio, who is the first person introduced in the film, presents a more moderate view of Christianity. Accusing the religious right of â€Å"dividing this country,†he presents an alternate view, one where the love espoused by Christianity is not tainted by the intolerance and agendas of the far-right as personified by Pastor Becky.
Worl wide needs classification or division Essay
Worl wide needs classification or division - Essay Example But nurturing and feeding them for some thirty odd years, the lesson has been learnt; countries can only help themselves and not be bothered by the immigrants. The same goes for India as she is making the border on her west as well as East side stronger. Along with Pakistan, it has thousands of kilometers of adjacent border and more than half of which has been protected with the barbed wire. And the progress on the rest is underway. Same is the case on her east border with Bangladesh, walls and wires are being put up to prevent illegal crossing over. In the past, a huge number of people have migrated, both legality and illegally, to India from Bangladesh but countries learn from their past mistakes. That’s why walls are being put up to keep away the human traffic. Some might argue that this attitude is detrimental towards the goal of a global community. All across the globe, people want more freedom, the freedom to trade and educate, and travel. But when countries develop policies that are meant to keep away possible ‘contact’ with the other country, then this is contradictory. As people want to see the world as a global village but sturdy walls, barbed wires and mines are only pushing people away from each other. On the surface, countries paint a friendly face towards each other make pacts and agreements of mutual cooperation but when it comes to exchange of people across the border, countries have opposite policies. For proper functioning of economy trade and law, division among people is necessary. For instance, a huge number of illegal migrants have crossed over from Mexico into the US in the past. When these people move to the US, they are illegal migrants and they can’t get any regular job easily. In fact they suffer more in the US as illegal migrants than stay in their homeland and earn even a small living. Moreover, such people also get involve in crimes because there are no regular jobs
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Documentary Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Documentary Summaries - Essay Example Lars Larson, a gay man, is the documentary’s first interviewee and speaks positively and in an undisguised manner about being a homosexual. The interview is followed by a CBS News poll that shows opinions from Americans that homosexuality harms America even more than prostitution or adultery. Another gay man is interviewed and he talks about coming out and being treated like a wounded animal, which differs from the opinion of the next interviewee, Warren Adkins, who claims his family treated him warmly. The documentary then talks about homosexuality’s legal aspects with North Carolina Judge James Craven, who notes that the US should decriminalize homosexuality like in England. Frank Kameny, the co-founder of the Washington D.C. Mattachine branch then makes an impassioned plea to allow security clearance for homosexuals. There is also a debate on homosexuality between Albert Goldman and Gore Vidal who argue for and against homosexuality respectively. The interviews end w ith a family man who claims he is gay and that the US was too narcissistic for two men to form a long-term relationship. The documentary ends with the filmmaker contending that the homosexual in America is anonymous, displaced, and an outsider. One of the most poignant moments in the documentary is the short interview involving the gay man, Warren Adkins, who contends that one’s sexual orientation is their innermost aspect and that, just as a heterosexual would not give their orientation up; a homosexual like himself would not either (Kraemer 1). He responds to a question on what causes him to be a homosexual by saying that he does not concern himself with it, putting his homosexuality in the same category as having blonde hair. He contends that he does not dwell on why he is gay, just as a person with blonde hair would not worry about the chromosomes or genes that caused them to have blonde hair. As a part of the broadcast documentary’s research, the TV station carrie d out a demographic survey, which found that at least 90% of people in the US considered homosexuality to be a sickness (Kraemer 1). Majority of them even favored legal punishment for acts of homosexuality carried out anywhere, including sex between two consenting adult males in private. One fascinating aspect of this segment is the manner in which it completely neglects to do a survey on lesbians as part of the society of homosexuals, while also portraying homosexual men as incapable of being monogamous long-term unions and as naturally promiscuous. Even as this point to the failures of civil rights and general trauma that these issues caused in the late 60s, it is interesting that the same debate rages on to date as the world argues on gay marriage and the right of gay men and lesbians to legalize their monogamous relationships in the long term. It leaves one wondering whether a documentary made on lesbians and gays today would sound as antiquated and foreign as this documentary f ifty six years from today (Kraemer 1). While this documentary was made and released at a time when the United States had transgender people, bisexuals, gay men, and lesbians had come out, these people were fewer than they are today, as well as courageous (Kraemer 1). This documentary is particularly important when looking at the people, in this case men, who have fought for the equality of homosexuals in society. Because these people were courageous enough to be on a documentary, including Albert Goldman and Lars Larsson, they made things happen and were important in the progress made towards equality. This documentary, especially its uninspiring and biased ending that claims homosexuals are
Dalai Lama Teachings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dalai Lama Teachings - Essay Example Dalai Lama indicates that religious followers do not practice Buddha teachings, prayers, and guidance. This is because the teachings of Lamas, Tulkus and teachers are outdated. He indicates that strict Buddhist recite Buddha’s teachings every morning and lives according to those teachings. Buddhist believes that negative experiences follow people who do wrong. Dalai Lama comments that Buddha does not save people but teaches them how to be free from all sufferings. People should contribute to their inner peace by doing right actions. Monastic quality and behavior acts as the foundation for Buddharama, which includes vows and discipline. Discipline was evident from Buddha who cut his hair and meditated for six years. Buddha’s trainings were Sila, Samadhi, and pannya. Nirodha is evident to eliminate people’s ignorance, obtain wisdom, and avoid sufferings. Through this, they will be free from all evils. The teachings are translated into three hundred Indian languages. To become good Buddha monks, people must be genuine, change their hearts and minds, work hard, and exchange goods so that they can learn from each other. Ordained nuns should follow vinaya texts. Monastic studies train nuns to be doctors and good scholars. Dalai Lama expresses his sadness to the Tibetans since they have been involved in demonstrations and protests. This emanated from people’s anger due to denial of worship and freedom of speech rights. Peaceful demonstrations are causing many deaths and sufferings among the Tibetans. Dalai Lama asserts that the tragic accidents cause people to be emotional. The demonstrations, however, indicate that Tibet people share same peace and harmony. This is shown by risking their property to be heard by the rulers. Tenzin indicates that rulers of the other parts of the world have sent peaceful support messages to Tibet people aiming at reaching a solution.
