Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Confidential medical information and parties who should have access to Research Paper
Confidential medical information and parties who should have access to medical records - Research Paper Example Electronic health record systems, though identified with advantages of improved efficiencies in care provisions, and recommended by legal provisions, establishes diversified challenges to confidentiality. Specialization among care personnel and the need to transfer patients from one personnel or care department to another is one of the causes of confidentiality challenges because data may be compromised along the chain with difficulty in managing such proliferation (Mermelstein and Wallack 97- 103). An assessment of implementation of electronic health records in health care facilities supports the position that despite the system’s benefits that both care personnel and patients appreciate, cases of information sharing is popular among care personnel. While data systems allowed for physician’s freedom to maintain privacy of patients’ information as their personal notes, most physicians preferred incorporating their patients’ information in medical records ( Beverly et al. 22-25). The issue of confidentiality in health care further goes beyond legal scope because of the profession’s nature and traditions. ... breach is therefore imminent under the current regulatory measures and the threat has possible consequences such as patients’ forfeiture of sensitive health care services for fear of breach of confidentiality (Slive and Cramer 348). Problem statement Significant knowledge exists on the role of health care information systems such as medical records and their consequences on patients’ information. Existing studies further identifies popularity of the emerging information systems despite their weaknesses as tools towards confidentiality breach and ineffectiveness of regulatory measures in ensuring confidentiality. Limited studies have however been conducted on strategies for ensuring confidentiality of medical data. The literature review therefore identifies the need to develop a model for ensuring confidentiality of patients’ information, at care personnel level. Aims The study’s core objective is to develop a psychological model for ensuring confidentialit y of patients’ health information. The following aims explore the objective. 1. To determine patient medical information that should be considered confidential 2. T determine the right people to access the confidential medical information Research questions The proposed study will investigate the following research questions 1. What medical information should be held confidential and why? 2. Who should have access to patients’ confidential information? 3. What are some of ethical issues concerning confidentiality of medical information? Methodology Research method and research design The study proposes quantitative research method with a non-experimental design. Survey techniques will be used in data collection. Sampling Stratified random sampling approach will be used to select research participants.
The War against Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The War against Terrorism - Essay Example United States has primarily used its military in the fight against terrorism. Military is the final frontier of fight for every nation when every other alternative has been used and exhausted. The use of military in the fight against a faceless enemy was not justified. The fight against terrorism requires much more than brute force which the military is capable of delivering the war on terror should have been fought by USA with the help of intelligence agencies and backchannel diplomacy and not by parading the US military strength in nation after nation. This paper will analyze the above thesis statement and try to prove its validity. THE NATURE OF WAR The first important thing to note about this was on terror is that this war is unlike any other which has been fought in the human history. It is not a war against a nation or a political regime; it is certainly not a war against a particular religion. The enemy in this war is terrorism – premeditated violence against innocent citizens who do not have the ability to fight back when they are attacked. People engaging in terrorism want to effect change through violence and fear; they want to subvert the rule of law and the idea of freedom. As there is no one enemy in this war; the war cannot be won by United States only on the basis of military might. The war is to be fought using every instrument of national power – diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military.... As there is no one enemy in this war; the war cannot be won by United States only on the basis of military might. The war is to be fought using every instrument of national power – diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military. This war is against a faceless enemy (Mukasey). The biggest danger in this war is that using too much military might may create much more enemies then it will destroy; so it is a war in which diplomacy has and will play a very important role ; military alone cannot win the war. STRUCTURE OF TERRORITS ORGANISATIONS AND ROLE OF MILITARY. As is the case in any war, the key to success is to know your enemy. Once the enemy is known to us, we can decide on the methods to be used in fighting him. Terrorist organizations did not start with Al Qaeda nor will the end with it. Although terrorist organizations are different in the way they operate and the reasons for which they have undertaken terrorist activities they still follow a basic model which allows them to succeed. At the bottom of the terrorist structure are the underlying conditions. These are the basic reasons why people are ready to blow themselves up as suicide bombers. These underlying reasons may be political, poverty, lack of education and proper knowledge or anger against the state or a particular group. Without these underlying conditions there will be no terrorists. People who are aggrieved or wronged in the past are most likely to become terrorists. Poverty also propels some people to terrorism. However people who are in terrorism for the sake of money usually provide the logistics such as safe houses and money transfers. The foot soldiers of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Chessington World of adventures Essay Example for Free
Chessington World of adventures Essay In this assignment I am going to investigate the purpose for which an organisation uses ICT. The company that I am going to review is called Chessington World of Adventures. I will also write about the ICT systems used in one department that I have written about in unit 2a. I will write about the marketing department and explain devices they use etc. In the marketing department they use many different types of computers for many different things. Some staff will use their computers for typing long documents or letters; others may use them for creating PowerPoint presentations for various things. In most organisations people will use their computers or a choice of devices for similar things, but this isnt the case in Chessington. Proposed Hardware and Software for a Computer Aided Design Company There are several pieces of computer equipment a design company would need to function efficiently. Firstly they would need the correct input and output devices. To input the data a computer and mouse would be needed, these are standard input devices. The company would perhaps benefit from the use of a light pen rather than a mouse, though this would depend greatly on the software packages they would be using. Another input device that may be useful to the company would be a Graphics Tablet or Digitiser. The user can draw professional quality illustrations onto the flat rectangular surface of the digitiser, using a stylus. The computer traces the movement of the stylus and displays it on the screen. A high-resolution tablet would be needed by a CAD company. A scanner may also be of use to the company, or a digital camera, depending on what exactly the company was designing. Images of high quality can be obtained from the use of a digital camera, and there are many high-resolution scanners that would allow the company to scan in pictures that will be needed in the design of the product they are creating. Whether the company chose a scanner with OCR (optical Character Recognition) would be there choice, though it would not be necessary. The software the company would need would probably be specialist software, rather than off-the-shelf packages. However as well as this the company would need the relevant software to co-ordinate the input and output devices (this normally comes with the hardware). An operating system, such as Microsoft Windows, would be essential, and it may also be useful to the company to have a word processing and a database package. This would allow the company to keep their accounts on computer and allow them to send mail merge letters, for example. Output devices the company would need are obviously a printer. I would expect them to choose a colour laser printer, as this provides the best quality printouts, quickly and quietly. The expense of the toner cartridges would be easily justified, as the plans/posters the company will be creating are essential to their business. If the company need to produce detailed line drawings a plotter would be ideal. The company would also need a visual display unit. As they will undoubtedly want to work with many colours and a high resolution the type of VDU I would recommend is an XGA (extended graphics array), which has a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. The company may even want a screen with an even higher resolution. As for the memory required by the company, they will need a very powerful processor, perhaps a 1GB processor. They will also need enough RAM to run all the applications. As well as the company will need non-volatile memory, ROM. This could be anything from magnetic tapes to optical disks. I think it would be advisable for the company to have a large hard disk drive, to save templates on, for example. Floppy Disks would not really be a suitable solution as they arent big enough to hold large picture files, for examples. CD-Rs or CD-RWs would be more suitable to save individual design projects on, and magnetic tape, such as Digital Linear Tape, would be a suitable method of backing storage due its large memory capabilities. Graphics: Graphics are computer-generated images, such as pictures or illustrations. The range of graphics software is extensive and you have probably come across images stored in word processing software (e. g. Clipart) and images created on the computer using lines and shapes (e. g. circles, rectangle, or square). STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT: Before you can design or write a computer program, there are many stages of development that you must go through when doing this process, these are as follow; Analysis of the requirement what does the computer program need to achieve? Design of solution. Development of the program probably broken down the into small subprograms. Implementation and testing of the program, including training of the eventual users of the program. Preparation of documentation, which will include documentation relating to the actual program and documentation for the users (i. e. a users guide or manual). Ongoing maintenance and development of the program. In this department I will mention these components groups: Input Output  Processor  Storage  Ports/Cables Input An input device is any hardware, which is used to enter data into the computer system. Chessingtons keyboards are the most common input devices, which are used. They use a QWERTY keyboard, which is the most common type of keyboard. The name comes from the first six letters on the keyboard. They are based on the design of the first typewriters. Each key is connected to a switch, which closes when the key is pressed. This sends a signal to the CPU based on the characters ASCII code. There is another type of keyboard that is called a Concept keyboard (soft touch keyboard). They are faster but more limited. They are normally used in the food shops and the restaurants around Chessington. Each switch has a symbol on it representing a piece of data stored in the computer like the price. This is designed to meet the needs of the marketing department. The second most popular piece of hardware used in the marketing department is the mouse. There are two or three buttons. When a cursor is over an icon, menu item or edge of a picture the mouse button can be clicked once or double clicked to give the computer a command. It Can also be held down to drag something over the screen. There is a ball under the mouse that moves across a flat surface. Sensors measure the movements of the balls in two directions and from this the computer can measure the distance travelled. This is used to move the cursor on the screen. There are other types of mouses like a: Tracker ball, which works in the same way as a mouse, but the ball is moved by hand so it takes up less space. This is a fiddly method that is not that accurate or quick. The marketing department use this because it is easier to use and more common than the other types of mouses. Touch sensitive pad, which look like small screens. You move your