Thursday, November 28, 2019
Freak the Mighty free essay sample
Freak the Mighty My opinion that this book was a little sad because Kevin (also known as Freak) had a disease that made him stop growing at three feet so he had to wear metal leg braces and crutches. Also in the beginning Max was a bully because in the beginning of the story Max was called Kicker because whoever touched him Max will hurt that person by punching and kicking him/her. The book also talks a lot about friendship and trust because when Freak and Max first saw each it was only for one afternoon and that afternoon they barely talked to each other but once years have passed, some how Freak moved next to Max’s emptied neighbors house (the only reason the house was empty because the old neighbor was still in jail) So after Freak got out of the truck he was still three feet but at that time Max just got a growth spurt and was almost six foot three. We will write a custom essay sample on Freak the Mighty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But before Freak can be his neighbor he was already six foot three and grim and gram (grandma and grandpa) was shocked. But size didn’t matter they were still best friends. Even when Tony the teenage criminal was chasing after Freak and Max and they had a lot of trust on each other while they were getting chased. That’s how Freak the Mighty was created! When Killer Kane was following them they used some toxic but non-harmful liquids to defeat Killer Kane. After that Freak had so many other plans to do with Max was happy to join and Freak the Mighty one of the most saddest parts of this story is that Max’s dad died Freak’s parents got divorced and had to stay with her mom. But the saddest part of all is in the end Freak got send to the hospital because of his heart, then the next morning around 3:00 am Max woke up to go to the hospital to check on Freak, but when he got there everybody who worked there was crying and trying to hug him. He felt that he was kicker again because who ever tried to hug him he will try to beat up. He found the room Freak was in so he punched the window went right through, but before he could go through the door that leads too the surgery room and a security guard sat on him and the surgeon heard noise outside the room and saw Max and said to Max while the security guard was sitting on him â€Å"I’m sorry but Freak’s heart was to big for his body and died†. A year passed and Freak’s mom got a boyfriend and went to go live in Los Angeles with him and Max still misses Freak so Max decides to keep Freaks memory alive. So my opinion about this story is aloof, interesting, adventuress, and meaningful story for who ever is going to read this book .
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Tempest and The Explorers essays
The Tempest and The Explorers essays You taught me language , and my profit ont Is, I know how to curse.The red plague rid you for learning me your language! Caliban. The two texts The Tempest and The Explorers are shown to be both highly influenced by the time period in which they were composed.The targeted audience also played a significant role in the formation,language and ideas conveyed within the texts. The most notable influence and theme throughout the tempest would have to be Montaignes essay On Cannibals in which he continually asserts that what is natural is synomous with what is good, and that nature herself ought to be the light which human action is guided. Shakespeare incorporates this theory in the character of Caliban, the mere name Caliban mirrors the word Cannibal. Both Montaigne and Shakespeare explore the relationship between nature and modern civilisation. Montaignes idealisation of cannibals contrasts sharply with Shakespeares portrayal of the brutish Caliban. Shakespeares cannibal (Caliban) appears to be as pathetic,crass and vulgar as any individual can possibly be portrayed Calibans first speech emphasises the conflict that arises from his lack of gratitude towards his master. Prospero, having drawn Caliban away from his savagery and towards modernity, believes that Caliban owes him a debt of gratitude. Caliban essentially feels betrayed and this is evident in the tone and language used to address Prospero in his first speech: This Islands mine by Sycorax my mother,which thou takst from me. When thou camst first, Thou strokst me and made much of me...... .......and then I loved thee........... For I am all the subjects that you have,Which first was mine own king, and here you sty me in th...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Platos Social Order
of Socrates in the Republic, â€Å"And this class, which properly has a share in that knowledge which alone among the various kinds of knowledge ought to be called wisdom, has, as it s... Free Essays on Plato's Social Order Free Essays on Plato's Social Order Plato’s Social Order Plato’s just social order is compromised of guardians, auxiliaries, and artisans, and this social order directly correlates to the classes in the city of wisdom-loving, victory-loving, and gain-loving in the city. Each specific class has a different virtue and make-up pertaining to its order. The city’s virtues of wisdom, courage, and moderation correspond analogously to the three virtues of the individual. According to Plato, the three parts of the soul are learning, spiritedness, and desiring, and these elements are embodied with a sense of righteousness in each man. This utopia that Plato envisions in the Republic is perfectly good and just. Additionally, justice influences all the virtues of the city, consisting of courage, wisdom, and moderation, and the parts of the soul. Every class of citizens is aware that the aim of the city is to have justice in the city as a whole, rather than just the happiness of the individual. The balance between justice in the i ndividual and justice in the city allows for utilization of happiness. According to Plato, the individuals are perfectly just; and this utopia is intrinsically good, rather than an unjust city glorified by lies and indulgence of injustice. Through the city’s virtues of wisdom, courage, and moderation, justice prevails in each virtue to promote and secure a life of happiness for the individual. The most important element of the social order is the class of guardians, who have the gift of learning in their soul, and the virtue of wisdom corresponding to their class. This class of wisdom-loving guardians possesses a preeminent kind of knowledge, counsel, and judgment in all areas of life. The virtue of wisdom suited for the guardians is represented by the words of Socrates in the Republic, â€Å"And this class, which properly has a share in that knowledge which alone among the various kinds of knowledge ought to be called wisdom, has, as it s...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free sample - Reflection Paper. translation missing
Reflection Paper. Reflection PaperIntroduction Hinduism and Christianity are religions that have existed in the world for a very long time now. Each of the religions have many followers depending on the area of presence Hinduism is a religion that is commonly known as Sanatana Dharma meaning eternal religion and Varnasramadharma which emphasizes the fulfillment of duties and responsibilities that are prescribed by both the class and the stage that one is in. It is the perennial faith for the Hindus. It is one of the oldest among the religions that are practiced in the world and still is today amidst the dharma faith. This paper discusses the distinctive aspects, similarities and differences of the two religions. Discussion Hinduism is characterized and comprised of a diverse array of beliefs, scriptures and practice system. It originated from the ancient Vedic culture back in 2000 BC. It is estimated to be the third world largest religion in the world having about 940 million people. 96 percent of these people reside in Indian subcontinent. If the yoga followers are included the religion carries about 1.05 billion people in the whole world (Dogra and Dogra, 2003). It has neither traceable founder nor a date when it originated. The authors and the dates of the sacred texts of the Hinduism religion are unknown. Hinduism is not a homogenous organized religion. Most of its followers are committed followers of Shiva whom they look at as the only true God. Others refer in ward to the divine self that is called atman. Most of its followers identify the existence of Brahman as the unifying factor and the reality responsible for all that lives. Hinduism religion is thought to have its name originating from the Persian word Hindu which means river. It was used by outsiders to refer to people of the Indus river valley. Hindu practice distinguishes itself from other religions by encouraging its followers to be tolerant to other people with different beliefs. This is because the religion posits that temporal systems cannot assert solitary understanding of one transcendental truth (Hawley and Narayanan, 2006). The followers respect the Brahmans and the Vedas while some others consider only one of the two authorities. The religious life of its followers is devoted to God or gods, meditation and duties of the family life. The first sacred writings of Hinduism were mostly about the ritual sacrifices to numerous gods who acted as representatives of the forces of nature. After the development of the Vedanta philosophy, new belief and custom systems came up from Hinduism forming Buddhism and Jainism. The Hinduism tolerance to diversity in belief made it acceptable to many persons in the west as an alternative to most the religion in the west. Although Hinduism got a relatively few converts from the west, its thought and practice influenced the west indirectly as seen in the development of new religions such as the hare Krishna and new age. Indian beliefs and practices such as the chakra and the yoga system were incorporated in books that covered health and spiritual issues. The Hindu followers worship in the temple. Christianity has been defined as a monotheistic set of values and practices that are primarily based on the Old Testament and the wisdom of Jesus Christ as brought out in the New Testament.The Christian religion is monotheistic in nature. It has its belief in one God who created the entire earth and all that is in it. Different groups of people that support Christianity place different weight on the three issues but they all put their beliefs in them. The Christian religion is divided into two groups; the Catholics and the Protestants. Christians believe in the holy trinity that is comprised of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The followers of the Christian faith believe that the three are contained in one God almighty. Followers of the Christian religion worship in the church. Christians consider that man was created in the likeness of God. Those human beings are both physical and spiritual beings who are rational, are able to establish relationships with one another and are capable of making wise decisions (Bainton, 2000). Christianity bases its belief on Jesus Christ. That he is the son of God who was sent to the world to come and save the human kind from sin and their inequities to the righteousness and love of God. That he descended died, resurrected and ascended in to heaven where God is. It emphasizes on the free conscience of a free person in a free community. Christianity