Happiness Ancient and Modern Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Happiness Ancient and Modern - Essay Example Aristotle, the greatest of all philosophers, stressed upon the need to lead a life of virtue, and Stephen Augustus White in his book Sovereign Virtue, says that Aristotle was adamant that ‘in any circumstances, the virtuous, find life more satisfying than other people do†and make better lives for themselves in spite of their â€Å"modest good fortune.†(Page xi) According to Aristotle’s theory on happiness, he says that in order for a human being to achieve a state of happiness, he has to achieve the happiness that is most suited for a human being. In his opinion, happiness is not just a state of mind but it is a sort of disposition that involves our activities and experiences throughout our lives. The ancient view of happiness was shaped by the usefulness of man for his fellow beings, and based itself on such abstract qualities as ‘wisdom, kindness and goodness†. Moreland and Issler find that the modern view of happiness is nothing more than instant gratification, and very often this depends upon the attitude of others towards us. Other modernists often equate happiness in the modern world to what we do and the road we take towards achieving predetermined goals. Davies’ take on happiness is right in the sense that happiness comes to us from the things we do, but the modernists don't agree with the fact that analyzing emotions can make us happy. Happiness accrues from the frequency with which we flood our lives with simple pleasurable moments, than from those which are intense, but few and far in between. Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Workers Compensation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Workers Compensation - Research Paper Example The history of worker’s compensation has been gradually transformed and improved in management policies of different countries. Currently, American employers provide their employees with insurances funded by them Medical and rehabilitation costs should be covered by employers as well. There is an evident improvement in the sphere of worker’s compensation in the world in comparison with the ancient times. Historical overview of worker’s compensation During the ancient times, it was suggested to compensate a worker’s bodily injury in case he got a trauma at work. The code of Hammurabi approved in 1750 B.C. describes different ways of compensation of bodily injury. Basically, the principle of equality and just was the main trigger of this Code (Lencsis, 1998). For example, if a man slave lost his bodily part of was injured he should receive monetary compensation. There was no exact definition of impairment or disability, but the roots of further development of worker’s compensation have been already seen. Further on, the worker’s compensation has been developed, amended and improved. A concept of a nobleness of a lord, who cares for his injured slave, has been widely propagated during the Medieval Ages. The roots of American worker’s compensation should be found in the Prussian system. The main principles was that injures at work were equal to life situations and an employer had to compensate bodily injures to his workers.
Comprehensive Annual Fnancial Report Briefing Essay
Comprehensive Annual Fnancial Report Briefing - Essay Example As a result, they have to invest more in marketing because that is the component that will help the companies to boost their profits. On the other hand, the governmental organizations usually deal more on assisting citizens of the country. That means that the efforts of the government are usually towards helping the citizens of the country as opposed to making profits. Therefore most of the services that are offered by the government are usually subsidized and that will help to ensure that the poor and needy people in the community get access to the most essential facilities. The main sources of government revenue include fines that are collected, licenses, and donations. That means that any government facility that is available doe not majorly deal on the issue of making profit but basically charges a small fee for the facilities to be able to sustain their most essential needs (Martin, 2000). The other differences include the following, the owners of the government facilities is th e public whereas for profit corporations are owned by shareholders. The decision is made by the shareholder of the company whereas the decision for governmental facilities is made by the people that have been elected by the public as their representatives. The government facilities do not aim at making profits while the for-profit corporations usually aim at making of profits. ... es Notes of financial statements The statements that are prepared by for profit organizations include; Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flows Statement of stockholder’s equity Notes of financial statements The source of revenues for the government include the following Donor contributions Fines Taxes Levies Investment income Grants Source of income for the for profit business include the following Sales of merchandise Fees for services Investment income Gains on investments MD and A This should introduce financial statements that are basic and give an overview that is analytical in regard to the activities of the government. The MD & A usually provides a financial manager with a good opportunity to present both long and short term analysis of the activities that regard the operations of the government. The process should; provide an n analysis that is objective and easily read in regard to governmental activities. It should also include analysis that shows year ly performance. The analysis should show the yearly source of income for the government, the usage of funds by the various governmental bodies, the way the funds were distributed and any amounts that were left as surplus. This process will ensure that there is accountability in the government and that the fund that is associated with the public is appropriated well so as to ensure that there is no instance of fund misappropriations. The MD&A usually focus primarily on the government. The comments that are found in the MD&A should be able to distinguish between information hat regards the different components of the government and the primary government working and the primary government. The e outline of the MD&A 1. Brief description of financial statements. The description should include
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The strategic life of Howard Hughes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The strategic life of Howard Hughes - Case Study Example vidual who was ready to risk his equity on creativity and innovations and had noticeable efforts and skills of creating and experimenting new ideas (Frehner & Waldron, 2004). The life of Howard Hughes signifies systematic methods put into use to achieve his personal plans and success. He is a well-known individual who could utilize the available specific resources to achieve short-term goals aiming at a defined mission. In addition, this individual used a unique tactic for accountability in any action taken either by himself or on his behalf. Howard had unsatisfied thirst for knowledge. He utilized hands-on tactic as a management style to inspire and motivate his team (Higham, 2011). The vast tendency to differentiate personal and business life despite common hardships was also another reason behind Howard’s success. He remained devoted and focused on short-term goal achievement with a tactful mission for a long-term goal. Howards personal strategies comprise of several activities utilized to give a competitive advantage in innovation and entrepreneurship. To strengthen his financial stability and competitiveness, Howard Hughes was good in overcoming his weakness and capitalizing on his strengths. In his life as an entrepreneur and a successful businessperson, Howard never compromised on his goals. It is worth noting that as an entrepreneur and individual should understand all the stages and goals needed for success. His life full of struggles proves that never distracted him from achieving personal dreams. Staying focused to the set goals is one of the vital strategies for business performers (Frehner & Waldron, 2004). The strategy of obtaining the best employees is one of Howard’s secrets behind his success. He employed people whom he could trust and have a great treasure in them. The secret behind being hands on is a strategy used by Howard. He was greatly admired by his workers as a perfect team leader who had step-by-step involvement in his projects.