finger across the pad, which moves the cursor. They use less space than a mouse but they are easily damaged and not very reliable. The employees in Chessington dont think its suitable to use. Little pimples work by putting your finger on them and pushing them in the direction you want the cursor to move. They are very small and not very precise/accurate. Output An output device is any hardware used to communicate the result of data processing carried out by the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The most common output device used in the marketing department is a VDU (Visual Display Unit) also more commonly known as a monitor. They are used when visual information is needed. The two ways in which monitors differ are size and resolution. Size is measured in inches across the diagonal of the screen. Most PCs have 17inches and laptops have 12 inches. Resolution changes by the number of pixels/dots, which make up the viewed image on the screen. The two main types of monitors are: LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display), which are used in laptops and some desktops. This is the monitor, which the department uses most of the time when the employees are working in groups or individually. CRTs (Cathode Ray Tubes), which are used in PCs. These are the same ones as used in TVs and can be damaging to the eyes when in long use. The marketing department rarely use this because of the consequences and the after effect. Another main output device is a printer. This is used to produce a permanent hard copy of the information on paper. There are three types of printers used in the marketing department: Dot-Matrix Printers also called impact printers, which are the cheapest to buy and operate. The cashiers of shops around Chessington mainly use this in tills. The print head is a template of pins consisting of 9 or 24 arranged in a vertical line or block. Each fibre is formed using a set pattern of some of the pins. The ribbon is a long strip of material with ink on one side. The print head pins push the ribbon on the paper to create a series of dots. The advantages are that it is cheap to buy and operate. The disadvantages are that it is very slow, low resolution and very noisy. An Ink-Jet Printer costs less than a laser printer but better quality than a Dot Matrix. This is the most common type used by many organisations. The main component is the print head. This has lots of tiny nozzles or spouts through which small jets of ink are sprayed on to the paper. The advantages are good resolution-300 to 600, which means you can print good quality documents, and often in colour. Disadvantages are its can be slow when printing in colour, often less than four pages per minute. It can be expensive to run and the cartridges cost more per page than laser printer cartridges. Thirdly the Laser Printer that is also called the page printers because the data to be printed is sent to the printer in complete pages, one at a time. This printer is the type of printer output device that Chessintgon mainly uses. They work in the same way as photocopiers. There are four main parts, which are the electrostatic rotating drum that has a negative electrical charge. The laser reflects on to the drum a mirror image of the page to be printed. Where the page hits the drum the negative charge is removed. When the drum passes over the toner cartridge the ink is attracted to the negatively charged areas of the drum. The ink is then transferred on to the printer paper. The fuser unit heats the paper to fuse the ink onto it. The advantages of a laser printer are very high resolution like 600 dots per inch or more meaning they can print high quality documents. They are also very fast by managing to print over 10 pages per minute and also very quiet. The disadvantages though are they are still quite expensive. There are lots of complex parts inside which are expensive to repair. The marketing department cant use continuous or multi-part stationary. How the CPU controls input and output hardware This shows how the information from the input (hardware) devices transmits information into the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The Central Processing Unit then processes the given information, organises it and then transmits it to the output devices that display it. Processor Storage The main storage of the computer stores all of the data, which is going to be processed. All of the data is entered from an input device. The data will reside in memory while it is being processed, then it will be joined by the results of the processing, which will be contained until it is to be carried out and transferred to an output device. ROM (read only memory) holds predefined program instructions that were written onto the ROM permanently during the manufacturing. These instructions are non-volatile, which means the instructions are unaffected by loss of power, from the computer. RAM (random access memory) is possible to read or write to this type of memory but the contents will be deleted when the power is turned off and the data will not been saved. RAM is also used to hold programs such as Microsoft word while they are running they are held as files on a disk when they are not in use. RAM also holds graphics data, which is shown on the screen, on the VDU. Ports/Cables CABLES AND CONNECTORS: CABLES: The different components of a computer system are connected by the cables. CONNECTORS: Computers have connection signs to show the person where to put the wire in, e. g.if you were to look behind a tower case you can see the mouse sign to where you put in. The Control Unit The control unit (CU) coordinates the work of the whole computer system. It controls the hardware attached to the system by making sure that the command given to the program are activated. It controls the input and output of data, so all the signals go to the right place at the right time and also controls the flow of the data with the CPU. The Arithmetic and Logical Unit This is where the computer processes data by either manipulating it or acting upon it. The Arithmetic part does calculations. The Logic part makes decisions. Immediate Access Store The (IAS) holds any data and programs needed by the computer when they are being used. The CPU reads data and programs kept on the backing storage that is stored temporarily in the IASs memory. The Advantages and Disadvantages of using IT There are different times when to use ICT and when not to. For example when you want to write the same letter to more than one person, it would be ideal to use ICT to do a mail merge on Microsoft Word. If you want to keep permanent records UN damaged then ICT will be the best way. When not to use ICT will be when you just want to make notes, quick drafts or diagrams. When you are not creating anything permanently, just deciding different ideas. The Advantages A computer based filing database system takes up a lot less space than a paper based filing system. Searching for records is a lot easier and quicker. More than one person at a time can access the data if it is a network connection PC. The data is saved/stays in the computers memory and it wont get lost or miss filed. There a fewer staff needed to look after the computer system. Reports can be generated very quickly often by an automated processing routine. The Disadvantages Setting up a computer system is very expensive. Big systems in large organisations such as the NHS cost millions of pounds. Computer systems need to people to maintain and use them. Training costs can be high and the money is wasted if that person leaves. Computer systems are not perfect, if there is a system failure or a power cut, then the important data may get lost or corrupted. It can be easy to copy files and so remove confidential information from the system. The system needs to be kept secure from unauthorised users and hackers. Data Validation and Verification Data Validation Data validation checks the data is the correct type. The computer can perform validation automatically while the data is being entered. There are four main data validation techniques: Range check This makes sure that the data is within the specified range for example a percentage is 0% 100%. Presence check This makes sure that important information has been entered for example when a person orders an item online they need to enter their name, address and credit card number or without these it wont allow it to function. Check digit This checks that numerical data has been entered accurately Data type check This will check to make sure that text has been entered where needed and not numbers for example. Data Verification This is different compared to validation because this is making sure the data that has been input is the same as the original data. There are two main verification techniques: Proof-reading is when a person reads the data that has been entered onto the system and compares with the original, any incorrectly entered data will be edited. Double entry is when the data is entered by twice by two people. The computer then compares the two versions and any found errors are then corrected. Problems with data validation are that it only checks that it is the right type and not whether it is accurate or not. Any problems with the verification program could mean other possible mistakes. Problems with data verification are that double entry is time consuming and can be very expensive. Proof reading is also expensive and doesnt allow for computer error. Analysis In my project, I found the hardest thing was trying to create a booking system. That one page took me four weeks, as I had to type the HTML code, edit it and re edit it. Publisher was much easier to adapt to. There is nothing that I would change to my project as I feel I have done mine the best possible way. One of my problems was trying to insert a calendar on the site. When I did it I couldnt proportion it correctly. The text wasnt as visible as I would have liked unless I proportioned it to the whole page. In the end I chose to abandon the calendar. None of the layouts suited my task so I had re design/alter the way they had done it. I did a different background and colour scheme. When using HTML it was hard remembering to use the American language to write it in instead of English. I did like the way that Publisher toolbar menus were easy to use and understand, for example inserting hyperlinks was much easier than in HTML due to the excellent Microsoft Wizard. I chose Publisher as it actually had a web site creating program unlike Microsoft Word. I thought that this project was good and the way I did it. Next time I do my project I would write out long texts areas in Microsoft Word because it is easier to do alignment, format and spell check the text. I would still use Microsoft Publisher if it was accessible otherwise HTML. I would also try to be more creative next time for example like adding Java features.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
PR In Travel And Tourism Sector
PR In Travel And Tourism Sector Travel and tourism is consists in selling services, and services are hard to manage. Thats why PR and Promotions are widely used here. In this assignment I will look at real importance of PR and its role for Travel and Tourism industry. I will try to determine criteria for evaluation of PR effectiveness, skills a PR specialist need and types of media available for PR specialists. In last practical part of the assignment I will try to create a PR plan for a luxury hotel and will look at criteria for evaluation of a PR plan. Task 1. Evaluate the importance of PR in Travel and Tourism sector. 1.1 Role of PR as a promotional tool. There are many definitions of PR, such as the process of creating positive image in third partys minds or practice of managing information flow between an organization and the public. All these definitions have a common point: PR is used to shape the favorable image of a product, organization, and individual; to help a business to meet its objectives effectively, efficiently and successfully. The target of PR is Image (positive in most cases, sometimes negative) and the tool used to achieve it is called publicity. Publicity can be positive or negative, and not always can be controlled by the organization. Natural disasters are not controllable by companies managing travel resorts, these disasters however will bring lots of attention of media and damage profits. Scandals and bad rumors about a celebrity person face of a company cannot always be controlled. Some people say that there is no such thing as bad publicity any publicity is good. This statement is arguable, as bad publicity may create bad image of the business. PR is closely related to marketing activities of the organization, the targets and objectives of both departments are interrelated and often very much dependent on results of each other. The objectives of marketing are to introduce product to a customer in the right place at the right time, sell the product on the market. PR helps to achieve these objectives by making public (market) aware of company and its products, creating good image of the company. PR is part of Promotional mix (Advertising, PR, sales promotions and direct selling). PR is closely related to advertising, helps to make people aware of a product/business, getting attention of various public and making sales and profit. Various public includes customers, shareholders, community, general public (potential customers), money lenders However PR and advertisement are different, advertising are controllable, costs more, less credible and PR means less control, lower costs, more credibility. Different uses of PR include press relations, product publicity, corporate communication, sponsorships, influencing specific groups (community). They all work in different way, but all have the aim of building a good reputation, attracting attention, creating good image of a product or a company inside (corporate communication) and outside the company. Important use of PR is defending product reputation through large amount of positive publicity, covering negative image and scandals related to a product/company. 