is not just bout morality. It is about repentance and the relationship with Jesus Christ as man`s savior. The three most significant features of Christianity encompass the axial role of human freedom of serving their God. People are allowed to make willingly their choices about servitude. Secondly, that man should devout things that belong to God to Him. This is clearly shown in Ceaser`s story in the bible. That all things that belong to God Should be given unto Him. Thirdly, the recognition that man often does what he is not supposed to do and do not do the things that he is supposed to do. This is manifested as sins that are supposed to be repented for so that God may have mercy and forgive the sinners. What should be clear is the unity of humanity as reality and persistence of differences without which permanent and deep unity and affection could not be there. Hinduism and Christianity share some form of similarity. The goals that are brought out from the two religions are alike. This touches more on issues of after life, heaven, and the goodness that people should display. Both the two religions encourage people to do good while on earth so that after their death they may go to heaven. It however they engage in bad deeds they will go to hell where there is suffering. The believers of the two religions are supposed to be perfect on their spiritual lives. This is seen in Hinduism Moksha and Christianity`s heaven. Christianity teaches about the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the goodness as a means of measuring right and wrong. This is the same with Hinduism teachings on karma. The two religions both teach about soul and sin cleansing with emphasis on water. Christianity has its belief in the holy trinity that is encompass of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Hinduism has a similar belief in the role and responsibility of its many gods. Hinduism has three primary gods that some Hindus believe work as one in Brahman. Most Hindus believe that all gods and goddesses work as absolute reality referred to as Clemmons. In Christian churches there is always water at every entrance to bless persons with the love of God and to be cleansed before getting into the church. In Hinduism worshippers cleanse in communal baths before getting to the temples for prayer. Hinduism talks about Maya and atman which corresponds to Christianity concepts of grace and sin. These aspects are linked to the relationship of Christians with the coming of Jesus Christ to the world and Brahman on the part of Hindus. Despite having similarities, Hinduism and Christianity have differences. Hinduism recognizes Christianity as a valid religion with the same goal like its own. Hinduism considers all other religions as different ways that lead to the same end unlike Christianity that does not consider any other religion as valid. This is brought clearly through the teachings of Jesus Christ that state that no one will enter in heaven except through him, the way, truth and life. The eventual Hinduism ideal is mysticism which is basically a matter of intellect, consciousness and intuitiveness. Christianity on the other hand encourages sanctity which has to do with God`s will and love (Caldwell, 2010).  Eastern religions Hinduism being one of them are understandable from within only by the few people who share the understanding which makes Hinduism esoteric. It has many levels of truth comprising of sacred cows, reincarnation and monism. Western religions, Christianity being a party are exoteric, democratic and open to everyone. Hinduism is a religion that is evolving. It has no known founder unlike Christianity that has Jesus Christ as its central entity. Hinduism has no exact time that it started or was founded. Hindus believe that everything is part of God whether right or wrong and thus to them God is manifested in both good and evil. Christians on their side consider that God did not create evil but instead gave man a free will to exercise what he feels good for himself but with a price to pay. Conclusion Hinduism as an eastern religion and Christianity as a western religion have distinctive features that make them stands out from each other. The two religions have some similarities that link them together as well as differences that clearly separate them. Even though they have differences and similarities, Hinduism exists in the west just like Christianity exists in the east. It is only that they are minimally established in those areas. The two religions have existed in the world for over two thousand years and will still be there in the coming years. References Dogra, R. C. Dogra, U. (2003). Let's Know Hinduism: the Oldest Religion of Infinite Adaptability and Diversity. 2nd ed. Kuala Lumpur: Star Publications. Hawley, S. J. Narayanan, V. (2006). The Life of Hinduism. California: University of California Press. Bainton, H.R. (2000). Christianity. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Caldwell, R. (2010). Christianity and Hinduism. New York: BiblioLife.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Source Annotation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Source Annotation - Essay Example He also concludes that Americans are feeling an economy strain because of this. The quality of the source is credible considering that other scholars on the topic reaffirm the author’s sentiments. For instance, Himmelstein verifies the fact that medical bills are expensive, which has pushed people to file for bankruptcy. This proves the credibility of the source. I agree with points formulated by the author as the source fits into my argument because the Zuckerman also celebrates the fact that America has experienced an increase in the medical expenditure, a sentiment that has been shared by other scholars. This is due to the fact that the government has increased its resources towards achieving a better healthcare plane for its citizens. This positively influences the life of the Americans by cutting down all healthcare policies. I tentatively disagree with the fact that the prices of health have increased bankruptcy levels since the government of America has developed healthcare policies for its citizens. I therefore rule out chances that the American citizens are bankrupt and cannot afford to cater for their healthcare
Safety management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Safety management - Essay Example Moreover, drums that have been made with non-combustible and absorbent materials such as vermiculite are recommended to avoid any cases of leakage. The drum should therefore undergo thorough sealing. It should then be labeled DANGER CHEMICAL PCB WASTE and should be written in English or the understood language. PCB containers are not supposed to be stacked and should be well secured from any form of insecurity. Firefighting materials should also be ready in case of any fire. Upon disposal, the PCB materials should undergo incineration of temperatures above 1,100Â °C. In addition, there should be a mean radiance of 2 seconds with minimum access to oxygen content of 3%. After decontamination, the excavator should be removed from the site by a fork lift that should be positioned away from the contaminated building. Using the fork lift, the excavator should be lifted and transported to the necessary site where further decontamination process should be carried on to ensure zero tolerance of contamination. Published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap.354) Section 35. (2014). CODE OF PRACTICE ON THE HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL WASTE. Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Team Performance and Technology-Sheila Coursework
Team Performance and Technology-Sheila - Coursework Example In the context below certain modes of technologies are discussed to help enhance the performance of globally distributed teams. These are offices that are run online and they enable members situated in different parts of the globe to communicate and share official documents as if they were in the same office at that exact time that will help boost the performance of the teams. The technology uses advanced software that enables the members communicate from even within far places. Immediately a member gets online the other members get notified and this makes it easier to post questions and suggestions on certain projects worked on solely by a certain member (Bass, 2014). An example of this type of technology is the Groove Virtual Office where the members or workers tend to share information based on their work through online office, since everyone signs in and can provide their projects and other stuffs through mails or instant messages to the office. This engages those across the globe in that they don’t have to be there personally to attend forums or office proceedings and can instead do that on internet and air their views and suggestions that will help in the betterment of the organizations (Breugst, 2012). Groove virtual office has a number of advantages as well as disadvantages. Some of the noticed advantages are that all members are in a position to make follow ups on whatever transpired in their absence having signed into the office late since all the posts made by the other workers are displayed on the conversation thread enabling them to read to get conversant with. The technology is also one of the fastest means since the messages get delivered instantly to the workers mailboxes enabling faster feedback too. A notable disadvantage is that some members may not be able to sign in to the online office due to inadequate internet access in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Classroom management plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Classroom management plan - Essay Example With the help of an effective class room management, teachers can plan the activities in a class room and achieve the objectives of teaching and learning. An analysis of researches undertaken in various parts of the world reveals â€Å"that effective classroom management increases student engagement, decreases disruptive behaviors, and makes good use of instructional time†(Kaliska, 2002). A recent survey study also reveals the same result that classroom management as the most important factor influencing student learning (Jones & Jones, 2004). Class room management has many interpretations by eminent authors and researchers. However, the definition put forward by Colville-Hall seems to be a comprehensive one. He defines class room management as â€Å"a broad set of teaching behaviors through which the teacher shapes and maintains learning conditions that facilitate effective and efficient instruction resulting in a learning community. Effective classroom management is an ong oing, maintenance-oriented process. It involves motivating students to learn, providing appropriate instruction and feedback, and managing student work. Efforts of the effective classroom teacher are proactive, responsive, and supportive†(Colville-Hall, 2000). The purpose of this report/plan is to explore and determine the most effective classroom management plan that best fits the need of the hour. The plan covers the comprehensive activities and procedures that one must schedule and implement to achieve the teaching and learning objectives as desired. The plan is prepared in line with my class room experience and interaction with my class mates. Classroom