Essay-developmental experiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
-developmental experiences - Essay Example Vygotsky focuses on development across the entire life span rather than development in stages and emphasizes the importance of the social environment within which a person grows as being a factor in development. He believed that the mental development of a human being is in a constantly evolving stage and culture is the primary factor that determines how an individual will develop.(Hahn, No Date). Therefore his theory ascribes a great deal of importance to the support systems that are established for a child to grow and develop; family and society are very important in contributing to the development of the individual. According to Vygotsky, â€Å"Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory and to the formulation of ideas. All the higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals.†(Vygotsky 1978:57) This highlights the importance that Vygotsky placed upon social interactions and relationships as a factor in both child and adult development. The kind of development that a child will have and the ability that will exist to function effectively as an adult. This is particularly applicable in my life because the person I have become is a reflection of many of the experiences I have had in early adulthood, which have shaped events as they stand now. I had a child at seventeen, was married and then divorced at eighteen. My relationship with my short term husband was a rocky one where there is a constant source of conflict that is generated between us almost all the time. My life remained traumatic after my divorce and was symbolized by constant changes and challenges. I moved into four different houses within the short space of two years, worked at a lot of jobs and had several different relationships during which I fell
Monday, September 23, 2019
Managing across borders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managing across borders - Essay Example Kelly and her family are clearly being affected by the cross-cultural differences between themselves and the Japanese people. The family of Kelly is having a difficulty to adapt to the new environment thus, finding it hard to live in Japan. In addition, Kelly and her family have very little information concerning the area and thus, they keep on doing things in the American style thus, they end up having a hard time to survive with the Japanese. Kelly experiences a hard time at work due to the fact that she is a female while the Japanese are used to being led by males. Thus, gender discrimination is also a major issue in Kelly’s case. Clashes in culture customs Kelly’s case presents to us a number of clashes between the American culture and the Japanese culture. This is because; the Japanese culture is very different from the American culture and the two are characterized by different ways of handling issues. Kelly has worked in London and Boston as a female and yet, the re was no one who thought it being funny or weird for a woman to be a boss. However, in Japan she has a hard time since; the Japanese employees expected that the boss would be a man as opposed to a woman. Thus, there exists a clash in cultures since, according to the Japanese culture, it is men that should lead the women while, according to the American culture, women can also lead the men. According to the cross-cultural management theory formulated by Fons Trompenaars, cross cultural differences at work between employees can be solved can by communication (Van Mol, 2005, 31). Kelly experiences difficulties at work due to lack of fluent communication between her and the Japanese people. Therefore, she has to seek advice from Peter, her assistant, each time she experiences difficulties. However, had there been fluent and perfect communication between Kelly and the Japanese employees, the former would be aware of what to do each time when working with them. In addition, the Japanese employees are also finding it difficult to adapt to the fact that their new boss is a female. Hence, they end up having trouble in doing their work. According to the cross-cultural management theory, cross-cultural differences can also be eliminated through accepting and respecting them. Kelly’s husband Joe is experiencing a hard time in Japan because he has not yet accepted the fact that Japan is different from America. For instance, he finds it hard to adapt to the Japanese meals and keeps on complaining to her wife. Joe’s expectations were that; they would have a new experience in Japan, full of new experiences. Contrary to his expectations, Japan has turned out to be a very expensive country to live in, with a lot of difficulty in finding a new job. The family also had expectations that the expensive apartment would be big and spacious to fit all their possessions. Contrary to their expectations, the house has turned out to be very small and tiny, with no back yard for the children to play (Sanger, Intercultural Press & Bull Worldwide Information Systems 1990). Kelly’s stage of culture shock The first stage of culture shock is usually Jet-Lag and Wonder (Tabak, 2007, 1). This stage is also referred to as the honeymoon phase, where an individual gets excited by the new experiences about food, culture and language (Munan, 2008, 33). Kelly’s family went through this stage at first when they arrived in Tokyo tired but very excited. At this time, all they could see was the beauty of Japan in spring and were just making plans to spend their weekend sightseeing and travelling around. The second stage of culture shock is frustration (Tabak, 2007, 1). This is a period during which a person gets to experience the hardship of living in a new country (Ellis, 2001, 34). The individual finds it difficult to understand the new language used and gets laughed at when he or she makes mistakes while communicating. The usual response at th is
Week 9 assignment paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 9 assignment paper - Essay Example The public image of the company is paramount in keeping its customers and retaining its value. People arrive at the decision to purchase goods and services based on personal values. If the company projects the image consistent with public values, then sales may be expected to go up, as well as revenues and profits. This leads to a more valuable company through increased ROI for investors. However, companies negatively perceived are shunned and sales suffer. One need only look at Nike and Gap when news broke out that they outsourced products from child labor and sweat shops in Asia (Thottam, 2005). St. Jude Medical, my organization, is perceived as a reliable provider of quality medical goods, with a solid reputation in corporate responsibility. An organization with a high employee retention rate keeps its trained and skilled workers for a long time. The organization gains the benefit of their long-term experience and expertise, and avoids the cost of having to train new employees frequently. A high turnover rate reduces profitability because of the time new hires go through their learning curves, and the disruptions in the production schedule because of vacancies. Besides, one must â€Å"employ the market†to best serve the market (RBC, 2012). At SJM, employee turnover rate is low, and retention high. Of course, positive news breaks about the company are always welcome, and in the case of negative news, SJM, a Fortune 500 company, has its crisis management team to pre-empt the worst effects. The key to the crisis management plan is prompt, transparent communication with the public. SJM does not rely on PR or window dressing. Instead, its 16,000 engaged employees worldwide become the company’s spokesmen and uphold its brand name, by their own testimony and endorsement. Finally, SJM counters bad news by its good quality products. Yes, D&I practices at SJM develop a sense of community. The organization
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Marketing Plan of Grace Kennedy Company Limited Term Paper
Marketing Plan of Grace Kennedy Company Limited - Term Paper Example This essay describes the Grace Kennedy Company Limited, that has been around for the past eighty-two years. The company with its staff of well over two four hundred persons sells tangible goods locally as well as internationally. The aspects of the company’s business consist of various areas. Operations, manufacturing, research, financing, personnel, marketing, business analysis and counseling, planning, presentations and project management are some of the ways by which the company fits into a number of its different aspects of business. A combination of all of these factors will help to ensure the financial success of Grace Kennedy Limited, which is its primary objective. While conducting business in a competitive market, it is to the company’s best interest that they know the competition. This knowledge will help them to better strategize their efforts. Businesses that are without competition tends to get sloppy as well as take advantage of consumers. To continue incr easing profits Grace Kennedy Company Limited should be willing to charge reasonable prices for its products. In order to develop new products for consumers, ongoing research done regularly. Because of ongoing research done in its product line, consumer needs are better able met and thus there will be an increase in sales. To create customer value, corporations should focus on the needs of individual customers as well as market segments and target industries, not product-or commodity-based priorities of the internal organization.