1.2 Importance of PR in travel and tourism. PR is important promotional tool for Travel and Tourism. It has multiple purposes, such as promoting an event or destination, building reputation of a company as green and responsible citizen, detracting attention of public from negative events (accidents, natural disasters). Lets look closer to different uses of PR in Travel and Tourism industry Promotional tool. PR is used alone or with other elements of promotional mix. The aim of promotion is create positive impact on public. An organization may wish to promote new activity, change in objectives, change in management, etc. PR is very important here, as promotion will be going through press releases, press conferences, sponsorships and prizes in competitions, invitation of journalists to try new activities (hotel, attraction, flight) for free. Communicational tool. Internal and external communication is very important areas of business existence and PR is widely used in both of them. Internal communication means communication with companys employees. Is often underestimated, which may result in bad morale and affect quality of products and especially services of the company. Service part is very important for tourism industry, as most of the products here are paired with services. External communication means keeping external parties (customers, shareholders, etc.) informed about changes in business. Is usually done through media releases, conferences with invitation of important guests (where the news are communicated face-to-face). Creating awareness. Awareness means attention and credit from public (customers, investors, money lenders), is important for any business. Awareness may be general, created through advertisement, supporting local charities; orientated to special person/organization as business plan presented to money lenders (bank); a simple note about changes in opening hours in the shop window. Awareness is important part of PR activities as it gets attention from existing and new stakeholders and creates base for building relationship. New hotel or travel resort opening will be served will waste publicity to bring public attention and create awareness. Building credibility. Credibility means successful operation of business. PR is important here as simple advertising will not have the same effect as well done press release (people tend to pay better attention an article than to annoying adverts). Advertising is done and hidden in journalist review of restaurant or attraction, special press release about Eco project. The key of success here is first-hand experience, Tourism industry sells experience mostly. Sky resort will prefer article in national newspaper written as third party experience to simple advert. Crisis management. Managing negative publicity is another important task of PR. Bad things happen and cannot always be controlled. Negative rumors can ruin tourism business, as customer experience and good reputation are vital part of tourism services. Overcoming negative consequences and covering them with positive publicity (press releases, official apologies, consequences management plan) is part of PR. After consequences of tsunami 2011 in Japan were liquidated national tour operators invited travel agents and journalists from around the world to visit Japan, to raise the credit and attention of the public again and bring sales to devastated national tourism. Sponsorship of an event, competition, charity is an effective way of gaining and maintaining good reputation. It has other benefits: is a way to work together with other organizations, establish relationship for mutual benefits, please important stakeholders by presenting them VIP passes to events (such as free VIP Olympic Games passes were presented to travel agencies staff by Games sponsors). Task 2 Evaluate the effectiveness of PR in Travel and Tourism business and skills necessary for effective PR. 2.1 Determine the range of PR and promotional skills. Successful PR activity requires certain skills from people engaged in it. In PR quality of information is more important that its quantity, quality PR is the key to success for a Tourism business. Lets look closer at important for PR person skills: Recognizing good opportunities quickly. Opportunity is a window to success. The crucial point here is to see good, creative, profitable opportunity and maximize it, use it before competitors do it. This skill forms with education and experience; studying, practicing and constantly refining experience is the way to maximize the PR potential. Find information which is really interesting for a presenter (press, media). Not all the information is of value for the media, press is only interested in colorful, well written and hot stories. Recognizing the value of potential story quickly and presenting it to the media in the right way is valuable knowledge for a PR person. The ability to choose the right media and offer information to necessary people is very much also important. Ability to present information well (in internal and external publications). Is basic PR skill, requires ability to write grammatically correct, present information in interesting and creative way (style, layout, language, use graphic components as tables and images). Creativity is an important here. Communicational materials (brochures, newsletters, magazines, reports) are of huge use in any business, helping to research and influence the market (promote, draw attention, build image). Ability to draw attention of right people to organization activity. The Importance of PR events cannot be underestimated. Press conferences, functions, opening parties, exhibitions help to bring attention of important people, to establish relationships, get positive feedback in the media. Presence of important people at an event (such as potential investors or journalists) is crucial here. Ability to build customer relations. This is interpersonal skill and partially formed with experience. However, the base of relationship is natural, personal ability to listen, communicate well and gain empathy of strangers. The ability to find what customers want and need is crucial to building positive customer relations and bringing public attention. 2.2 Effective use of PR in Travel and Tourism. Case study: budget accommodation (youth hostel) in central London As we already know PR is crucial for setting and enhancing image of the company. The use of PR may be positive (new product launch) or negative (crisis management). Lets look closer at the case study. Piccadilly Hostel is large youth hostel in Central London. It has 7 floors, 300 bedrooms (dormitories of 4, 6, 8 and 10 people and private rooms), able to accommodate 700 guests at a time. The hostel is the only business of Piccadilly Hotel Ltd. Marketing function here starts with 4P marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place). Product is quality accommodation in central London, closed to underground station and main tourist attractions. The hostel sets budget price, orientated on youth travellers and people who is simply travelling on a budget, people from all around the world. Promotions hostel is reaching its customers via online advertisement, direct e-mails, social media (Facebook, Twitter), working with international travel agencies and posting on comparison websites such as Trip Advisor. Place the hostel sells most of its beds online, directly on the website or through travel agents. Promotional approaches used are: Sales promotions, direct marketing .The hostel sets price offers in off-peak periods, e-mails vouchers and money off coupons to its former customers, sets price offers for big groups of people and customers who stays for long time. Educational visits. Hostel works closely with various travel agencies and investors groups. The representatives are often invited for short educational tour (observe the hotel facilities) and to try the hotel facilities (stay in the hotel). Advertisement and articles online and in social media. The hostel regularly advertises online, places articles on international travel websites around the world (TripAdvisor, Expedia). Hostel has official accounts on Facebook and Twitter, using them to communicate to fellow customers and post latest price offers and news. Street advertising. Piccadilly Hostel places advertisement on a huge electronic billboard next to closest underground station, where it can be seen by many tourists every day. By combining different means of PR and advertising Piccadilly Hostel gets attention of public around the world and acts as successful business with huge customer base, represents interest for potential partners and investors. Task 3 Understand the use of media in PR applied to Travel and Tourism. 3.1 Types of media used by PR. The term Media relates to print, broadcasting media, electronic and on-line media (relatively new and becoming increasingly popular), face-to-face contact. Printed media. Newspapers, magazines, journals and directories and catalogues always played huge role in advertising and PR activities of Tourism industry. Press releases covering new hotel or attraction, brochures about a companys services (hotel, flight, and travel agency), articles in newspapers and magazines, printed directories for travellers with contact information of attractions and venues have always been of large use in Tourism. Printed press can cover large amount of customers at a time at relatively low cost, it can be addressed to a specific group of customers (business magazines, free newspapers read by large group of potential travellers, etc.). Is mobile, gives opportunity to calculate readers response by special coupons, has additional credibility factor (advertisement in form of news or review article). Press presents experience in interesting, colorful way. Is important for Travel and Tourism industry which relies on selling mostly experience. Broadcasting is often referred to radio and television, although cinema, theatre and relatively new electronic and social media form part of broadcasting media. Each media has own advantages and disadvantages, thats why broadcasting media often used in complex. a) Television has always been widely used in PR for promoting products and services (especially by FMCG companies). It can cover large amount of customers in real time, can be zoned (divided by regions, different PR can be used in different areas), is interactive (provides opportunity for real time responses and sales), is popular, can be viewed at customers home in comfort. b) Radio is owned and listened by large amount of people, is very mobile (doesnt require a special set, can be listened on the go via mobile phone), real time and up to date, broadcasts 24/7. Although radio has disadvantages no picture can be transmitted, which is not good for advertisement of a travel destination. c) Cinema and theatre are important media for Travel advertisement, as customers can be shown a colorful advertisement (restaurant, tourist destination). People cannot skip a cinema ad, and tend to be loyal and less annoyed by advertising as they came to the cinema/theatre to enjoy. Electronic media appeared not long ago, but getting increasingly popular, especially in youth auditory; with advantages as low cost, popularity, coverage of different audiences, real time operation. Websites, social media, direct e-mails provide good mean of communication, PR, sales. Sales and reviews of new product (new flight, attraction) can be done through own website for free or through partners website for a fee (travel agency). Online accounts on social media (Facebook) give opportunity for live updates and real time customer communication at low cost. Review websites as Trip Advisor provide free, real time and credible reviews of tourism business. The popularity of electronic media is rising with growing use of computers and Internet, low cost mobile Broadband and free Wi-Fi hotspots. However, the disadvantage here may be the need of special equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone) and special skills to use it. Sponsorship is a mean of attracting attention to companys services, creating favorable image in the community (customers), widely used in Tourism business. Travel channels, competition sponsorships, celebrities using services of a company, tourist services featured in movies (resort, flight) are good means of PR. Often public doesnt notice the PR part in it, such as movie featuring a resort or celebrity choice of flight/hotel. Sponsorships however are expensive (although very effective) means of PR. 3.2 Uses of PR in Travel and tourism business. Different types of media have different advantages and disadvantages. The choice of appropriate