management means and includes all the efforts by teachers along with the students in a class to achieve their teaching and learning objectives. â€Å"It includes the preparation of plans and materials, structuring of activities into time blocks, direct teaching of skills and subject matter,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Arc petition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Arc petition - Essay Example However, I could not withdraw the class at the set time by the administration because the first examination that I had with the optician was promising as he assured me that my sight would improve. The result gave me a lot of hopes, and I did not see the need of withdrawing instead I embarked on my studies. Moreover, at the beginning of the semester, my sight was not as poor as it is right now because carry out an experiment and make proper inferences. Before putting my petition, I have extensively discussed my problem with my faculty members and they have promised to give me both the moral and financial support. Furthermore, they have accepted that should my sight improve and I come back to school, they will offer me the classes that I have missed. With the promise of the financial support that I have in the background, I promise that if you let me off the semester and I get the proper medication, I will come back immediately to continue with my studies. I will buy the glasses so as aid my performance in class and I will always be informing the committee members without taking any chance should there be any problem. United States. (1986). FCC record: A comprehensive compilation of decisions, reports, public notices, and other documents of the Federal Communications Commission of the United States. Washington, D.C.: Federal Communications
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ethical issues Essay Example for Free
Ethical issues Essay 1. Environmental Hazards: The pollutants that business industry dumps into the environment are more than just ugly nuisance; they are killers. For example, air pollution has been found to be related to deaths from bronchitis, heart disease, as well as emphysema, and several types of cancers. Studies by the American lung Association have concluded that between 50 to 120,000 thousand deaths a year are linked to the air pollution that are disbursed by air from manufacturing companies. Ant there is little doubt that the depletion of the ozone is caused by atmospheric pollution. According to Coleman/ Cressey (2001), The contamination of our waters with poisonous waste, for example, lead, mercury and dumping radioactive materials at sea to include the sinking of certain types of vessel, has already taken many lives. Thus, alone the American industry creates 3000 new chemicals every year, and most of the hundreds of thousand of chemicals used by industry have never been thoroughly tested to find out how dangerous they really are. For example, Dell Computer has come increasing scrutiny for its failure to take a leading role in reducing the amount toxic materials in the production of computers. All so, Dell Computer is using prison inmates (cheap labor) to handle the recycling of computers component parts. Not only is Dell violating environmental laws and contributing to improper disposal of computers that contain high contents of mercury, but also is endangering the inmates health. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2005). The growth of our ecological problem actually started in the 1960s, which prompted groups and individuals to lobby congress to establish laws to protect the public and impose stiff penalties on those businesses that violated the laws. Out of this era came the Radiation Control for Health and safety act of 1968, Clean Water Act of 1972, and Toxic Substance Act of 1976. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2005). The responsibility of enforcing these laws is entrusted to (EPA), Environmental Protection Agency. Even businesses of today, continue to behave in total unethically manner when it come to pollution. Many large corporation dont have pollution control program and/or mechanism in place that places value on the environment, be it land, sea or air pollution. But, most violators of the Acts receive just a slap on the wrist. Businesses are more concern about their own self-interest of profits. Thus, continue to show little regards to the fact they are destroying the environment as well as depleting precious resources. Furthermore, the present contemporaries are incline to affluent life style and their materialistic greed have made them careless about the environment. Just as the rules are written for ethical behavior and left open for ones own interpretation and compliance, the same could be said in reference to the pollution control Act, there is a right and wrong way to demonstrate environmental awareness, but organizations continue to ignore the fact that we are on a path of depleting our precious environment. 2. Equal pay for women. I believe that not only must the hierarchical nature of the division labor between the sexes be eliminated, but the very division of labor between the sexes itself must be eliminated if women are to attain equal social status with men and if women are to attain the full development of their human potential. (Hurst, 1998). Throughout history, women were directly involved in production. When the industrial revolution occurred, single women and children were recruited for example from New England to work in textile factories in Rhode Island. Supervisory positions were held by men. Female workers were paid only half of what men were paid, even though they made up approximately 75 percent of the workers (Eisler, 1977). Men were concerned about the entrance of women into the labor market because they felt that it would have a depressing effect on their wages. They fought to keep women out of the craft unions that later developed. Women held strikes in the 1830s and 1840s to protest reductions in wages, speed-ups in work pace, and working hours (Dublin, 1970). Wars change the face of a nation, to include the workforce. During the World War II, jobs held formerly by men were accessible to women. The influx of women into the labor force has continued in recent years. In general, women tend to concentrate in white-collar and service occupations, while men are more spread out between white collar and blue-collar positions. A decline in occupational segregation has occurred in broad occupational categories, largely because of shifts in technology and organizational structures. But despite these general improvements, women still are found disproportionately in certain occupations such as nursing, teaching and hold only a small percentage of positions as computer specialists, scientist and engineers. Similarly, a man and woman may be both be in sales, but the woman is much more likely to be in clothing sales, while the mans is involved in selling of stocks and bonds. Craft occupations are another group of occupations in which women continue to be severely underrepresented (Herz, Wootton, 1996). According to a US Department of Labor (1996) report, in 1979, women who worked full time made about 63 percent of what men did, but in 1995, women earned about 75 percent as much as men. However, this decline may be due more to decreases in the earnings of men, in general, than it is to real improvement for women (Bernhardt et al., 1995). The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) guarantee that women holding essentially the same jobs as men will be treated with respect and fairly compensated regarding all rewards of work: wages, salaries, commissions, overtime pay, bonuses, premium pay, and benefits. However, comparisons cannot be made across different companies. Interestingly, employers may pay workers of one gender more than another on the basis of merit, seniority, quality and quantity of production, or any other factor other than sex. Given that women are still reaching a glass ceiling, particularly when it comes to upper management, CEO positions, these allowed practices are still discriminatory practices. How is equality of position established? By determining and setting criteria for skill, effort, responsibility, and working condition. Ivancevic (2004) maintains that the difference in wages includes also any type of compensation such as vacations, holiday pay, leave of absence, overtime pay, lodging, food, reimbursement for clothing or other expenses. In order to close the remaining earning gap, the concept of equal pay for equal jobs to be expanded to include equal pay for comparable jobs has become more widely accepted. 3. Women comparable worth in the job market: The concept of comparable worth maintains that since females are discriminated in the labor market we have to look at the worth and intrinsic value of the job, and although jobs may be dissimilar in content (i.e. nurse and plumber), both are important to society and the organization. My wife maintains that she thinks that the garbage man/woman has a much greater worth and value (what would happen if the garbage wouldnt be picked up?) than a doctor, for example, for she seldom goes to the doctor, at least not weekly. Even when men take womens work, they are on top of the pay scale. The solution to the erosion of inequality is, regardless whether viewed from the perspective of equal pay or comparable worth, that womens real wages have to rise faster than mens whose wages dont have to fall. Though laws now prohibit employers from paying a woman with the same qualification less than a man who does the same work. In support of women rights, I would like to see the law expanded to guarantee that the jobs in which most workers are mostly women are paid at roughly the same rate as comparable jobs in which most workers are men. My own personal experience of equal pay and comparable worth is linked to the military pay system. This particular pay system is a product of across the broad theory, that regardless of gender, the pay at this particular rank is the same for both male and female. There are four major factors that govern advancement for the sexes: education, time in service, training, and experience, though there are special incentives for those with critical skills. In other words, all jobs in this particular specialty are to be considered to be equal in pay for all. Therefore it is my belief regardless if you are male or female with identical qualification and capable of performing at the next level there should be no hesitation in advancement. It has been proven time and time again throughout ranks of military professionals, that women are just as capable and sometime more capable than men at performing the same job, but at a higher rate of success and enthusiasm. In closing, the net worth should be based on the value each job (not female or male) renders to the organization. Reference Bernhardt, Martina Morris, and Mark S. Handcock. 1995. Womens Gains or Mens Losses? A Closer Look at the Shrinking Gender Gap in Earnings. American Journal of Sociology 101:302-28. Dublin, Thomas. 1979. Women at Work. New York: Columbia University Press. Eisler, Benita, ed. 1977. The Lowell Offering. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Herz, Diane E., and Barbara H. Wooton. 1996. Women in the Workforce: An Overview. Pp 44-78 in The American Woman 1996-7, edited by C. Costellor and B.K Krimgold. New York: Norton. Hurst, Charles E. 1998. Social Inequality: Forms Causes and Consequences. Allen Beacon: Needham Heights, MA. Invancevich, J. M. 2004. Human Resource Management. (9th ed). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin. U.S. Department of Labor, January 1996. Employment and Earnings. Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Questions and Answers on Employee Motivation