Mongol Movie Essay Example for Free
Mongol Movie Essay Genghis Khan who was a slave before going on to conquer half the world including Russia in 1206. Mongol begins as Tem?Jin (Genghis) is a young boy, searching for his future bride with his father, a khan. Throughout the film, the audience is shown all of the trials and tribulations that Tem?Jin had to go through in order to rise from slavery into the position of khan. As the film begins, the audience is shown the rough face of a prisoner being mocked in his cell in the Chinese kingdom Tangut. This prisoner is Tem?Jin. From this point onward, the movie is somewhat told in flashback by years. Leaving on an expedition as a young boy, Tem?Jin travels along with his father Yes?gei to select a girl as his future wife. Tem?Jin meets and chooses BÂ ¶rte although his father wishes him to choose a mate from the Merkit tribe. Tem?Jin convinces his father to allow him to choose BÂ ¶rte. He promises to return after five years to marry her. After leaving, Yes?gei is poisoned by a rival tribe and dies. Upon returning to their camp, Tem?Jin and his mother find one of his fathers warriors looting their possessions. The warrior tries to kill Tem?Jin, as he is a threat to his path to khan, but is reminded that it is against Mongol law to kill a child. He promises to return in the winter and kill the boy as a teen. Tem?Jin is shown throughout his teen years running from the warrior and his men in order to survive. Throughout the movie, Tem?Jin is seen praying to the Mongol god of the sky during hard times. One day he is found in the snow by a boy his age named Jamukha. They certify their friendship by becoming blood brothers. Tem?Jin is then captured by the warrior twice, and is able to escape both times, the second time finding BÂ ¶rte and returning to his mother with her. The warrior manages to find and pursue the reunited couple. While an injured Tem?Jin is able to escape by BÂ ¶rte surrendering herself to the khan and his men, she is captured and taken to their tribe. Tem?Jin locates his blood brother, who is now a khan, and asks him to help him find his wife and get her back. After a successful attle and recovering a pregnant BÂ ¶rte, the couple and a few warriors head out, including 2 of Jamukhas. He warns Tem?Jin that this action will cost him. This is proven when Jamukhas birth brother is killed by one of Tem?Jin soldiers. Jamukha and Tem?Jin go to war. Outnumbered, Tem?Jins army is quickly defeated. Jamukha declares victory and decides to make Tem?Jin a slave rather than execute him. Tem?Jin is sold into slavery in the Tangut kingdom and is put on display as The Mongol who threatened to take down the Tangut kingdom which can be considered ajor foreshadowing. Tem?Jin promises to a monk to spare mercy upon a monastery in the kingdom after he takes over as khan, as long as the monk finds Tem?Jins wife and son. While the monk dies on the Journey
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Summer Love by Carlisle Naudyn Caroro Essay Example for Free
Summer Love by Carlisle Naudyn Caroro Essay Ice cream on a hot day. Going to the beach. Sleepless nights. Good hair days. Taking a leisure walk along the boulevard. ILC 2013 in Metro Manila. A Hong Kong Disneyland spree. Frolicking under the sun and simply living in that momentâ€â€just a few of the things I planned for my summer bucket list. My thoughts were more tangled than the students around me as we gather for our Commencement Exercises. My left eye got badly infected and turned crimson red, the main reason I never had the chance to present with my class. I climbed up the stage, got my award as the standing 1st Honor and got teary-eyed (not because I was in a sentimental condition but because I can barely open my left eye). Having my eye infected made me dislike the start-off of my summer. Well, I won’t say I am lucky. But indeed, I was blessed that the infection nursed back to normal the next day. Now, I can clearly see God’s beautifully engineered creations. And finally! This is SUMMER. We had school finished early. My family spent the Holy Week at home. We had our Lenten Diet and we never planned to go out somewhere until the week’s done. I’ve got nine weeks to enjoy summer and without a doubt, I’ve got all the time. I looked back on my summer bucket list, read it all throughout. Undeniably, my summer didn’t turned out to be the way I wanted it to be. The first of April, I got myself enrolled in a summer voice class in Silliman University College of Performing Visual Artsâ€â€which is actually, not a part of my summer bucket list. Classes will be starting on the 10th but my schedule would be starting on the 16th. It’s still a little bit early. I was uncertain to do so since my sister isn’t with me anymore. I started attending summer classes in SU since I was 9 years old. With my sister whose in college right now. I was sort of afraid going there alone. That is why I got doubts in doing so but since music is what my heart screams for, I went for it. My parents both worked in a state college and they will be having a seminar in Bacolod on the 10th. Two by two thoughts conquered my mind if one way or another, I should go or not. Well, Bacolod is still a strange and unfamiliar place for me since I haven’t been there plus it’s in Region VI. Yet my determination to travel pushed me to explore more on some unknown shores and that while I’m still young and my knees are still strong, I have to GO. So that’s it, we traveled to Bacolod with the company of my parents’ officemates. 9th of April, we headed to Dumaguete City and traveled by land (Well, because air flights cause too much expense) My patience lengthened ‘cause I have to sit on a bus for freaking 7 hours which I’m not really used to. We stopped by several bus terminals and a huge one with a food chain to take lunch. Then, went on. A feeling of astonishment showed in my face ‘because a huge mall was standing just in front of the hotel, Gaisano Bacolod Mall. I got myself indulged in a movie house, watched Star Cinema’s two of the recent successful moviesâ€â€It Takes A Man A Woman and Must Be Love, both actually deserved a standing ovation. I as well got the chance of going to SM Bacolod. It was there my Mama bought me a new-fangled LG phone and beyond doubt, I was happy. Witnessing the dancing lights, the busy crowd in the amazing Panaad Festival was one of a kind. I got myself camera-captured in many of the native booths. I got myself pretty awed too, in Mambukal Resort. The beauty of the falls, the warm sound of the flowing river and the diverse kinds of butterflies in their sanctuary truly caught my eyes. Bacolod, the city of smiles (which is true), gave me a wondrous experience and I really wanted to live there but there are too many alien coasts I have to explore. I bid Adieu to Bacolod and continued my journey. The 16th of April came and my first class started. I went there alone, by the way and I was kind of proud of myself. I still have 2 upcoming classes on the 23rd and on the 30th which means I still have to be more independent. Eating alone at Mc Donald’s, walking to school alone and riding a fast craft to and fro all alone proved it. Within the leisure days, I stayed at home and there were days I met with a couple of friends from my YFC community. I was undoubtedly fortunate that Palarong Pambansa 2013 was held in Dumaguete and the date falls exactly on the week I’m having my second classes. So, I had the chance of witnessing Philippines’ best athletes play around courts and fields. Lucky, indeed. Then came May. The house was a bit of busy since fiesta’s fast approaching. I was actually overwhelmed when the day of the fiesta arrived, just the mere fact of families and friends coming over our house, the food and the moments. A day after the fiesta celebration, I went back to Dumaguete to have my progress recital. My Nanay accompanied me since my mother’s busy taking good care of my father, which is actually in bed for how many days. A feeling of anxiety conquered my whole body that day because I will be rendering a