medium means careful work and depends on nature of event or product promoted. The PR person can choose from editorials (printed media), press conferences, product presentation events, educational visits. Editorials are presented in form of news article, although have indirect function of advertising. Paid as advertisement by a company but controlled by editorial media staff. Editorials are liked by Tourism businesses because of credibility factor and presentation in form of first hand (journalists) experience. Editorial doesnt look like advertisement (getting more attention of public) but acts in advertising way (attracting attention, creating good image). Examples are promotional articles about hotels, flights, resorts in newspapers and magazines. Press conferences are used to make a special announcement, demonstrate new product. They are attended by journalists from different media (press, broadcasting, electronic) and used for spreading message across different media simultaneously, in real time. Press conferences have benefits of being personalized, real time events (opportunity of asking questions, establish important contacts). The disadvantage here is the possibility of difficult questions (which need to be answered) and not knowing how many guests will exactly turn up. Press conference is ideal mean of crisis management (such as accidents and natural disasters handling which unfortunately are common for Tourism industry). Product launch is a big and less formal occasion, usually is opening party. Is aimed to bring attention and get reaction in media. It can be a cocktail reception, dinner, seminar, with invitation of journalists, celebrities, partners, potential investors, senior members of community. The presence of TV at the event is welcomed as live translation is good for the host company. New resort openings, new jet demonstrations, festive parties organized by large companies (with invitation of journalists and celebrities) are common for Travel and Tourism. Educational visits are popular in Tourism business. Visits involve inviting journalists; travel agencies/partners staff to experience the product (new hotel, resort) in first hand. They are aimed to bring popularity, increase sales, show product to partners (sellers). Its often followed by advertisement-article describing (usually in good way) the experience. These visits are also used as educational aim for travel agency staff (helps to know better he product they sell). Sales promotion is separate part of promotional mix, however, very closely related to PR and often used as PR tool. Is short-term price incentive to boost sales, making money is main target here. Usually used in off-peak periods, can be used all around the year. Vouchers, discounts, money off coupons, loyalty cards are part of sales promotions. Most air carriers have loyalty programs, giving discounts and presents for frequent customers. Task 4 Create PR plan in Travel and Tourism context. 4.1 Create and explain PR plan using Jeffkins model. Francis Jeffkins created 6 points PR planning model, arguing that planning can be done in 6 simple steps. Effective PR doesnt happen by accident, it needs to be carefully planned. As any plan, PR plan has objectives, strategies and actions. The objectives may change with time, PR planning is constant process and reflects any change in circumstances and always uses any free or low cost opportunity for publicity. Most popular and widely accepted model is Jeffkins model consists in: Situation Analysis (Research) analyzes current situation as SWOT, mission and values of organization, external factors as pressure groups activity and competition. PR plan should fit in overall marketing planning and never go against goals and mission of the company. PR plan research however needs additional research of target audience and its preferences, effective media, etc. Establishing the Marketing Objectives part includes defining objectives (goals), strategies and tactics. Most popular objectives of PR plan are creating awareness (new product, new management, new charity program); build credibility (make people believe that the publicity is coming from third party and not a planned and paid effort of the company self); increase sales; build good image; defend declining image and lower promotional costs. Objectives are never static, they change together with circumstances. Defining the Target Audience (Publics) is defining relevant audience and researching issues important for given audience. Building right message for the right public is crucial for success of PR plan. Important thing here is creating messages that dont deny each other (for different groups interests) and carefully check that a message is not offensive for other, not target, audiences. Media Selection. The media will bring the message to the target audience, choosing the right media means choosing best way to achieve the audience. Media available for PR specialists include printed press, TV and radio broadcasting, conferences and events (charity events, sponsorships, opening parties, press conferences), Internet (quite new but already very powerful mean of communication and PR). Establishing a Budget. PR, as any other activity of organization should be cost effective and budget planning helps to find optimal cost-result way for PR. Some PR activities come for free (as word of mouth) but most are paid and sometimes quite expensive. The costs include salaries of PR staff, agents and media fees, costs of setting up events and sponsorships, etc. There are hidden costs that need to be counted for, as costs of free promotional items (food samples, hotel rooms) and revenue lost because these items were not sold (opportunity cost). Implementation and Control. Implementation is about making PR plan work. Not all press releases or online articles will be published, grand openings and sponsorships need to be reflected about in media to get attention and make PR plan work. Making PR events interesting for media and establishing good relationship with media owners is crucial point of PR plan implementation. Control is an important point as it shows how effective PR plan was (by comparing forecasted results of PR activity with actual ones). The control points may be presented by sales, brand loyalty, market position, attention from the public, etc. Practical task: PR plan for Opening of new branch of luxury hotel. Hilton is international hotel chain providing luxury services for travellers. It plans to open new hotel in London, UK. PR specialists created plan to undermine the opening. Situation analysis. London is huge city with developed network of accommodation for any pocket, including luxury services, the competition is great here. There are still areas in Central London with great potential where no luxury accommodation exists. Hilton is brand recognized worldwide with brilliant reputation. Corporation plans to build luxury accommodation and bring new life to the Central London area, with casino and bars, luxury shopping center, 5 star dining and strictly guarded hotel access to protect privacy of the guests. Target audience includes celebrities, members of worldwide governments, wealthy businessmen, famous music and movie stars. PR campaign will consist of: Press conference before even starting the building works to draw attention of journalists worldwide. Articles about Hilton Corporation featuring plans for new hotel in London in press around the world, TV broadcasting during music shows and concerts to draw attention of general public and make people talk about new hotel. Constant updates in worldwide press and TV about how building, decorating, furnishing works are going to keep the public interested, TV program featuring new hotel when is ready to open. Inviting worldwide famous chefs, barmen to work for new hotel venues, featuring this on the TV worldwide. Grand opening party with concert of the worldwide famous stars; journalists from around the world and other important guests, welcoming of the stars, journalists and guests to stay for free after party. The media used are press, TV for their worldwide coverage and ability to reach target audience: celebrities and stars mostly. Internet will be used as secondary media, featuring new hotel in blogs and celebrity websites (is cheaper that TV) The budget of this PR plan is huge, constant TV broadcasting; final opening party, famous chefs to work at Hilton and free night for the guests will cost fortune. The Hilton Corporation will make sure it has the money to cover building works and PR campaign. 4.2 Identify and explain ways to determine the effectiveness of PR plan. PR is part of Promotional mix and comes in scope with other elements. Thats why checking the effectiveness of PR only as promotional tool may be difficult. The possible ways to see how effective PR is are: Exposures in the media is attention from the public brought by PR. Ways to measure it are online and press comments, search engine ranks, positive discussions in the media, raise in public awareness. PR agencies supply clients with clipping books showing all exposure achieved in a time period (for example last month) in all the media (TV, radio, press, online). However, exposure may be hard to count (is impossible to know exactly how many people seen the TV ad) and quantity of exposure solely doesnt show PR effectiveness (not all the exposure may come from target audience). For example, aircraft presentation will bring exposure from the public in form of online comments and discussions, video viewings online, TV and radio discussions not paid by the company owing the aircraft. All this exposure will be carefully checked and measured to see how effective the presentation was. Awareness from the public is another way to measure PR effectiveness, is change in public attention due to PR event. Is measured in research, checking how well people witnessed PR event (presentation, opening, news) can recall this event. Awareness is effective way to check stand-alone PR activity. However is not so efficient when PR event went together with other promotions (sales promotion, advertising). If hotel opening event was supported by advertising is hard to tell which of these two brought more attention. Attitude change is one of the key objectives of PR campaign and a way to measure its success. Any PR activity will result in attitude change which is monitored in researches. On-line panels, phone or personal interviews will show the shift in public attitude before and after PR event. Promotional campaign showing benefits of ecotourism by travel agency will raise the demand and positive attitude of public to ecotourism. Surveying the people after the campaign will show how effective it was. However, attitude shift may not only be the result of this given PR campaign (but other related news and articles, not related to given campaign). Popularity of ecotourism may be partially the result of government campaign or activity of green groups. Media relations as way to measure success of PR plan are about level of cooperation with different media. Successful PR campaign will raise the attention of journalists and make them want to be part of the campaign now and in future. Thats why journalists, important people from the media and various celebrities are often invited grand hotel openings, new aircraft presentations, new tourist destination launches. The more famous guests are present, the better will be attention in the media. Contribution to profits is most effective way to measure PR plan success. Raising sales and profits are best news for company directors. PR plan is part of overall company activity though and raising sales may not be the result of PR campaign only, is hard to determine exactly which percentage of sales was contributed by PR activity. Any PR plan has own objectives, determining how effectively and efficiently these objectives achieved is the way to see effectiveness of a PR plan. PR plan, however forms part of overall business activity and promotional mix, is hard to measure effectiveness PR plan individually. Conclusion Importance of PR is hard to underestimate, it helps tourism businesses grow and expand, make profit in quickly changing circumstances. It is relatively new, but growing more popular area of science, with demand for good PR specialists. PR is about creating and managing the image of companies, products and whole industries and Travel industry is not an exception.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Automotive Ethics :: Automobiles Transportation Technology Essays