Questions and Answers on Employee Motivation Question.01. How can expectancy theory be used to explain the differences in motivation between Alex and Katrien? What specifics from the case apply to expectancy theory? Answer: Expectancy theory[1] states that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. They are both college students so the expected result would be that they would have similar opportunities and pay. Katrien is given many elements in the job characteristics model such as task identity and autonomy since she is able to create a product at the culinary center and see it to completion while Alex is placed in one area without any other tasks that could be considered motivational. Alex doesnt believe that performing at a certain level will attain a desired outcome like additional pay. The rewards are not consistent with his needs. For example, stocking more produce may only result in a sticker which has no value or little value for Alex while Katrien has the opportunity to make an additional $75.00 for attempting to sell 10 expensiv e bottles of truffle oil that is not only challenging but also adds value by helping her pay the bills.(high expectancy). Question.02. Alex states that he is underpaid for the work he does. What motivational theory does this apply to, and how would it explain Alexs behavior? Answer: Alex is underpaid and thus equity theory[3] could help explain his behavior. Also, the job characteristics theory could be applied since he is stuck in the produce department devoid of the other components of the model like skill variety or task significance. Denise has a shorter term in the market and gets paid more which adds to the inequitable situation. The environment, the repetitive work and the unfair treatment are all disincentives for Alex so his behavior is consistently negative. Question.03. Using concepts from organizational justice, explain why Alex knocks his bosss lunch to the floor. What should Alexs boss do to improve the fairness of his treatment? Answer: Both distributive and procedural justice[5] are components because of his pay and the fact that Jacque is treating Denise more favorably. Distributive justice is the perceived fairness of the outcome and this case he does not believe that he is being rewarded fairly. Alex has an issue with procedural justice in that Jacque has a bias for Denise and therefore Alex believes that the process is unfair. He knocks his lunch to the floor when he perceives a problem with interactional justice when Jacque interrupts his lunch with Katrien and he feels that he is not respected. Although he has 45 minutes for lunch, Jacque always wants him to return within 30 minutes, which is once again unfair treatment as compared to other employees. Question.04. Using concepts from the emotions and moods chapter, explain why Alex retaliates toward his supervisor. Was his behavior driven purely by emotion, or did cognition also play a role? How so? Answer: Alexs emotions are negative. He is exhibiting a negative effect, which is a mood state that is displaying his stress level, anxiety and irritability toward his boss and the climate in which he is employed. His retaliation is an emotional reaction to the poor treatment that he has endured from his boss and the favorable treatment toward Denise. Cognition plays a role since Alex is aware of his environment and has been trying to make sense of the injustices. His ultimate emotional response with Jacques sandwich was a result of an accumulation of perceived inequities. Question.05. Compare and contrast Alex and Katrien in terms of each persons level of work stress. How might stress affect their attitudes and behaviors within their work environment? Answer: Katrien consistently has a smile on her face and her level of job satisfaction is high. She has been given a variety of tasks and her job is fulfilling, therefore her level of work stress is low. In contrast, Alexs stress level is high with many perceived injustices and boring work. His attitude and behavior are poor and negative respectively since their managers have different styles of Theory X for Alex and Theory Y for Katrien. Alex will quit as soon as he finds another job while Katrien is content with her position and present challenges. Question.06. Discuss Alex and Katrien in terms of each persons job attitudes (for example, job satisfaction and organizational commitment). What factors might be responsible for any differences? Answer: Again, the attitudes including job satisfaction and organizational commitment are positive for Katrien and negative for Alex. As mentioned, Alex is looking to leave the organization while Katrien is given more responsibilities and challenges. Her job satisfaction is high while his is low. Many factors mentioned earlier have contributed to this situation from the differences in managers and their respective styles to the biases and injustices including unfair treatment and inequitable pay that all contribute to a poor working environment and a lack of motivation on Alexs part. Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 231237 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 233-234 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 234236 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 229236 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Page 229 Robbins/Judge, Organizational Behavior,13th Edition, Pearson Education,2009, Pages 285-293
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Truth Exposed in An Indians Looking-Glass for the White Man :: Synthesis Essays
Truth Exposed in An Indian's Looking-Glass for the White Man     William Apes, in his essay "An Indian's Looking-Glass for the White Man," argues that to profess Christianity and still distinguish between races is a hypocrisy not supported by the Bible. In the first part of his essay Apes asks several questions such as why, if God loves white people so much, did he create fifteen colored people for every white one; and of all the races, who has committed the most heinous crimes? He goes on to emphasize that neither Jesus nor his disciples were white skinned. He also questions the white person's right to control Native Americans. Apes asks his predominately white, Christian audience to reexamine their own prejudices and concludes his essay pleading "pray you not stop till this tree of distinction shall be leveled to the earth, and the mantle of prejudice torn from every American heart--then peace shall pervade the Union." Apes accurately portrays the racism that Native Americans suffer. Racism exists in both the individual and within politics. During the late 1800's, when this article was written, it was illegal in Massachusetts for whites and Indians to intermarry. He labels this as a clear infringement on individuals to make their own decisions. He also raises the point that many white people do not even consider the Indian to be qualified for the rights of an individual. This dehumanization allows white people to steal the Indians' land and murder them with out a second thought. He calls on the whites, as Christians, to reassess these racist views. People cannot call themselves Christians and persecute others, based on skin color, in the name of Christianity. Apes says that words must be supplemented by actions, backing himself up with scripture such as I John 3:18, "Let us not love in word but in deed." Although Apes convincingly argues against the biases within the Christian community, he bases h is arguments on several assumptions, neglecting to address problems such as the language barrier and problems that arise when two different cultures try to occupy the same land. When Apes uses Christianity as his tool to dispel racism he makes several unbacked assumptions. To begin with, he forgets that whites and Indians rarely use the same language let alone have the same religious values, therefore no one tool can be used for both cultures. Besides just the obvious language barrier, whites and Indians use entirely different words and phrases to express concepts.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Gays and Homosexuality: Personal Choice or Act of God? Essay -- Explor
Homosexuality: Personal Choice or Act of God? "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, not thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists will inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) Homosexuality has been around as long for as there is recorded history. Through the years, however, the opinions towards homosexuality have changed. Now, homosexuality is being labeled as a genetic trait rather than as a psychological problem. Not everyone believes this to be true, however. I have always believed that homosexuality is genetic and I decided to search the web for some evidence. I first checked out a site written by a supporter of the "gay gene." is written by Don Robertson. Don Robertson is a gay teacher of biochemistry and molecular biology. In his article, he states that many experiments have proved the genetic connection to homosexuality. He names some of the experiment's methods but he doesn't include who ran the experiments, where they were done, why or why not they would be reliable or whether they would have the same results if the experiments were repeated. He comes up with figures like if one identical twin is gay there is a sixty- percent chance that the other identical twins will also be gay. This is included to prove that since identical twins share identical genes, they must have had the "gay gene" passed down to both of them. This claim brings up a few problems. First, there is nowhere in the article that cites where this information was collected or if the informat... ...all the aspects of the experiments while Robertson didn't question anything he read about; the author from the second article questioned them based on outdated beliefs. Altogether, I didn't feel that I was convinced on either side. Were there any more experiments? Were any of the ones listed proven to be true? Are there any alternatives to the cause of homosexuality other than genetics and environment? Is religion the true way to look at the matter? "That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary nature and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error." (Romans 1:26-27)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Twins; Identical and Ferternal