version of Les Miserables ‘On My Own’. I ran into students just like me. They had their stories and I can see it by the way they look and among the many of them, I was caught by a good-looking lad who had a freaking amazing voice. Sincerely I was a little bit boosted and inspired that somehow somewhere there are still good-looking guys who are passionate in music. *wink* I would say I did a great job singing that moment cause I got a feeling of 100% satisfaction. I really had quite a successful day. The next day, my father got confined in Perpetual Succour Hospital for a week in Cebu. I had to be there to accompany my mother. I traveled all aloneâ€â€another proof of my independence. I was a little bit troubled that my mother won’t allow me to perform in our last summer recital since my family had expenses the past days. It has been my lifelong dream to perform in front a huge crowd and just give happiness and inspiration to young people like me. Yet after we went home, the heavens granted my prayers and my mother gave me the consent. It was May 14 when Papa got confined again in Holy Child Hospital in Dumaguete due to his dialysis sessions. Actually, every time I look at my father’s face, I feel down and I just want to cry but I have to be strong. So, my family stayed in Dumaguete for a week after the elections. While they were busy taking care of my father, I was as well busy going to Silliman COPVA to have rehearsals for our final performance. I wasn’t aware of the costume we had to use for the act and I didn’t bring any back home. My mom was in a full support condition and gave me all the things I needed. We had a 2-day show. We performed a Glee-song medley. The first one was a success. I got teary-eyed singing â€Å"Keep Holding On†since my family was absent on the performance. But the show must go on and by the way, I knew the name of the â€Å"good-looking lad with the freaking amazing voice†and I got the courage to talk to him. 5 points! We became friends and yes, I was happy. The last day, my mother was there and my fighting spirit got braver and I performed like it was the last performance of my life. Moreover, I fished some friends. I spent the following days on my cousin’s home and my grandpa’s since they’re having a fiesta celebration. I’ve had memorable experiences with my family which I haven’t experience a year ago due to some busy days. On the 28th and 29th, the Almighty conquered our province when we had our CFC-YFC ProvCon themed â€Å"iFollow†. The experience was beyond priceless that whenever I raised my hand to sing and worship, I feel saved and redeemed and that’s how powerful God’s grace is. I’m not luck indeed but I’m blessed and highly-favored that the last few days of my summer was spent to exalt the Almighty’s name. So that’s it. I didn’t have chances to go to beaches but I had the chance to be in the city of smiles.
Optimal Economic Uncertainty Index Test
Optimal Economic Uncertainty Index Test CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY AND EMPERICAL RESULT OFÂ OPTIMAL ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY INDEX 4.0 Introduction This chapter discussed about the methodology, data analysis and the results obtained from different tests for Optimal Economic Uncertainty Index. The generalized method of moments (GMM) parameter is using to estimate the benchmark parameters for the small structural model following by the grid search method. Lastly this chapter will closing by a conclusion. 4.1 Model Specification of OEUI The optimal economic uncertainty index is using the small structural model which is described by Svensson (2000 as the basic idea of contemporaneous model of the economic uncertainty. The equations of small structural model is written in logarithmic form which are represent the inputs for the small structural model except the real interest rate gap, the inflation gap and the economic uncertainty index. All of the variables in this model are presenting in gap form by using potential value or equilibrium value as a benchmark to calculated the deviations of the actual value from the potential values. is the real output gap, is the inflation gap, is the real exchange rate gap, is the real interest rate gap. The equations can be written as below: (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Equation 2 is an IS curve which is explain the relationship of aggregates output, real interest rate and real exchange rate and the Equation 3 is presenting an open economy Phillips curve which is explain the relation of unemployment and inflation to derive the aggregate supply curve. Following equation 4 is a reduced form of the exchange rate which is determines the real exchange rate gap and captures the concept that a higher real interest rate gap. And Equation 5 is a monetary policy reaction function. Equation 6 is a contemporaneous economic uncertainty function. This function assumes describes the relation of economic uncertainty with the shocks of macro variables and policy variables which is output gap, inflation gap, exchange rate gap and interest rate gap. The positive signs on and indicate that the output gap mitigation and the inflation reduction could reduce economic uncertainty. However the negative signs on and indicate that the central bank increasing the exchange rate and the interest rate to reduce economic uncertainty. The origin of the theoretic model of the optimal economic uncertainty index assumes that the central bank minimize the discounted expected loss subject to the small structural model by using a set of inflation, output gap and interest rate values. Below is the model of central bank’s period loss function which is assumed to be quadratic for the inflation gap, the output gap and the interest rate gap. (7) , and stand for the weights attached to the stabilization of the real output gap, the inflation gap and the real interest rate gap. In addition, as the discount factor ÃŽ ² of the loss function of structural Eq.1 approaches unity, it can be shown that the loss becomes proportional to the expected unconditional value of the period loss function as below where is and represent the unconditional variance of the real output gap and the inflation gap, respectively. (8) The variance in the monetary policy instrument is often put in the loss function of the central bank. The unconditional variance of the real interest rate gap ( ) is mainly to prevent an unrealistic situation of high interest rate volatility. , and are the weights attributed to the stabilization of the real output gap, the inflation gap and the real interest rate gap, respectively. 4.2 Data Description This study are using the quarterly from quarter one 1994 to quarter four 2012 taken from a variety of sources which is discusses in chapter 3. The gap form data series is generated by: The real output gap (): the difference between the logged time series of the current real output and the potential real outputs, which is then multiplied by 100. The real interest rate gap (): the difference between the current real interest rate and the potential real interest rates The real exchange rate gap ( ): the differences between the logged time series of the current REER and the potential REER The inflation gap (): the difference between the current inflation rate and the potential inflation rates. The potential real output, desired inflation, real interest rate at the potential output and real exchange rate at potential output is generated by using The Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter with a smoothing parameter (ÃŽ ») 1600. 