Automotive Ethics Automotive ethics is a subject that is often over looked. Not many people tend to look at what is ethical in the automotive industry; most people are generally satisfied if they can get a good deal on a car. However, in reality, automotive ethics has an affect on how automobiles are made, what regulations the government puts on them, and their hazard on the environment. Before the engine was invented, life revolved around a much more complicated system of transportation. Much advancement in technology has been made to make the common lifestyle today much easier; a few examples are cellular telephones and onboard navigation systems in automobiles. Cellular telephones and navigation systems have become an everyday item, but nobody looks at the dangers that can have while operating a motor vehicle. Before the invention of the modern day engine, lifestyles were completely different. Letters were sent by horse drawn wagons, people traveled by horses and other such animals, often taking an entire day to go twenty miles. The first direct injection fuel engine was not invented until 1923.[1] It only took a year before this engine was put into automobiles, making the lives of the general public much easier. The invention of the engine not only made it possible to travel by road, but also by water and air. Mail was no longer delivered by horses and families were able to travel from one place to another in less than an entire day. However, the affects of the modern day engine can be seen all over the world. Take Los Angeles for example; the city is filled with smog which is from the overcrowding of all the freeways with automobiles. Technology has escalated to a level where engines are no longer made by the working man. Now, engines can be made simply machines and computer based tools. However, these thought of simple ways of creating engines are not as easy as the first seemed. There are many positive and negative aspects of using technology to design engines. A problem with building engines using computers and machines is that they put out far more pollution than workers creating them by hand. It may be cheaper than paying the workers, but then there still are many processes that companies must go through just to have the opportunity to use technological equipment. For example, companies must obtain waste permits in order to properly dispose of toxic waste.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Prostitute In Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment, Notes from Undergr
The Prostitute In Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, and The Meek One The prostitute is a curious fixture of Victorian era literature. In the works of William Thackeray and Samuel Richardson it was almost clichà © for the heroine to end up in a house of prostitution and then to transcend that situation in a show of proper Victorian morals. Having seen many young women forced by extreme poverty to take up the trade of a loose woman, Fyodor Dostoevsky, a petit-bourgeois fallen on hard times himself, took a rather different approach to the whole issue; he recognized that these women were not utterly without merit as so many people of the time thought. Georg Brandes spoke accurately when he said, "Dostoevsky preaches the morality of the pariah, the morality of the slave." Dostoevsky explored these themes through prostitute characters in many of his works. The most famous of these characters are found in Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, and "The Meek One." Each of these presents a unique approach to the condition of prostitutes and the problem of their redemption. In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky uses the character of Sonia Marmeladov, whose first name means wisdom, not solely to illustrate God's mercy toward a fallen woman but to have her redeem both herself and Raskolnikov through God's mercy. As in the parable given by Father Zosima on his death bed in The Brothers Karamazov, Raskolnikov's initial connection to Sonia in Book I functions as his "stalk of grain" which keeps him from being completely severed from God's grace. Just as the old woman in the parable was without merit except for the fact she gave the beggar a stalk of grain, Raskolnikov lacks merit after his murderous deed exce... ...uments of grace. But most importantly, he tells us that without our own attempt to transcend our sinful nature we will fail like the Underground Man or leap to our spiritual and physical doom as the heroine of "The Meek One" did. We are all Raskolnikov, we are all Sonia. The key is to strive, strive harder and strive forever to reach the unreachable perfection lost to us and unreachable without God. Works Cited and Consulted Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. Trans. Constance Garnett. New York: Bantam, 1981. Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Brothers Karamazov. Trans. Constance Garnett. New York: Signet Classics, 1999. Dost. Research Station. Ed. Christiaan Stange. Vers. ? 17 July 1999 - Martinsen, Deborah A., ed. Notes From Underground, The Double, and Other Stories. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics NY, 2003.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Heroes Curiosity in She and The Sign of Four Essay -- she four
The Heroes Curiosity in She and The Sign of Four The hero cannot progress without curiosity. However, curiosity can turn into a dangerous obsession. There are many good examples of this throughout Victorian literature. Literary works such as She by H. Rider Haggard and The Sign of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, for example, reflect the curious mind at work using scientific exploration to achieve the goal of solving the mystery, but attempting to solve the mystery poses dangers to the protagonists that, at first, they are unaware of. The curious mind, seeking discovery, eventually sees the dangers but does not turn back. The mystery has become an obsession to the curious mind, and for the curious mind, solving the mystery has become more important than self-preservation. However, without the obsessive curiosity and without the danger that follows that curiosity, there would be no heroes in the story and, therefore, no story.             There is one immensely popular figure in Victorian literature that uses scientific deduction to solve criminal mysteries, and his curiosity to solve mysteries has become his obsession. However, he is so cool and distant from his own emotions that he does not care if the obsession leads to his destruction, as long as he solves the mystery to appease his voracious mind first. The only thing that truly excites him in a passionate way, the one thing that causes any emotion within his cool demeanor, is his curiosity, which is his addiction, for solving mysteries. He is the hero of the story The Sign of Four, and his name, of course, is Sherlock Holmes.            Sherlock Holmes is a character that is confident, maybe even arrogant. He always makes it back after the mystery ... and protect his adopted son. These characters, in their seemingly mad obsessive curiosity, show also bravery and nobility in uncovering mysteries. They do what they do not only for themselves, but for the benefit of others as well, and this is what makes them literary heroes and not mere protagonists. Another Victorian character who is also driven by curiosity but who is not brave or noble is Dr. Jekyll. He was obsessively curious about the duality of good and evil in the human soul, but all of his research was for his selfish gain, which ended in his death. Sherlock Holmes and Ludwig Horace Holly, who at times act selfishly, also do things unselfishly to help others. That is why they are heroes, and that is one of the reasons why they are popular to this day. In their case, their curiosity, which turns into dangerous obsession for them, is worth it. Â
Defining Humanities Essay
Humanities is the study of language, philosophy, communication, environment, history, religion, sociology, arts, culture, education and ethics. The word humanities originally comes from the Latin word, â€Å"humanus. †The word humanus means â€Å"human. †To be â€Å"human†is to possess the qualities and attributes of man. Being human also has the feelings and dispositions proper to man. However, humanities as the study of the different cultural aspects analyzes man’s weaknesses in life and how each can be improved. Culture includes speech, knowledge, beliefs, arts, technologies, ideals, and rules. To be cultured means to be refined and well versed in arts, philosophy, and the languages. It is also to be learned about great men and leaders in the past. Culture should regulate the type of behavior considered appropriate to an individual. Its teaching is essential for one to obtain the proper knowledge in his efforts to achieve the status of being a cultured man. On the other hand, understanding man and his affairs rather than just a body of accepted facts and theories is a purpose for humanities. It has various meanings in different historical periods, but it is only the same. This sums up to remind everyone about humanity. Humanities dealt with philosophy and theology in the 12th, 13th centuries and Renaissance period. This was the study of disciplines among languages, fine arts, music, and philosophy. Recognizing literature defined humanities in the past. There were different types of performing arts such as music, dance, theatre, philosophy, and religion. Humanities supported various categories of literature. Each and every one of these types were study academically. in the early centuries. Humanities is still an ongoing study of today and the future.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Plight of the American Worker Essay
Ten years from now, I don’t know how wealthy I will be. I don’t know what kind of job my husband will have, nor do I know what kind of job I will have. What I do know though is the American worker is struggling, and the struggles will most likely get worse. The United States used to pride itself on providing for its families through hard work. Today, most people lacking education beyond high school struggle to maintain a lifestyle they once dreamed of. Not only are high school graduates suffering but many college graduates are as well because so many jobs have been eliminated due to globalization and technology. Globalization of companies is most likely the main reason American workers are not satisfied with their lifestyles. Companies are starting to outsource their manual labor to third world countries. People from these countries are fighting for their lives and are willing to work for less than a dollar an hour. For an example, â€Å"in Bangladesh, a garment worker makes 22 cents an hour†(Snyder). How can companies turn down such low wages for the same quality of work they would receive from employees who must earn at least minimum wage in the United States? Factories are closing everyday in the United States as new factories are built in third world countries. These factories would provide employment for many people in the U. S. , but companies are better off when they outsource their labor. Labor costs are cut significantly, and top executives are rewarded for their stellar performance. In this case, the top executives’ salaries go up, and the employees’ salaries might change a bit. The most dramatic change occurs for those high on the corporate ladder. Technology is a cause for concern for some individuals. Many jobs are eliminated because of new advancements in technology. Robots and highly advanced machines have taken the place of once very skilled workers. If jobs do open up, so many people apply for the job. They are either looking to get a job or get a job that is a step up from their previous position. For example, â€Å"over one three day period, approximately 10,000 people showed up to apply for 90 jobs making washing machines in Kentucky for $27,000 a year†(Snyder). 27,000 might sound like a lot for a college student trying to pay for rent and a tuition bill but to support a family on this income would be absurd. * Our world is extremely overpopulated and doesn’t help American’s concern for job security. Not only do individuals need to be concerned with a decrease in jobs from outsourcing and technology, but they also are factoring in how crowded the Earth has become. â€Å"Nine percent of the United States is currently unemployed†(â€Å"Unemployment rate†). The American worker wouldn’t be as affected by this number if there weren’t so many people available to work. Finally, as jobs are eliminated, individuals don’t have the resources necessary to start a new life. So many individuals have worked in the same job for long periods of time. Once certain jobs are eliminated, workers are forced to find new jobs. â€Å"They typical worker is spending 15. 4 weeks unemployed†(Frauenheim). Most of the time, if they want to earn an income equivalent to what they were making, they might even have to go back to school. Some individuals might not have the time to go back to school, or they might have started a family and have to put their children through school first. Whatever the case, with so many jobs eliminated, the American worker struggles to successfully start over. I took the side of American workers who have been in the workforce for more than a few years. I have lived a middle class lifestyle, so this is all I really know. As I talked with my mom just the other night, she told me that she wishes she could have changed occupations to make more money but didn’t have the time or the resources. Maybe the definition of hard work has changed in today’s society. Hard work in the past consisted of manual labor and farm work. Because of how society has progressively advanced, hard work now consists of spending a few additional years in school. To some, hard work might even mean having intelligence and finding a promising place to start a career. Whatever the case, the United States needs to keep its jobs here and eliminate such excessive outsourcing. My mother is a teacher, but before I know it, her job might be cut as schools start transitioning to only online courses. I am concerned for American workers, but if such an event happened to her, I would have even stronger feelings towards protecting the American worker.