Kevin Le Mr. Smith Health Period: 5 11 January 2013 Twins; Identical and Fraternal When it comes to people in the Earth twins are interesting to see. It use to be a mystery of how a mother can give birth to more than one baby. In the past year there are more birth of twins, and more type of multiple births. There are some reasons for a mother to give birth to twins; the first reason is multiple eggs are released. Another reason is one of the egg is being released and then splits into two. When a person thinks about a twin they think of identical twin, but there’s more there are fraternal twin (twins born the same day, but don’t look alike. and there is conjoin twin (twins born out conjoin. ) What is the difference between these three, there is no difference they were all born on the same day, but they have different physical appearance. Fraternal twins are still twins, but different gender one will be a boy and the other will be girl. Lastly the other difference between them and identical twins is that fraternal twins don’t share the same DNA as identical twins. To find out if a mother has a twin a mother is recommended to have an ultrasound.In some research it is said that during the beginning to the twelfth week of pregnancy there is a risk of having Vanishing Twin Syndrome. This happen when one of baby began to stop growing or neither of the baby is getting the nutrition from the mother, and when one of the baby born and the other is still-born. There are some factors that increase the odd of a mother having twins. The first reason is advance age mother from the 30s and 40s have a high chance of having twin because their ovaries are more likely to produce more than one egg at a time.Second reason is mother who have gave birth to a child already each time she is pregnant she has a higher chance each time to have twin. Third reason is if she is a twin she has a good chanc e to have twins, or if one of her sibling gave birth to twin then she will have a good chance to have twin. The last reason is African women has the highest chance of having twin while Asian women have a low chance. When having a single baby one of the female ovaries release one egg, and then the egg joins with sperm of the male partner. Then the fertilized egg began to develop a baby.Then when having multiple babies the female ovaries release two eggs at the same time. Then a separate sperm from the male partner began to fertilize with the egg, which will produce twins. When a female is about to give birth to three or more baby the process of it is about like when a female giving birth to twins. When about to give birth to twins or being pregnant with one can cause risk and dangers to twins. The major risk of having one was preterm labor. Preterm labor is when the baby is born three to four weeks before the baby was assigned to be born.If a mother is conc ern that she is having preterm labor there is sign. The signs are a mother is beginning to have more than five contraction hour. Also the mother began to have contraction often, and then she is starting having cramp. Another sign is she is having an upset stomach. Lastly her vagina begins to have changes, but also she could begin to vaginal bleeding. It is told by doctor that the mother having multiple births that she is aware of the risk or preterm labor, and the sign of it. Another risk of having a twin is they could have twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome.Twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome is a disease of the placenta. When in pregnancy the single placenta is shared between the two twins, during that process abnormal vessel can have a chance to develop, then the connection of the circulatory system of the twin. After, that it can develop of uneven exchange of blood flow. When that happens between the two babies one of them will give blood t o the other one which can risk of or both of the babies’ health. Lastly another risk is the twins can have Monoamnionic Monochorionic Twins. This disease occurs when twins are enclosed within a single amniotic sac.During the mother pregnancy the twins umbilical cords begins to me tangled, which result in lost of nutrients and oxygen to their body. When that happens there will be no cure, but to give birth to them. When a mother of Monoamnionic Monochorionic twins she is being taking special care, and been watch for possible hospitalization. The good thing is only 1% percent of twin birth will be monoamniotic. The current survival rate for this disease is 60%. While there are risks when having multiple births for the babies, there are some that can endanger the mother’s health.Mothers that gave birth to multiple babies have a chance of experiencing gestational diabetes, during the stage of pregnancy. This happen, because when carrying an ex tra baby it can interferes with the mother’s body ability to process insulin. The good thing is, it can be controlled with a diet, but sometimes the insulin must be managed. This will not have an affect to the babies. Another risk is the risk for the mother to have heart problem. Recent study in Canada got sad result for mothers of multiple babies. They found out that mothers that carry two or more babies are thirteen times more likely to have the experience of heart failure.Not only that the risk of having a heart attack during their pregnancy stage is nearly quadruple. More research tells that the mothers can have an increase to physiological stress, explaining that each more baby raises the level of cardiac output. Lastly the other risk for a mother is they could have Preeclampsia and PIH. When pregnant mother of multiples they could have blood pressure problem. PIH, or Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension, is diagnosed when the mo ther’s blood pressure is measures higher than 140 over 90. It is recommended that a mother that is pregnant with multiple that they should check their blood pressure regularly.There also treatments for this some are, restricted activity, bed rest, and rarely use of medications. Severe cases can result in early delivery. While there is PIH, Preeclampsia it is different. Preeclampsia effects in one in three moms giving birth to multiple babies. It could be treated with bed rest or medications, but the mother should closely watch because there potential risk that the mother can have kidney failure, seizures or stroke. The symptoms can usually occur after twentieth week of pregnancy, which can be usually found in routine check up.The symptoms are water retention, high blood pressure, proteins in the urine or the mother can began to gain more than two pounds in a week. More severe symptoms can be agitation or confusion, the mother begins to have mental change, nausea or vomiting, headaches, fatigue, stomach pain, or breath shortness. It is best is that the mother should contact with a doctor or caretaker if she is experiencing theses symptoms so, she could find a treatments. In the past year there have been interesting things about twins like in 1980, one in every 53 babies born are twins. By 2009 the number has increase to one in thirty.Another interesting thing is male twins will never have a chance to have twins unless their wives can the ability to produce two eggs. Also identical twins share the same DNA, but what is interesting is that they don’t share the same fingerprints. It is found that 22% of twins are born left-handed, while it is 10% for a single baby. A mother that before gave birth to fraternal twins has a three to four times to give birth to another set of twins. Nigeria has the highest rate of multiple births, while in China they have the lowest rate the average in one in three hu ndreds babies.Study has shown that a woman who is vegan has five times less likely to have twins than to a woman who eats meat. A study in Padova, Italy found out that the babies began to interact at fourteen weeks. Lastly 40% of twins invent their own language. In the past years twins were fascinated, but now they are not as much fascinated since the birth of twins has increase. Not only the birth has increase, but also there has been diseases found in twins. Identical, fraternal, and conjoin yes they are all different twin, but all three has something common.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cash Flow Problems and Solutions Essay
Sharma and Ryan are planning to share ownership of the business SIGNature Ltd. The business will manufacture plastic road signs for builders, tourist attractions and local councils. It is imperative that the business are continually monitoring and controlling their cash flow if they aim to survive, specifically making sure there are sufficient funds to cover immediate spending. However, SIGNature Ltd. should avoid holding too much cash as this is an unproductive asset, as the business could lose out on the possible profit from investing in the cash. Many businesses produce regular cash flow forecasts, listing all likley receipts (cash inflows) and payments (cash outflows) over a future time period, in this case 12 months. SIGNature Ltd. decided to invest  £12,500 each of their own money into the business totalling at  £25000 altogether, an adequate amount of money to start off the year, however; looking at their closing balance of  £5,556 this investment could have been much hi gher, the business were aware of their costs for this month of  £135,443 – a considerable sum of money to be coming out of a start-up business in the first month. The main issue with these high outgoings is the slightly low opening balance for February, which could have been avoided if precautions had been taken such as investing more money into the business or perhaps spreading the costs. In addition to the capital introduced Sharma and Ryan were granted a bank loan of  £80,000, a fairly large sum which aided the funding of machinery at  £85,000, fittings and fixtures at  £20,000 and insurance at  £1,000 totalling at  £106,000. With the uncertainty of sales these large payments in the first month may have negative results for the months to come if their sales do not meet targets, possibly landing the business into debts that will have to be repaid through external sources of finance, which will in turn incur additional borrowing costs adding pressure to the situation. Their available bank overdraft of  £20,000 could be considered, however, this would mean additional debt and additional creditors to repay, the business would then n eed to find ways of raising money themselves using the money borrowed, in order to repay all debts successfully – this would be unlikely to work as it would take time, resources and money putting extreme pressure on the business. Many business over borrow to finance growth, increasing interest costs which not only threatens the businesses cash position but the overall control of the business. It is important for Sharma and Ryan to fund growth in a balanced way; additional funds could have been invested through savings, Sharma and Ryan could have looked into accessible external sources of finance by for example seeking financial support from family and friends who would be interested in making an investment into the business. It appears that the business invested too much on fixed assets in the first month as the initial stages of a business’ funds are limited. Spending large amounts of money on equipment, machinery and other capital items can drain resources; Sharma and Ryan should consider lease some of these fixed assets such as the machinery, leaving sufficient cash funds. Receipts are lowest in February than any other at  £41,556, a possible result of the lower opening balance from the previous month’s outgoings. Sales remained the same at  £30,000, while regular costs remained the same, including salary payments of  £6,333 in total; this may have potential effects on the business and its profit, by paying the same outflows while receiving low inflows can cause the business to eat into turnover and therefore their profits. Other payments could also be investigated, such as their courier for example, their payments