4.3 Empirical Result The grid search method calibrates the small structural model using the generalized method of moments (GMM) parameter estimation for the benchmark parameters. The GMM method has been commonly applied to estimate small-scale macroeconomic models (Clarida et al. 1988; Gali and Gertler1999; Smets 2003). The parameters estimated from the small structural model using the GMM method are reported in Table 1. Table 1 GMM estimation of the standard macroeconomic reaction function Dependent variable Independent variable(s) Parameter China Indonesia Selected Asian countries 0.908***(0.037) 0.504***(0.056) -0.219***(0.041) -0.640***(0.074) -0.084***(0.016) -0.106***(0.029) 0.074*(0.041) 0.313***(0.031) 0.403***(0.101) 0.285***(0.078) -0.047**(0.023) -0.098***(0.018) 1.223***(0.309) 1.370***(0.500) 0.575***(0.109) 0.144*(0.085) 0.373*(0.214) 1.188***(0.101) -0.141**(0.071) -0.081***(0.030) Table 2 continued Dependent variable Independent variable(s) Parameter Thailand Selected Asian countries 0.760***(0.047) -1.185***(0.231) -0.197***(0.069) 0.077***(0.015) 0.335***(0.113) -0.023***(0.007) 1.344***(0.410) 0.107***(0.037) 0.656***(0.103) -0.112**(0.050) Source Author’s calculations using EViews software Standard errors are in parentheses. *, **, and *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5%and 1%levels, respectively. The list of instrumental variables for the estimates above includes lagged values of the real output gap, the inflation gap, the real interest rate gap and the real exchange rate gap. Following Table 3 shows the estimated optimal coefficients of economic uncertainty in the benchmark setting. These coefficients are globally optimal because they depend on all of the state variables. Specifically, optimized economic uncertainties are optimal only in the sense that they represent solutions to the specified constrained optimization problem. Table 3 Optimal coefficients, unconditional variances of goal variables, losses (result depend on , and ) and optimized economic uncertainty index for selected Asian countries Preference Selected Asian countries , , China Indonesia Thailand 2.95 2.95 2.50 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.40 1.45 1.45 1.90 2.95 2.95 1.584 1.141 1.220 1.190 1.116 1.109 2.460 1.800 1.726 3.389 2.708 2.760 : selected Asian countries China Indonesia Thailand Source Author’s calculations using RATS econometrics software ais . b is the contemporaneous optimal economic uncertainty index; The estimated optimal coefficients of the optimal economic uncertainty index enable to derive the optimal economic uncertainty index over the sample period. This specification includes all related endogenous variables at the optimal level, specifically the real output gap, inflation gap, real exchange rate gap and real interest rate gap. These variables are then weighted using the estimated optimal coefficients and aggregated to find the optimal economic uncertainty index. To find out the validity of the derived indexes as measures of economic uncertainty, four significant economic upheavals that garnered global notoriety are selected as benchmarks for discussion: the Asian financial crisis (July, 1997), the dot-com bubble (March, 2000), the subprime crisis (Quarter 4, 2007) and the global financial crisis (September, 2008). The computed time series of the optimal economic uncertainty index for all of the selected countries are stationary. Figure 4.1 Optimal economic uncertainty index for China The notations (a, b, c and d) represent four economic upheavals that garnered global notoriety which is a stated for the Asian financial crisis (July, 1997), b stated for the dot-com bubble (March, 2000), c stated for the subprime crisis (Quarter 4, 2007), and d stated for the global financial crisis (September, 2008). The global recession periods (the shaded areas) described by the IMF are 1998, 2001–2003 and 2008–2009. (Source Author’s calculations) Optimal economic uncertainty index (OEUI) in China has been through different phases of development during the year 1994 to 2012. A higher positive value of OEUI was shown on the Asian crisis and the dot-com bubble. Afterward, a higher MCI higher positive value of OEUI also shown between the subprime crisis and the global financial crisis on year 2008. Figure 4.2 Optimal economic uncertainty index for Indonesia The notations (a, b, c and d) represent four economic upheavals that garnered global notoriety which is a stated for the Asian financial crisis (July, 1997), b stated for the dot-com bubble (March, 2000), c stated for the subprime crisis (Quarter 4, 2007), and d stated for the global financial crisis (September, 2008). The global recession periods (the shaded areas) described by the IMF are 1998, 2001–2003 and 2008–2009. (Source Author’s calculations) Figure 4.2 shows the optimal economic uncertainty index (OEUI) for Indonesia. According to figure 4.2, Optimal economic uncertainty index (OEUI) in Indonesia has been through different phases of development during the year 1994 to 2012. It was a sharply drop of MCI during the Asian crisis. Thereafter, a higher OEUI was shown on the dot-com bubble during the year 2000. Anyway, OEUI of Indonesia merely stable during the subprime crisis and the global financial crisis. Figure 4.3 Optimal economic uncertainty index for Thailand The notations (a, b, c and d) represent four economic upheavals that garnered global notoriety which is a stated for the Asian financial crisis (July, 1997), b stated for the dot-com bubble (March, 2000), c stated for the subprime crisis (Quarter 4, 2007), and d stated for the global financial crisis (September, 2008). The global recession periods (the shaded areas) described by the IMF are 1998, 2001–2003 and 2008–2009. (Source Author’s calculations) Figure 4.3 shows the optimal economic uncertainty index (OEUI) for Thailand. According to figure 4.3, Optimal economic uncertainty index (OEUI) in Thailand has been through different phases of development during the year 1994 to 2012. It was a rose of OEUI during the Asian crisis. Thereafter, a negatif value of OEUI was shown on the dot-com bubble during the year 2000, the subprime crisis and the global financial crisis.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Perspectives Of Moral Development
Perspectives Of Moral Development Morality has different principal meanings. In its first, descriptive usage, morality means a code of conduct or belief which is held to be authoritative in matters of right and wrong. Morals are created and defined by society, philosophy, religion, and/or individual conscience. Morality is also synonymous with ethics. Ethics is the philosophical study of the moral domain. Ethics seeks to address questions such as how a moral outcome can be achieved in a specific situation, how moral values should be determined, and what morals people actually abide by. This paper and presentation will discuss morality as it relates to the learning and cognitive perspectives in psychology, with the primary goal of discovering which perspective is stronger and why. There are many different theories of moral development, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. Perspectives, such as the competing learning and cognitive perspectives in this paper, try to explain why morality exists amongst humans. In this paper, we will discuss several important learning and cognitive theories of moral development and their associated critiques. More specifically, from the learning perspective, we will discuss Banduras social learning theory of moral development, Kohlbergs stages of moral development and Gillians expanded research on Kohlbergs stages of moral development. In particular, the cognitive perspective also shows to be particularly convincing in presenting morality in its light. The cognitive perspective brings many things to the table, such as, how evolutionary adaptive selfishness and never feeling anonymous can create ethical behavior and morality. The cognitive perspective ventures to say morality is only understood when seen in collections of people seeking their own self interest. Included in this paper is a study that supports this selfish tendency of humans. Morality can also been seen as an interplay of emotions and cognition. Lastly, through the cognitive perspective, cause and effect and brain structures are used to help explain morality. Learning Perspectives Social Learning Perspective Social learning is the acquisition of new behavior from watching others demonstration actions (children see, children do) (Bandura, 1969). It is important