Free time Essay
Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that develop the mind, such as reading and doing crossword puzzles. Others feel that it is important to give one’s mind a rest in leisure time. Discuss. Relaxing our mind has been a vital part of spending our free time for thousands of years. Most of the people find relaxing activities like reading a book while others love to stay in the park, just see a boring TV channel or discuss with friends in front of a cup of tea or coffee. Even if maybe some persons will not totally agree with me, I consider that two of the most important activities that should eat our free time are the reading of a book and outdoor activities with family or friends. Reading has always been one of the activities that fascinated the human mind and as long as we read books written in a language that we do not find difficult to understand, we should find reading a relaxing activity. Of course, as long as the books we are reading are not too technical to make us realize that we are not reading for fun but for study. For example I remember when my sister told me that by reading for relaxation she found God and that changed her life. She was reading mostly religious books. Another activity which I personally consider that can have an important effect in our life are outdoor activities with family members or friends. This activities will help us be in a good shape for a long period of time and in the same time will help us develop strong close relationships with the persons we are spending our time with. And strong and close relationships are vital to have with people we would like to have around us for longer periods of time. For example I remember that we when I was younger I was going a lot for fishing with my father and over the years this activity become very important for us and made us to have have a very special relation. In conclusion spending our time is very important and we should have a really clear idea between spending some time and loosing some time. I strongly believe that reading a book will help our mind and develop our vocabulary and when we have more time and weather is with us, spending some time outside with family or friends will help our relations. I just hope that less and less people will find important activities like playing computer games and watch television series.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Hierarchy of Roman Offices in the Cursus Honorum
Hierarchy of Roman Offices in the Cursus Honorum The order of advancement through elected offices (magistracies) in Republican Rome was known as the cursus honorum. The sequence of offices in the cursus honorum meant that an office couldnt be skipped, in theory. There were exceptions. There were also optional offices that could be steps along the cursus honorum. Sequence Leading to the Top Office of Consul A Roman male of the upper classes became Quaestor before he could be elected Praetor. He had to be elected Praetor before Consul, but the candidate need not have been either an Aedile or Tribune. Other Requirements for Progress Along the Cursus Honorum The Quaestor candidate had to be at least 28. Two years had to elapse between the end of one office and the beginning of the next step on the cursus honorum. The Roles of the Cursus Honorum Magistrates and the Senate Originally, the magistrates sought the advice of the Senate when and if they wished. Over time, the Senate, which was made up of the magistrates past and present, insisted on being consulted. Insignia of the Magistrates and Senators Once admitted to the Senate, the magistrate wore a wide purple stripe on his tunic. This was called the latus clavus. He also wore a special scarlet colored shoe, the calceus mulleus, with a C on it. Like the equestrians, senators wore gold rings and sat in the reserved front row seats at performances. The Meeting Place of the Senate The Senate usually met in the Curia Hostilia, north of the Forum Romanum and facing the street called the Argiletum. [See Forum Map.] At the time of Caesars assassination, in 44 B.C., the Curia was being rebuilt, so the Senate met in Pompeys theater. The Magistrates of the Cursus Honorum Quaestor: The first position in the cursus honorum was Quaestor. The term of Quaestor lasted a year. Originally there were two Quaestors, but the number increased to four in 421, to six in 267, and then to eight in 227. In 81, the number was increased to twenty. The Assembly of the thirty-five tribes, the Comitia Tributa, elected Quaestors. Tribune of the Plebs: Annually elected by the plebeian section of the Assembly of the Tribes (Comitia Tributa), known as the Concilium Plebis, there were originally two Tribunes of the Plebs, but by 449 B.C., there were ten. The Tribune held great power. His physical person was sacrosanct, and he could veto anyone, including another Tribune. A Tribune could not, however, veto a dictator. The office of Tribune was not a mandatory stage of the cursus honorum. Aedile: The Concilium Plebis elected two Plebeian Aediles each year. The Assembly of the thirty-five tribes or Comitia Tributa elected two Curule Aediles annually. It was not necessary to be an Aedile while following the cursus honorum. Praetor: Elected by the Assembly of the Centuries, known as the Comitia Centuriata, the Praetors held office for a year. The number of Praetors increased from two to four in 227; and then to six in 197. In 81, the number was increased to eight. Praetors were accompanied by two lictores within the confines of the city. The lictores carried the ceremonial rods and ax or fasces that could, in fact, be used to inflict punishment. Consul: The Comitia Centuriata or Assembly of the Centuries elected 2 Consuls annually. Their honors included being accompanied by 12 lictores and wearing the toga praetexta. This is the top rung of the cursus honorum. Sources Marsh, Frank Burr; revised by H.H. Scullard. A History of the Roman World From 146 to 30 B.C. London: Methuen Co. Ltd., Regular Magistracies of the Roman Republic From T. S. R. Broughtons Magistrates of the Roman Republic.The Procedure of the Senate, by A. G. Russell. Greece Rome, Vol. 2, No. 5 (Feb., 1933), pp. 112-121.Jona Lendering Cursus Honorum
Concept of Storyboard
Concept of Storyboard Welcome Page There are set processes in which storyboards are created for instance for films and animations either for study or for educational purposes. Being skeletons that give a step-by-step view of what is expected for any given procedure; storyboards become centrally important tools that assist the understanding of complex procedures that would otherwise be reserved for professionals and academicians alone.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Concept of Storyboard specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For this assignment, the concept of storyboards is used as a lesson for how to take blood pressure and in doing so, the paper will discuss details of the importance of consistent taking of readings of one’s blood pressure as well as discussing some of the equipment that are used in the process of taking and checking blood pressure. This means that this storyboard will be a lesson dubbed: Taking Blood Pressure. Intr oduction Page Before delving into the processes that were arrived at in the making of the storyboard fort taking blood pressure, it is appropriate first of all to briefly describe what exactly is meant by storyboarding process. The creation of this storyboard is created in a number of steps so as to come up with a creative and useful thing. The history of storyboards has been that they can be created either by hand or other designers have used digitized computer programs to draw and design them (Struijk, Mathews Loupas, 2008). For the case that the storyboard is created by hand, the practice has been that the first step is to get a template which may either be downloaded or drawn manually. For cases where the designers and producers require details in their designs that are of greater content, storyboard artists usually prepare the storyboards either by a way of hand or by using special programs that are used to draw storyboards in two dimensions (Struijk, Mathews Loupas, 2008). T here are other software that may be used to create superior storyboards that contain greater details that express the exact intentions of the story as presented by the producer and director of the film or animation. After properly preparing these storyboards, they are usually presented to the given project management which forwards to its cinematographer who sees that what has been created achieves the vision and intentions of the director (Struijk, Mathews Loupas, 2008). Having briefly discussed what storyboards are and how they are created, the next important area of discussion is the subject of the storyboard taken for this paper and this is Taking Blood Pressure. First of all, blood pressure is a human condition which medically is generally described as the pressure that builds in the blood vessels due to the blood circulating in them after being pumped by the heart.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper wi th 15% OFF Learn More The heart usually pumps in two basic ways that creates moments of highest pressure called the systolic pressure and one that creates moments of the lowest pressure called the diastolic pressure in the blood vessels (Booth, 2007). This pressure is highest in the blood vessels that are closest to the heart and continually decreases slowly as the blood flows further from the heart. This decrease is caused by the resistance of the walls of these blood vessels such as arteries as the blood flows in them. The body vessels that carry blood around the body usually decrease in size systematically as they approach specific organs where the blood is to deliver its products of respiration and these final blood vessels are usually tiny and therefore when blood enters them, its pressure reduces substantially such that by the time the blood is circulating back to the heart through the veins, its pressure barely moves it back to the heart for the process to beg in again. Valves are features of veins which prevent back flow of blood when a person is standing upright since the pressure in these veins is usually significantly low (Booth, 2007). It is observable from the foregoing explanation that when there is a problem with the blood pressure, it may lead to catastrophic problems for someone since this pressure is imperative to be sufficient to carry the blood around the body but again not too much to injure (and at times burst) the arterial walls. It is common practice to take the blood pressure of a person from the brachial artery which is usually located on the inside of the elbow since this is among the most sensitive parts of a human body that reflects the most accurate arterial pressure of a person. This pressure is usually expressed as a fraction of the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) such as 138/87. It is very important to ensure that one’s blood pressure is regularly checked to e nsure that it is within the medically safe region since when it is not put in check, it may lead to hypertension which is a condition where the arterial blood pressure is too high that it risks causing heart diseases and other related diseases that may lead to abrupt death. According to Booth (2007), the generally accepted blood pressure reading that are considered normal in the medical world usually range around 120 over 80 where the first number is the systolic reading and the second number is the diastolic reading written as a fraction as earlier on indicated (Booth, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Concept of Storyboard specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is generally considered that pre-hypertensive states are observed when one’s pressure is anywhere between 120 and 139 over anywhere between 80 and 89 and high blood pressure (hypertension) is considered when one’s reading clocks anywhere be tween 140 and 159 over anywhere between 90 and 99 (Booth, 2007). There are critical phases of hypertension where patients record readings as high as 160 and above over 100 and above and usually these stages are so critical that death may occur very easily through heart attacks and related conditions. It is however appropriate to mention that merely having elevated blood pressure readings does not necessary mean that one has hypertension since there are other factors that may lead to elevated blood pressure readings and this factors include times where the immune system is low caused by illness or an infection or even due to stress (Booth, 2007). This notwithstanding, it is very important to keep close track of one’s blood pressure since there are basically no known symptoms that can distinctively be said to the signs of high blood pressure or other related blood pressure conditions. Known symptoms at time as usually as mild as simply having difficult in sleeping, dry mouth or even emotional upsets. The commonest symptom however that is observed in all blood pressure patients is having headaches and even this is not a final pointer of hypertension as there are just as many who experience excruciating headaches and yet do not suffer from hypertension (Booth, 2007). This means that it is imperative to get medical advice whenever there is something that is feared to be blood pressure related rather than merely speculating about it. Menu Page There are different parts of a human body that are generally prone to blood pressure related problems which makes it very important to be careful with how this pressure is observed and monitored. The two commonest conditions that result in blood pressure are high blood pressure (hypertension) and low blood pressure (hypotension) conditions. This notwithstanding, any pressure resisting blood flow in the arteries strains the arterial walls and that only has its potential risks that cannot be overlooked. High pressure agai nst the blood flow usually increases the rate at which the heart has to work to meet the same demand of body organs of the supply of blood and this usually leads to unhealthy tissues called atheroma to grow within the walls of the arteries.