of  £1,500 seem extortionate, reducing the working capital the business have available to spend on daily activity and pay expenses. This may be an example of poor financial management, an inexperience in managi ng cash or a poor understanding of the way cash flows in and out of their business may lead Sharma and Ryan into problems. For example if a business were to spend heavily just before it receives cash from their customers who have bought on credit it is likely to face problems. It is not wise to spend cash when it is not definitely there. It will help SIGNature Ltd. to save cash if they were able to delay paying their courier for services they have already bought, the courier may also be able to extend their credit period (if any) from 30 to 60 days for example. However the business should be careful that the courier do not withdraw their credit facilities and refuse to transport the business’ goods if they are waiting too long for payment. Alternatively Sharma and Ryan could look into other courier services, comparing prices on the market in order to find a company that will transport their goods at a lower cost; leaving additional cash funds to support other business activity. Additional action that could be taken includes reducing the personal drawings from the business, owners who regularly take cash from the business could attempt to take less. Living expenses may be an issue to consider, however, making a reduction in drawings taken could reduce the amount of money that leaves the business. March sales are again  £30,000, with the addition of  £10,700 incurred in quarterly costs including payments to HMRC and telephone bills while advertising payments have risen by  £500; the result of these costs mean the closing balance drops to  £7,970 from 12,113 in the previous month, possibly impacting on April’s cash flow if sales do not rise as expected. In addition to this Ryan and Sharma are continuing to pay themselves as well as their two staff, raising costs by  £3,166 which could be spent on other aspects of the business while continuing to pay the same rates for all other costs; consequently their outgoings for the month total at  £40,143, a higher than optimum total. Businesses are subject to unpredictable external forces, meaning they must make financial provision for any unforeseen expenditure. Equipment breakdowns, tax demands, strikes and bad debts are common examples of emergency expense. In the early stages of business development it is more likely that business owners are affected by unforeseen expenditure due to lack of experience or insufficient planning. For Sharma and Ryan, it is very important they take these factors into account when financing their business, their current poor financial management could lead them to additional expenses they are not able to afford and could possibly have long-term effects on the business which will be hard to recover from. In order to raise funds SIGNature Ltd. may consider stimulating sales for cash, many business can generate cash by offering large discounts for customers who will pay in cash, reducing the amount of time waited to receive cash from sales to cover any emergency costs incurred. Sharm a and Ryan could simply delay payments, keeping this cash within the business for a longer period of time and only paying when put under pressure by creditors. Although this may be acceptable in many cases, the business should be cautious to make HMRC payments upfront to avoid future issues such as the loss of assets or additional costs as a result. Sometimes it may be possible to sell stock of raw materials, components or unfinished goods for cash. To generate cash quickly at lower cost if necessary, however, stocks such as road signs and their materials are specialised so may prove difficult to sell. They may consider selling to collectors of plastic, although this may not generate enough to benefit the business. April and May’s sales are to rise to  £37,000 as do purchases, going from  £13,500 to  £16,650 which could impact on profits after costs are deducted, spending although sometimes necessary can have negative effects on the business inflows. While costs cons ist of mostly mandatory payments, heat and lighting remain at  £500; the approaching summer months and likely hot weather suggest that this month’s bill should be considerably lower as days become longer at beginning of spring meaning more heat and light will be naturally generated, spending cash on these bills when they are not required is an example of financial mismanagement possibly leading to additional finance issues due to lack of cash. The business should focus on making only essential purchases, postponing or cancelling nay unnecessary spending and only buying resources when required. The business should consider ways to utilise natural light effectively in order to save energy, and costs as a result; an example could be the installation of solar panels, in addition to this the temperature in this month should be higher and therefore no need for the business to be paying the amount they are for heating. Other ways to gain or regain cash involve putting pressure on customers to pay back what they owe more quickly. Allowing customers to receive trade credit can benefit as they will appreciate the extra time to pay for purchased goods, however as SIGNature’s customers are often other business they may take advantage of this act of goodwill in resistance to repay the business when asked. Therefore the business should be wary when trusting a customer with this service, as they may not repay as result of pressure and it could lead to them simply resorting to finding another supplier. June’s sales remain at  £37,000 while the second quarterly costs are du e, HMRC payments have risen to  £12,210 as a result of higher company purchases. Total outgoings for this month are  £46,233, this is higher due to aspects of outgoings such as the addition of  £300 in telephone charges,  £500 additional advertising costs and the continual payment of heat and lighting bills of  £500. Other than this the business do not seem to be taking action against managing high costs (such as the courier for example), this demonstrates a reluctance to adapt to new situations. When dealing with their business, Sharma and Ryan should be evolving, and adapting their business to meet current demands; what suited the business three months ago may not apply currently. Sharma and Ryan may think about introducing fresh capital this month in order to improve cash flow, they may be able to use savings or take out loans using personal possessions as security. As a small business, SIGNature Ltd. may be able to friends and family to invest in it; another possibility could be the acquiring of a new business partner to add to existing funds, in addition they may be able to offer their expertise or a fresh way of thinking which could improve the business further. July to September’s sales rise to  £41,000, a  £4000 increase from April to June’s sales and an  £11,000 increase from the beginning of the year’s sales; inflows are appearing positive by this quarter, with outgoings remaining almost the same with the exception of higher purchases, the businesses profit margin has risen significantly. Sales have noticeably continued to rise after the end of each quarter when an additional  £500 is invested into advertising, from this I can say it is clear the business has potential to improve further from the use of advertisement in order to raise brand awareness and attract new and existing customers to continue using the ir business. It could be that the ‘in-between’ months are not being put to best use, if Sharma and Ryan were to more regularly invest in additional advertisement it could be that the business sales would continue to rise. From this pattern it appears their inexperience holds them from reaching full potential at the rate they could if they were to consult others (such as potential investors, or any associates within the industry for example) who may be able to offer advice or assistance. Another possible alternative as previously mentioned could be the introduction of an additional business partner, preferably one already involved within the industry, to offer their expertise through knowledge and experience while contributing a new take on the running of their business. If reluctant to allow another person have a say in the running of their organisation, there is the possibility of acquiring the new partner as a ‘silent partner’, allowing Sharma and Ryan to gain funds and guidance on the running of their business without the possible disagreements on actions taken during daily activity, which in turn would reduce any stress this may have caused while benefiting from the extra help they would receive. From October to December sales deteriorate to  £25,000 with bills remaining this reduces profit margins; however, opening and closing balances continue to total at over  £50,000, these large sums of money remaining each month appear positive when looking at the cash flow forecast, although this is known as an unproductive asset. The money left over at the end of the month should be banked or invested, in order to gain money from either interest earned or profit received from investment; the money lost from holding the cash could set the business back from what they could have earned if they were to have invested their money. Although many businesses try to sustain demand for their products, there may be times when it falls unexpectedly. Changes in spending habits could lead to a fall in demand, leading to fall in cash sales flowing into the company; oftentimes, trade fluctuates for seasonal reasons as it appears to have done in this case. To avoid this precautions can be taken , for SIGNature Ltd. it is thought their business would continue to strive in winter due to the nature of the organisation, additional warning road signs are likely to be needed as a result of harsh weather conditions, form this I can say that the business would be wise to invest in additional advertisement for the winter months in order to boost sales. In addition to this they may be able to provide discount in order to promote their product. This situation requires careful management of the summer months in order to regulate the winter months, although it is possible to predict these changes. In conclusion I can say that there are many issues SIGNature Ltd. could face as a small start-up business, due to varying factors; some of which include their lack of experience in both the industry and the running of a business, despite this there are many courses of action they can take in order to improve and grow their business. In my opinion the furthering of their business could be achieved through the better management of their spending, in addition to the alteration of their operation; there were a number of outgoings the business were continuing to pay when perhaps they could have found a cheaper alternative, while when possessing large sums of money, were not taking action to make use of this. As new business owners, the partnership should work on the evolution of their business by finding new ways to do things to ensure their organisation is reaching full potential by increasing profit margins through the cutting of costs and in some cases, the spreading of them in order t o achieve economies of scale, which could benefit Sharma and Ryan greatly.