to note that just because you learn an observable behavior from someone else does not mean that you fully imitate that behavior. When discussing morality, people may pick up only certain pieces from observing others moral action, emulating to achieve the same goal, not imitating the exact motor functions. This is prevalent when discussing how we develop our morality. Most moral development theories state that acquisition of morality often occurs during childhood, as explained later on. One of the most important theories of moral development is Banduras social learning theory of moral development. According to social learning, a childs acquisition of adult moral standards is a gradual process of imitating the observable values and behavior of others. In this theory, moral development is learned through modeling (Bandura, 1969). Bandura believed that direct reinforcement does not account for all learning and intrinsic reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as pride, satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment (Wagoner). Modeling teaches new behaviors, influences the frequency of previously learned behaviors, encourages previously forbidden behaviors, and increases the frequency of similar behaviors (Bandura, 1969). In order for modeling to work accurately, a person must be paying attention to the observable behavior, retain knowledge of the behavior, be able to replicate it, and have motivation of intrinsic-positive reinforcement. Modeling can be seen in the variety of ways people acquire their personal moral behavior. Primary attainment of morality is derived from immediate family. As a child your parents teach you their perspective of right and wrong through both contingencies and observational learning. For example the parents donate their clothes to the Salvation Army as an act of good will; by the child observing this behavior, he learns to be charitable and donate his clothes as well. Religion also heavily influences moral development by teaching a child to believe and ask for help from a higher power or creator. If a child were to go to church every Sunday growing up they would learn to have similar morals as the congregation such as helping others, living for the higher power, and differentiating between good and evil. Another important influence on childrens moral development is their education. In school, if a child sees another child get in trouble for cheating, that child will view the punishment a nd choose not to pick up the unmoral behavior of the other student. Other moral inspirations can include, but are not limited to media, peers, mentors, and positive role models. Overall, this model is the most frequently used when discussing moral development, but no theory comes without critiques. Our evaluation of this theory leads us to believe that this theory does not take into account that everyone has different ideas of morality. Therefore, what may be seen as just in ones life may not be for another. Another issue is whether morality develops out of intention or behavior. For example, if a person knows that his married friends husband is cheating of her, and tells her with the good intention of helping their marriage and it actually causes a murder, even though the friends intention was moral, the end result is not. This theory does not account for such ambiguities. Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development Another important theory is Kohlbergs stages of Moral development. He based his theory on research and interviews that he conducted with children at younger ages. Kohlbergs theory consisted of six stages, and he was not so interested in the yes or no answers he received, but more on the logic behind the response (Jorgenson, 2006). The six stages included obedience and punishment orientation, individualism and exchange, good interpersonal relationships, maintaining the social order, social contract and individual rights, and universal principles (Jorgenson, 2006). Along with these six stages were three levels: pre-conventional morality, conventional morality, and post-conventional morality. Through the stages and levels the children begin to see that there is not just one authority, and there are different sides to all situations (Jorgenson, 2006). They also emphasize on being a good person, obeying laws, and concentrate on values that will make for a good society. Pre-conventional le vel holds stages one and two, and is when the child focuses on external consequences of a certain action (Jorgenson, 2006). At the conventional level the person is concerned with right or wrong and obeys laws rules and societys norms without consequences, and contains stages three and four (Jorgenson, 2006). Last the post-conventional level which composes stages five and six allows the person to realize to live by their own principles and definition of right and wrong (Jorgenson, 2006). Is it right or wrong to take something that is desperately needed if you have been turned down to receiving it? In one of Kohlbergs examples a women has a deadly disease and needs some rare medicine that the town druggist makes and sells for way too much. The husband of the women gathers some money, but not enough and asks the druggist for to give him the drug for what money he does have. The druggist of course says no, and later that night the husband breaks into the store and takes the medicine, so his wife does not have to suffer (Jorgenson, 2006). There are many different answers to this question, but your morals would be justified with your response. As any other theory Kohlbergs had critiques as well. The major dilemma with this particular theory is that some psychologists found it sexist. The six stages were more directed towards men than women (Jorgenson, 2006). Another problem with Kohlbergs theory is that is limited to morals and excludes moral values such as caring, and that there is an overlap between some of the stages. Critics also state that Kohlberg overemphasizes justice when making a moral decision. One last critique that seems to be an issue is the difference in knowing what we need to do and actually doing it. Gilligans Perspective of Moral Development Expanding on Kohlbergs theory, Carol Gilligan complained against male-centered psychology including Kohlbergs theory of moral development. Gilligan proposed stages of moral development for women. Her theory is very similar to Kohlbergs stages in that there is a preconvention, conventional, and post conventional stage, but what she discovered through her years of work with women is that when women make monumental moral decisions they are more concerned with caring than the rules of the game (Jorgenson, 2006). For Gilligan, the transitions between the stages are fueled by changes in the sense of self rather than in changes in cognitive capability (Jorgenson, 2006). With that in mind, Gilligan explained that the goal of the first stage is individual survival, transitioning from selfishness to responsibility for others. The second stages goal is to learn that self-sacrifice is goodness and a person transition is from goodness into truth that you are a person. Followed by the third, post conventional stage, where the goal is learning the principle of non-violence. (Jorgenson, 2006) Cognitive Perspectives Adaptation From the cognitive perspective, one way of explaining morality is by using evolution. From this viewpoint it is argued that more altruistic behavior was (in our ancestry) more beneficial than selfish behavior, which increased fitness for the non-selfish competing homo-sapiens. This would indeed allow more success than selfish behavior (Gintis, Henrich, Bowles, Boyd, Fehr, 2008). When it comes to surviving, it is of course easier to work as a group. This goes along well with the discussion that took place in Intro to Cognition class about whether or not there is truly a genuine altruistic act. In this particular case, the homo-sapiens that are less selfish are more altruistic, however, they are acting in their best interest. So it really depends on how one defines