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Continued increased blood pressure causes the heart muscles to overgrow with additional tissues that make it generally weak and this becomes a prime recipe for strokes, heart failures, heart attacks and what is called arterial aneurysms; a major cause of chronic renal failure (Booth, 2007). On the contrary, hypotension is not usually a big medical bother unless it reaches critical levels that cause dizziness and/or fainting (Booth, 2007). This happens when the arterial pressure reduces so much to a critical level where the perfusion of the brain is changed to become extremely decreased which means that there is insufficient supply of blood to it. This should however not be confused by orthostatic hypotension which is a condition where gravity in some cases reduces blood pressure significantly when someone stands up from a sitting position and in the process may experience dizziness as a result of reduced cardiac output due to reduced stroke volume. Other causes of hypotension includ e sepsis, blood loss, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, and hormonal abnormalities like the case of Addison’s disease and among others (Booth, 2007). There are different ways that are used in taking blood pressure and this can be either at home (for personal regular checkups) or in a hospital (in the event that there is real concern to warrant medical attention). All of these procedures, taking of the readings is usually simply done by using special equipment that when strapped to different parts of the body (especially the inner side of an arm around the elbow point or on the tip of a finger) show the readings of the blood displayed as a fraction with the systolic reading presented over the diastolic reading (Booth, 2007). Some of the common equipment that are used include the aneroid monitor which has a dial gauge that shows reading via a pointer and the other common one is the digital blood pressure monitor which can either have automatic or manual cuffs and usually has an in-built stethoscope that helps it to flash its reading on a digital screen (Booth, 2007). Another equipment that is used in hospitals is the sphygmomanometer which uses the height of a mercury column to indicate its readings that are given in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The figure below shows some of these equipments. Figure 1. Types of Equipment that are used to measure blood pressure Auscultatory Sphygmomanometer with stethoscope Mercury Manometer Sphygmomanometer Omron Hem 907 Xl Professional Blood Pressure Monitor Enabling Objectives The following are the enabling objectives for lesson on taking Blood Pressure. Simplicity – it was desirable to ensure that the lesson that is presented is simple to follow and understand for ease of design and production. Cost effectiveness – this is an objective that required that the storyboard’s cost as compared to its quality and usage measures up to a given margin that is meaningful and rational . Relevance – this was an objective that required that the storyboard is relevant for the purpose for which it is designed which was to work as a lesson for taking blood pressure readings. Social interactiveness – this objective was to ensure that the lesson was acceptable in the cases of its diverse audience were critical about it. It was intended to identify with the social networks of the persons that would be reached by it. Instructional Unit The following are four core questions that are presented to gauge the understanding of this lesson to anyone who partakes in it. They are true of false questions. Blood Pressure is a condition that is difficult to observe and one that does not have distinct symptoms. True False The process of taking blood pressure requires professional training and therefore people with such knowledge cannot take blood pressure readings. True False Anytime there is a slight deviation in the blood pressure taken is an indication that th ere is either hypertension or hypotension and therefore one needs get serious medical attention. True False Blood pressure is a condition that when left to get to critical levels can become lethal and even cause death through strokes, heat failures and heart attacks. True False References Booth, J. (2007). A Short History of Blood Pressure Measurement. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 70(11), 793–799. Struijk, P., Mathews, V.J., Loupas, T. (2008). Blood Pressure Estimation in the Human Fetal Descending Aorta. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 32(5), 673–681.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Gwen Harwood Essay Essays
Gwen Harwood Essay Essays Gwen Harwood Essay Paper Gwen Harwood Essay Paper Opportunities for an individual to develop understanding of themselves stem from the experiences attained on their journey through life. The elements which contribute to life are explored throughout Gwen Harwood’s poems, At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, where the recollection of various events are presented as influences on the individual’s perception of the continuity of life. Both poems examine the connections between people and death in relation to personal connections with the persona’s father or mother. By encompassing aspects of human nature and life’s journey, Harwood addresses memories and relationships which contribute to one’s awareness of life. Memories and meandering thoughts, related to personal experiences, are explored throughout At Mornington where the persona shifts between the past and present and dreams and reality. This is similar to Father and Child where Barn Owl is set in past test and Nightfall is set in the present, symbolic of appreciation and understanding of the complexities of life which the child learns. At Mornington opens with an evocation of an event from the persona’s childhood which establishes the temporary and ever changing nature of human life. Reflected through the shifts between past and present tense, the persona is attempting to use past experiences in order to appreciate the present and accept the future. The poem provides a reflective and personal point of view accompanied by the recurring motif of water which symbolises the persona’s transition from childhood to the acceptance of the inevitability of death. : In the third stanza, the persona refers to a more recent past where she had seen pumpkins growing on a trellis in her friend’s garden. The action of the pumpkins is described as â€Å"a parable of myself†which allows the persona to reflect on the meaning and quality of her own life and existence. The metaphor between the pumpkin vine and the persona suggests that like the pumpkin, human life also ripens and matures before coming to a closure and returning to the earth. Supported by the phrase â€Å"candlelight for eyesight,†the reader is made aware of the transience of life that the persona has grown to accept and understand. In Father and Child, as the persona moves on from childhood, her father becomes elderly and is entertained by simple things in nature, â€Å"birds, flowers, shivery-grass. †These symbols of nature remind the persona of the inconsistency of life and the certainty of death, â€Å"sunset exalts its known symbols of transience,†where sunset represents time. Both poems are indicative of the impermanence of life and that the persona has managed to mature and grow beyond the initial fearlessness of childhood moving onto a sophisticated understanding of death. The connection between life and death is expressed in a different way through Mother Who Gave Me Life, a poem of mourning for the dead. The poem can be seen as a personal farewell to the persona’s mother where the dominant images of the poem show evolution and the passing of time. Father and Child also demonstrates the passing of time as the persona moves from the innocence of childhood to the sadness of her father’s advancing age and inevitable passing. In Mother Who Gave Me Life, the reference to Halley’s Comet, which appears only once every seventy-six years, tells the reader that the mother was unable to see it once more before surrendering to death. The direct speech of the Sister is reported without the use of quotation marks as in, â€Å"When she died she was folding a little towel. †This provides readers with the knowledge that the mother addressed in the poem is dead. Without quotation marks, the flow of the poem is maintained and is therefore more easily absorbed into the texture of the poem. The parallel image of the â€Å"fabric of marvels†being reduced to the â€Å"little towel†raises the notion that whilst death may have brought a physical end to the persona’s mother’s life she remains a marvel of creation as the persona’s memories of her live on. The poem ends with the ‘fine linen’ recalling the memories of a typical childhood scene where the persona’s mother is calling for her to have dinner â€Å"as darkness falls on my father’s house. †This biblical reference to the House of the Lord, combined with the coming of darkness, reminds the reader of the inevitable ending of life and the respective movement into heaven. As the second section of Father and Child draws to a close, it is evident that the persona has grown to understand that she has limited time left with her father. The significance of Nightfall as the title of the second section, when considering the daybreak setting of Barn Owl, reinforces this. Sunrise symbolises youth whilst nightfall, in comparison, suggests an ending which implies death, a concept that the adult persona is beginning to acknowledge it as part of life. A particular instance in life can conjure different memories of the past as in At Mornington where the persona is drawn into recollections of childhood experiences with her father while standing by the graveside of her friend’s parents. A positive image of the father and child relationship is conveyed throughout the poem as in, â€Å"secure in my father’s arms. †This image conveys safety, comfort and protection which assists the persona in moving on and accepting the cycle of life. It is the security which stems from this relationship that enables the persona to mature from the perceptions and thoughts maintained as a child. Insight into the relationship between the persona, as both child and adult, with her father is also demonstrated in Father and Child. The dominance of the father is suggested through his imperative tone, â€Å"End what you have begun. †Despite the power-play in their relationship, there is still a sense of closeness, â€Å"I leaned my head upon my father’s arms. †This connection has enabled the persona to mature and grow through experiences. This personal relationship is also evident in Mother Who Gave Me Life where the imagery of light shows the persona realises the importance of her mother as she walks â€Å"in the light of the living. †This suggests that the persona is able to walk amongst the living due to her mother. The affirming experiences and enlightenment provided by this relationship enables the persona to see the life-giving role of women as part of the cycle of life. All the poems comment on an individual’s relationship with their mother or father which is essential in maturing and evolving as an individual. The relationships conveyed enable the persona to gain an understanding of life whilst considering its value and accepting its cycle. Ultimately, the exploration of memory and relationships with the persona and their father or mother enables an individual to comprehend human nature and the links between life and death. Throughout the poems At Mornington and Mother Who Gave Me Life, Harwood shows the reader, through memories and comparisons, different aspects of life which contribute to what it means to be human.