Psychological Testing Article Analysis Essay
Psychological testing is a tool to properly assess behaviors and characteristics of individuals. Results of psychological testing are often presented through statistical tables that allow evaluation and comparison of the different variables tested against set norms. This paper will review an article lifted from the Health Psychology journal and determine the appropriateness of the psychological testing instruments used in the study. For this purpose, the article chosen is â€Å"Evolution of Biopsychosocial Model: Prospects and Challenges for Health Psychology†written by Jerry Suls and Alex Rothman in 2004. Article Summary The Biopsychosocial Model has enabled health psychologists in the search for a multi-level, multi-system approach to human functioning (Suls & Rothman, 2004). This idea is based on the premise that there is an intrinsic relationship between what is physical, psychological and social. However according to the research of Suls and Rothman, there are marked challenges that the model faces that have essentially impeded the progress of its full potential as a research, intervention and practice tool. The article’s ultimate goal was to determine what can be done to ensure the continuous refinement and evolution of the biopsychosocial model (Suls & Rothman, 2004). As a means to determine the viability of the biopsychosocial model as a multi-faceted instrument to help explain an individual’s health psychology, Suls and Rothman resorted to the use of statistical tests in psychology. By conducting frequency tests and factor analysis, the team of Suls and Rothman came up with a list of recommendations in the model’s areas of research, training, policy and funding, and practice. These recommendations are to further utilization of the links between biological, psychological, social, and even macro-cultural variables, with the ultimate aim of enhancing health (2004). Through the tests five issues were also identified to be crucial in the progress of the biopsychosocial model as a legitimate approach to health assessment. The article concluded by highlighting the various advancements in health psychology, particularly with the biopsychosocial model. However, Suls and Rothman stressed that the full potential of the model in terms of the ability to advance the theory and practice remain untapped (2004). Only a strong commitment to the model and it implications would establish long-term success of its involvement in health psychology (Suls & Rothman, 2004). Psychological Testing Instruments Used The article of Suls and Rothman did not explicitly discuss the test they used to assess the biopsychosocial model. In spite of this, it can be deduced from the tables they presented and the discussion of their findings that they relied on statistical tests in psychology in data-gathering. Statistical tests are commonly used to analyze results of a psychological research (Green & D’Oliveria, 1982). In fact many social sciences, particularly psychology, necessitate the use of statistical inference to explain findings (Meehl, 1967). In this particular article where the bulk of the fact-finding are based on peer research, two statistical tests in psychology were used. Suls and Rothman conducted frequency tests two times in their research study. Frequency tests are the most helpful tool when comparing data against each other (Lane, 2004). Through frequency tests, marked differences in independent variables are clearly distinguished. To measure the progression of the biopsychosocial model as a accepted concept in health psychology, Suls and Rothman conducted a frequency test on the use of the term â€Å"biopsychosocial†in journals and articles of Medline from 1974 to 2001, totals of which were group into a 3-year period interval (2004). Suls and Rothman likewise applied a frequency test to measure the integration of behavioral approaches to medical science in the study (2004). They reviewed articles in 4 major medical journals namely New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, and the Annals of Internal Medicine between the years of 1974 and 2001 (Suls and Rothman, 2004). Once again, they grouped the results into 3-year period intervals. From the raw frequency scores collected, they were able to produce a frequency polygon. A frequency polygon is the best way to present data gathered from frequency tests because it shows the shape of distribution of measured variables (Lane, 2004). Apart from frequency tests, Suls and Rothman also used factor analysis test. Factor analysis is one of the most commonly used statistical tests in various disciplines. It is used to determine patterns of relationships between variables (Gorsuch, 1983). In the area of psychology, factor analysis is commonly applied in intelligence research but it can also be used in other areas, like personality, behavior, belief, and even theory assessment. In this instance, factor analysis was used to assess the attitude of health psychologists towards the biopsychosocial model. The biopsychosocial model is dependent on the interaction between the biological, psychological, and social factors within an individual (Suls and Rothman, 2004). Suls and Rothman theorized that health psychologists are more likely to focus heavily on the psychological factor alone in the biopsychosocial model (2004). Therefore they used factor analysis to measure the presence of all the factors in articles written within a 12-month period, November 2001-September 2002 in Health Psychology. This particular application is called confirmatory factor analysis. It is used when the concern is to determine the number of variables that conform to a pre-determined theory set (Gorsuch, 1983). The value of this test is to assess the validity of preconceived ideas. In the case of Suls and Rothman’s study, it is the leaning of health psychologists towards psychological factors to assess an individual’s health. The article of Suls and Rothman did not make use of any standardized psychological testing instruments. The reason may be due to the fact that it is a study aimed at determining the advancement of a framework of health assessment. However, they still integrated valuable statistical testing in psychology to explain clearly the findings they have gathered. Effectiveness of the Psychological Testing Instruments Used The main premise of Suls and Rothman’s article is that the biopsychosocial model has proven remarkably successful in shaping the way health psychologists view an individual’s overall functioning (Suls and Rothman, 2004). To prove this point, the team proceeded to measure the familiarity of the concept among health psychologists by reviewing published journals in Medline, and four other notable medical journals. The raw data collected was then subjected to different statistical tests commonly applied in the field of psychology. From there Suls and Rothman were able to formulate recommendations vital to the advancement of the biopsychosocial model as a valid instrument in health assessment. The effectiveness of psychological testing is based mainly on two factors, validity and reliability. Validity measures the soundness of a test against its set objectives. On the other hand reliability measures the accuracy of the test in terms of producing consistent results. To determine whether the result of psychological testing is effective, researchers usually turn to statistical tests. In this case where no standardized psychological testing instruments were used, the effectiveness of the study may be directly correlated with the quality of the results produced by the statistical tests used by Suls and Rothman. Suls and Rothman resorted to frequency test to explain their findings on the use of â€Å"biopsychosocial†as a term in medical journals. The test confirmed their initial assumption that the biopsychosocial model has helped in advancing health psychology in the last 25 years. The frequency test showed a consistent rise in the use of â€Å"biopsychosocial†as a term in medical journals. However, Suls and Rothman are quick to stress that this may also be due to the increase of the number of articles published that deal with behavior in recent years (2004). They also used frequency test to assess the integration of behavioral approach to medical science (Suls & Rothman, 2004). The results attested as well to the increased integration of behavioral approaches to medical science in the last 30 years (Suls & Rothman, 2004). Finally a factor analysis test was conducted to determine the reliance of health psychologists on the variables essential to the biopsychosocial model. The factor analysis test clearly showed that health psychologists are still biased in considering psychological issues over biological, and even social. This correctly proved the initial postulation of Suls and Rothman. Considering that the statistical tests in psychology used in the research of Suls and Rothman ably