altruism. If altruism is defined by a person receiving zero benefit from a selfless act, then defending true altruism is quite difficult. It could be argued that a seemingly selfless act always provides a reward to an organ ism, whether it is internal or external. If the reward is not material, then it could be in the form of, for lack of better terms, a warm cozy feeling. Anonymity Discounting morality as an adaptation, Price explains being charitable to strangers as a carry over from our Pleistocene ancestors. In the past we encountered few strangers and our Pleistocene brains confused strangers with acquaintances and even kin. Furthermore, Price believes we act ethically under anonymous conditions, because anonymity was rare in our hunter-gatherer times. With anonymity being so rare, our stone-age brains never really act as if we are not being closely watched and socially evaluated (as cited in Gintis, Henrich, Bowles, Boyd, Fehr, 2008). It seems that we always think we are on stage even though we are not. Group survival One may argue that genuine altruism exists, but consider that an altruistic act, which may be costly to an individual may benefit the survival of a group (Gintis, Henrich, Bowles, Boyd, Fehr, 2008). Benefiting the group also benefits the individual that acted altruistically. So is this true altruism? Could our morality be based off of cognitive processes that are just a long run of our own self interest (Dawkins, 1989)? This further highlights the evolutionary advantages of morality. Taking the perspective that humans are purely survival machines, it is clear that ones self-interest is best preserved when being a team player. As R.D. Alexander put it in The Biology of Moral Systems, ethics, morality, human conduct, and the human psyche are to be understood only if societies are seen as collections of individuals seeking their own self-interest (as cited in, Gintis, Henrich, Bowles, Boyd, Fehr, 2008). Saving yourself vs. others To further show the evolutionary ingrained self-interest to act morally, a study by Moore, Clark, and Kane (2008), accurately predicted that killing to save oneself and other people would be more acceptable than killing to save only other people. When the situation called for inflicting harm to save only others, the harm was considered especially inappropriate. However, when the situation called for saving themselves and others, the harm was particularly appropriate. Factors such as personal or impersonal nature of inflicted harm, the benefit to the agent, the inevitability of victims deaths, and individual differences in Working-Memory-Capacity were all factors taken into account with this study. Emotion and Cognition Both emotion and cognition are at play with moral judgment, but it is still unclear as to how they interact. One view suggests that even though emotion and cognition operate together, they are dependent on largely separable neural systems. This is best seen when looking at difficult moral decisions associated with response conflict, leading to a competition between the limbic (emotional) and cognitive brain regions. In this scenario, automatic emotional responses must be suppressed by rational (cognitive) top-down processes so that better decisions can be made (Moll, de Oliveira-Souza, Zahn, 2008). Cause and Effect A way to look at the cognitive perspective of morality is based off of influence and consequence. People tend to make decisions based on the nature of the effect their actions will have on them. Moral judgment is said to be a cognitive process which is developed naturally. Cognitive scientists believe that the mind functions by means of heuristics-fast and frugal procedures for forming beliefs, reaching decisions, and performing actions (W. Armstrong, 14). Piaget states that morality is acquired through construction-actively thinking about multiple aspects of situations in which social conflicts arise and deriving new moral understandings. According to Lawrence Kohlberg, a strong follower of Piaget, the center of moral choice and feelings are based on the outcome of personal well being (Garcia, Solis p. 349). Kohlberg lays out six stages of moral development. In his book, Theories of Development, W.C. Crain summarizes Kohlbergs stages well. Collectively, in the six stages, a child co nceives right and wrong according to his authorities, then notices differentiating sides to issues and decides to pursue his own interest. As the child develops, he begins to absorb the societys values and expectations, and finally decides to adhere to the morals he thinks are accurate. This coincides with the beliefs that morality is both a learned and mental process. Brain Structures Morality is also said to be connected with brain structures and chemical reactions within the brain. These findings are mainly the result of the analysis and study of patients with changes in their social and moral behavior as a consequence of acquired brain injuries, as well as the study of normal and pathologic behaviors with structural and functional neuroimaging (Garcia, Solis p. 352). Lets go to the case of Phineas Gage. Gage was a railroad worker who had an accident on the job resulting in a rod piercing his brain and destroying his frontal lobes. Prior to his accident, Gage was well balanced, intelligent, and respectful. Afterwards, his friends described him as fitful, irreverent, and grossly profane, showing little deference for his fellows (Macmillan). The frontal lobe is believed to be the motor house for morality and cognition. According to researchers, any dysfunction in the frontal lobes of the brain shows a disassociation between social cognition and moral knowledge. Th e person no longer understands what morals are and how they affect his behavior. Research done by scientists at Harvard, Caltech, and the University of California concluded that there is a direct link between the neuro-anatomy of emotion and moral judgment. According to F. A. Von Hayek, humans do not directly perceive and respond. Instead, human perceptions, thoughts and actions are the result of internal transformations and computations that follow from processes repeatedly carried out by our minds (E. Gick). This belief associates with the dual process theory of moral judgment. Hayek supposes that we as individuals live in two worlds, a substantial one and phenomenal one. In our bodies, our minds are always processing new information. Our neurotransmitters, when excited by a stimuli, will send messages to our brain, which will in turn elicit a certain response. At times, a person can react one way when enticed by a stimulus, and a completely different way when enticed by that same stimuli in a different environment. Conclusion Both the learning and cognitive perspectives bring great arguments to the table; however, our group believes that the cognitive perspective wins out with more supporting scientific evidence. There is an obvious interplay between both perspectives. You must have a predisposing for moral development but you also must have an aspect of social learning involved. We have reasoned that people act morally by socially learning from their family, peers and other environmental factors, nevertheless, morality is ingrained in our brain. There are no morals without a place to put them. With that in mind, organisms have evolved into moral beings because it is beneficial to the person; making altruistic acts nonexistent. Another reason we believe the cognitive perspective to be stronger is because of the anatomy of the brain. Damage to the frontal lobes will change cognition, specifically moral cognition. Also, in general moral development is a cognitive process, led by the idea of heuristics. The social learning theory may explain morality in one aspect, but the organism still has to choose what they think (cognition) is moral behavior. Therefore, choosing the learning perspective as the strongest argument would be understandable and debatable, but without the cognitive backbone, morality would not exist.
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