The Outsider by Albert Camus essays
The Outsider by Albert Camus essays This is an analysis on The Outsider by Albert Camus, an existentialist novel that details the life of Meursault, an anti-hero who refuses to play the game and conform to social norms, through a series of life changing events. The Outsider presents a strong relationship between the style of the text and its meaning, and it is exactly these things that will be explained throughout the remaining portion of this essay. The style of the text is spoken in the words of Meursault, simple and at most times, impassionate, yet it uses imagery and the elements of nature often to relay emotions to the reader. Behind the text are the themes of existentialism, human experience and social expectancies, which work together to create meaning. Through various links in the style of text, one can thus connect to its meanings. Analysis of the novels style should begin by recognizing the story's basic structure. There are three deaths, which mark the beginning, middle, and end of the story. First, Meursault's mother dies. This death occurs before the narration starts, but marks the start of Meursault's downfall. In the middle of the tale we have the death of an Arab. The defining events in The Outsider are set in motion by Meursault's apparent murder of the Arab, which is triggered by the enraging heat and other combined elements that seem to pursue him throughout the story. At the end of the novel, Meursault is executed. Interestingly, Meursault's name is also symbolic and backs up the points presented on the style of text. Mer means "sea" and Soliel is French for "sun." The sea and sun meet at the beach, where Meursault's fateful act occurs. During times of normality, Meursault sees things in very black and white terms. But when the suns rays thicken, everything exaggerates. At the end of chapter two, Me ursault details the perverse effects that the sun-drenched sky has on him. He describes the black, melting tar. By this stage he...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Civil Engineering Research Paper and How to Reach the Highest Level of Quality
Civil Engineering Research Paper and How to Reach the Highest Level of Quality Research is important because it will help you know where to find different types of information to solve engineering problems in your career. As an engineer, you will be required to research engineering guidelines, standards, and other sources to prevent engineering failures. Your ability to conduct comprehensive and accurate research is very important though. Most students find research classes boring or frightening or even both. The commitment levels to produce a good research paper are enormous, and that is what most students fear. A literature review as well as collecting and analyzing research data is the most difficult part of the process. However, the undergraduate research experience can influence your future career choice. It will allow you to develop professionally and personally in ways not possible through in normal lectures. The research experience will give you an opportunity to gain some deeper knowledge of research techniques and processes. You will be able to apply classroom learning in real-world contexts, explore academic literature, and develop an important relationship with your supervisor. In your career as a civil engineer, you will be mandated required to present their findings on projects. A good number of civil engineers are involved in the research. The satisfaction of a civil engineer is derived from seeing a complex project completed. Engineers are required to have problem-solving and writing skills. Their work entails that they possess the ability to identify and evaluate complex problems. They are often forced to come up with cost-effective, safe, and efficient solutions. Writing skills enable engineers to communicate with other people. They must explain their projects to the government, elected officials, and other engineers. Civil engineers, therefore, must be able to write reports that are clear, concise, and understandable to those with no technical or scientific background. To earn your degree, you will be required to conduct a research study. You will identify a research topic, perform the appropriate research, and write a project. What Is a Topic Subject and How to Handle This Stage? A topic is a general area of inquiry and it designates the general subject of the research. It is a specific issue you are to discuss. It is a subject that a person wants to learn about. Research topics are supposed to be interesting and meaningful to the student and the instructor; there must be enough resources available to carry out the work. Also, you must make sure that your research can be accomplished within the time limits available to you. Other things to consider include the availability of intellectual and financial resources available to you. In civil engineering paper, you will be required to narrow down the general topic down to a more specific topic for your project. Identifying a research topic is one of the most difficult tasks. 6 Must-Follow Tips from Our Writers to Come Up with a Hot Topic Identify the issue. You will be required to identify the issue to be addressed and convince your supervisor that the topic is worthy of investigation. Give a clear statement of objectives that your study will accomplish. You are then supposed to develop a research plan that will accomplish the objectives and present them in sufficient detail to your supervisor. Brainstorm for ideas. What topics in the civil engineering course are you most interested in? Is there an aspect of a class that you want to know more about? Once you identify the topic into a question: you should ask yourself what you want to learn exactly about road designing. For example, you can ask yourself how do we make roads using more durable materials. Write down the keywords or the concepts. Read widely on the topic. One of the commonest methods of identifying a research project is for the student to develop a research hypothesis after extensive reading, analysis, careful thinking, and discussion with their advisor. If you are lucky, an instructor may assign you with a topic but most often instructors require their students to select their own topic of interest. Read many articles on the topic or topics you are considering. Reading will help you have an overview of the topic and see how your idea connects to wider, narrower, and related issues. Stay within the limits. A topic may be hard to research if it is too broad or too narrow. You can limit your topic by geographical area or by time frame, but it should not be too narrow as it will give you a hard time getting the necessary resources. Be flexible. You may be required to adjust your topic during the research process. You may narrow, broaden or modify it depending on the material that is available for your research or based on what your lecturer advises you. Consult your supervisor. You should expect to work closely with the supervisor as they are essential to the success of the project. Also, it is important that you realize that identifying a research project is very challenging. It will require multiple iterations in which an idea is proposed. Some preliminary information is collected on the topic and a scope of work is developed. Your civil engineering research paper will take you a good amount of time. Here are some possible topics for a civil engineering research paper: Indoor Reduction of Wind Farm Noise for Rural Residences; Field Tests on Geosynthetic Reinforced Unpaved Roads; Improving Water Quality in New York City; Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Old Infrastructure. Pre-writing Tips: The Way to Effective Body Writing Know the purpose of your research. You have to think about the purpose of your research. The purpose of your paper may be to understand a problem and propose a solution to it. A critical researcher regularly considers the purpose of the research, what is supposed to be achieved and why. Schedule. Research consumes a lot of time, and time management is of great essence. You will, therefore, be required to have a timeline of things that you should accomplish by a specific date (e.g. find 20 sources by June 30, complete chapter 1 by July 15). You will need time to get an overview of what material is available in your university library, take notes, and start putting notes together. Search for bibliographies. To make your work easier, you should search for necessary bibliographies before you start writing. This includes looking for the sources that other authors have used, searching if they are available online, and saving them for later use. Know your resources. Spend time getting to know what resources your library offers. Ask the research librarian for some assistance if needed. Check some of the academic databases that your university has subscribed too and whether you can access them outside the school. Seek help. Before starting, you should seek help from your instructor. They will help you locate specific pieces of hard to find information or clarify grey areas. They may also recommend a few authors who are well-versed in your topic. The Actual Research and How to Conduct It Properly Your civil engineering research paper will have the following parts: Cover Page This part contains the paper’s title, your name, and the year. Abstract The abstract will be a broad overview of your paper, and it is never more than a page. It describes what your paper is all about, objectives its significance, the methodology, and the main findings. You should take the time to write a good abstract because it is the first part of the paper that will be read by your instructor. Introduction and Statement of the Problem Here, you are to explain the main research problem and why it is important, how original it is and if it will fill a gap in other studies. Literature Review This section includes a review of what other authors have written about your topic. You will be required to provide relevant information that has been done on the topic from the analysis and summary of published literature and reports. This section will draw heavily on the previous work by others and other sources of data that should be extensively referenced. Methodology Discuss the research methodology that you used for your study. What did you do, how you did you do it. You should provide enough information on the research schedule with specific tasks and milestones that can be used to track the progress of the research. Limitations of the Study In this section, you will indicate what you are not going to attempt. You can limit your paper by personnel, time, and geographic location among others. Expected Results and Methods of Analyses Here, you will describe the data expected to be generated by the research. Describe how the data will be processed, summarized or analyzed. Identify statistical methods that you will use to process the data. Also, describe how you will assimilate and interpret literature, interviews, or other non-qualitative information. Conclusions Here, you state what you have learned or proved. Describe interesting observations, new questions, and future work here. References For your work to be considered credible, you should use sources that are regarded as highly credible. You should not rely on those that give a personal opinion or anecdotal evidence. Sources that are considered reputable include: Specialist magazines or newspapers of high repute; Government reports, reports from recognized and reputable organizations; Published theses; Journals: If possible, try to restrict yourself to peer-reviewed journals which are journals that are reviewed by experts who work in the field of research before they are published. Some More Important Things to Consider Geographical Restriction: If your topic focuses on a particular county, you will need the information from that country’s resources. Year Range: Some universities require that you use information published that fit a particular year range. You could be restricted to sources that are not more than 10 years old or less. Editing: How to Polish Your Paper to Perfection The research is a formal academic document and should be written formally. Write your research in the third person. You should be clear and succinct. The report should be written in the past tense because the document describes the work that has been done before. You should ensure that your work meets the required level of academic writing. It should also be presented in a clear and logical manner. The necessary high standards in spelling, referencing, and grammar should be met. Stay within the word limit: you should strive to remain within the word limit. Most instructors penalize students for failing to reach the word limit or writing beyond what was required of them. Cut long sentences in two: keep your sentences short to avoid losing the reader’s focus. Readers often get stuck when reading long utterances. Remove repetition: use varied vocabulary. You should not use the same words repetitively in the research unless they are keywords. Proofread: proofread your work multiple times to identify and correct mistakes. Seek help: request someone else to review your paper and check for mistakes. Plagiarism: Make Sure There is Nothing to Be Ashamed Of To avoid plagiarism, you are required to properly cite and attribute the work of others in the literature review and background section of your work. You should cite words that you have used directly from other authors. You must also document the source when you use the ideas or information of others even if they appear in your own words. However, you are not required to cite sources for materials that are considered common knowledge. You should expect to put a lot of work into your research. First, you will be required to come up with a research proposal which constitutes the first part of the project. The research proposal will establish the organization for the final document. Equally, you must strive to produce high-quality research project. References Bui, Y. (2013). How to write a masters thesis. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE. Ram, P., Sethi, A., Madadin, M., Menezes, R. (2016). Research at an undergraduate level An insight into its importance. Nepal Journal Of Epidemiology, 6(1), 528. doi: 10.3126/nje.v1i1.14734
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