supported their theory, it can be said that they were effective. However, since the study is mostly a review of journals it is not enough to completely determine the actual advancement of the biopsychosocial model as a tool for health assessment. George Schwartz in his book suggested that the biopsychosocial model faces a challenge with the use of empirical testing (1982). Empirical testing is a vital component to any psychological research. Another is that the model remains a concept in research. It has yet to transcend from research to practice, then back to research (Keefe, Buffington, Studts & Rumble, 2002). This is when the recommendations of Suls and Rothman become important. They were able to identify important areas that are tangible and measurable that will help in the transition of the model from a mere conceptual framework to a fully working tool in health assessment. As a stand-alone article, Suls and Rothman presented a thorough exposition of their chosen subject. However, based on the criteria of the article review, it did not meet the standards required. The fundamental component needed in the review is psychological testing in which the article did not have. On the other hand, the statistical tests were very helpful in understanding the basis of Suls’ and Rothman’s conclusion. Considering the statistical tests were properly chosen and used, it can be concluded that in the end the article of Suls and Rothman was a success. References Gorsuch, R. (1983). Factor analysis. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Green, J. & D’Oliveria, M. (1982). Learning to use statistical tests in psychology 3rd edition. NY: Open University. Keefe, F. , Buffington, A. , Studts, J. , & Rumble, M. (2002). Behavioral medicine: 2002 and beyond. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 852-856. Lane, D. (2004, Augus 10). Frequency polygons. Connections. Retrieved August 25, 2010,
Friday, November 8, 2019
Mysql Case Study Essays
Mysql Case Study Essays Mysql Case Study Essay Mysql Case Study Essay MySQL 1. What was the business model of MySQL? Orignal Business model Originally, MySQL collected one time licensing revenues from original equipment manufacturers (OEM) businesses. These were businesses that redistributed MySQL embedded into their own products as in a standalone application. This was based on the dual license model for open source database. In the dual license model, software is available both under a General public license (GPL) , usually for non commercial end users, and under a commercial license for non GPL’ed redistribution. Example: As an example, MySQL firm makes MySQL available under the GPL at no charge, but sells it under other more traditional licenses to clients who do not find the GPL to be ideal for their purposes, such as inclusion of MySQL AB technology in a closed source product. A disadvantage of this model was that it did not generate significant revenues from end users. Hence inspite of a huge 33% market share, MySQL revenue share was l ess than 1% MySQL Network – New business model In early 2005, MySQL network was introduced. It is a subscription service that provides updates, alerts, notifications, knowledge base and production level support, that makes it possible for companies to easily manage hundreds or thousands of MySQL servers. This business model was growth focused and aimed at increasing revenues much higher than from OEM businesses. However, it lead to increased customer expectations as they were being charged for the first time. 2. What challenges they faced to remain sustainable? Low revenue business model: MySQL needed to find a healthy ratio between paying and nonpaying customers. It had low revenues inspite of a 33% market share. This was equivalent to trading off a larger community against faster sales growth which was imperative to support the increased investments in infrastructure new recruits. Competitors’ strategies: IBM, Microsoft Oracle had each lowered their database prices and created low end bundles aimed at smaller organizations and partners. In October 2005, Oracle released a free yet proprietary low-end version of its acclaimed database. Microsoft had already offered a zero-price product for a long time, Sysbase, since 2004. Oracle had acquired the two main transactional engines that MySQL could have used, namely Innobase and its replacement Sleepycat. In a way it gave Oracle some control as a partner with MySQL. Increasing competition: New open source database startups such as db4o leveraged open source community for development, marketing and sales and hence enjoyed an extremely low cost structure. This enabled them to expand their customer base in enterprise domain. Some closed source databases became open source. Eg: Cloudscape from IBM. This further increased the competition. 3. What is the current status of MySQL? MySQL status in 2006: Though it had 8 million active installations and 50,000 downloads per day, only 1 in 1000 productive installations ended up as paid MySQL customer. In April 2006, Oracle renewed the contract between InnoBase and MySQL in a multi year agreement, effectively becoming a MySQL partner. Mickos sees growth opportunities and plans to raise sales upto $ 100 million and to go public by 2008. Oracle clearly recognizes MySQL as its competitor though battle lines are a bit blurry in MySQL camp. CEO Mickos looks at Oracle as too big to be considered as a competitor while EVP of Sales, Burton, sees them as competitor only in select markets like Large Enterprise category. MySQL status in 2009: Sun Microsystems bought over MySQL in Jan 2008 and in April 2009, Oracle announced its plans for overtaking Sun. The deal was ratified in Aug 2009. In essence, MySQL is now owned by Oracle.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Milagro Beanfield War essays
Milagro Beanfield War essays The Milagro Beanfield War chronicles how local, traditional cultures that are deemed incompatible with modernization. This is seen in the tensions between Chicano communities in Milagro, New Mexico and the land development corporation that wants to turn the community into a resort community and golf course. When Joe Mondragon irrigates his makeshift beanfield with water diverted from a stream that "belongs" to developer Ladd Devine, the farmer/handyman becomes a catalyst that brings these The conflict theorists offer a good framework for a sociological analysis of the events depicted in The Milagro Beanfield War. The conflict perspective sees society as being composed of different groups with contradictory interests. Conflict theorists are critical of functionalists, who believe that these disparate interests can be resolved amicably. Instead, theorists like Karl Marx have argued that ruling class interests will come to dominate over the needs of others. Members of the ruling class would use all the means at their disposal in order to assure their interests are served, including money, political connections and other social institutions. This is true, even when these interests are detrimental to other segments of society. In the case of The Milagro Beanfield War, the ruling class interests are represented by Ladd and his cadre of developers. Rounding out the cast of ruling class interests are Ladd's ditzy wife Flossie, state police officer and hired gun Montana and even the incompetent state governor. Because of his wealth and political connections, Ladd has Montana at his disposal to keep Milagro residents in line. At various times throughout the film, even the Milagro town mayor and the town sheriff seem to be in Devine's pocket, afraid or reluctant to help their own constituents. The conflict perspective believes that it would be useless for ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
30 Famous Food Quotes to Satiate Your Soul
30 Famous Food Quotes to Satiate Your Soul The fetish for food is like a secret affair you never want to reveal. You cant help salivating when you see the oh-so-delicious birthday cake, or the crisp fries, or even the melt-in-your-mouth lamb shanks. You may want to pretend that food does not affect you that much. But come on! Lets be honest here. Dont you wish you could eat all those yummy, to-die-for candies without putting an ounce of weight? What thought crosses your mind when you see a delicious slice of cheese? Most of us would think of how it would melt in our mouth. But only a true connoisseur of fine food, like Clifton Fadiman, could think of another viewpoint, Cheese- milks leap toward immortality. Clearly, food is an obsession with many. Binge on these other famous quotes about food. Mark Twain: Sacred cows make the best hamburger.Alphonse Allais: Coffee is a beverage that puts one to sleep when not drank.Samuel Johnson: He who does not mind his belly will hardly will hardly mind anything else.Elizabeth Berry: Shipping is a terrible thing to do to vegetables. They probably get jet-lagged, just like people.President George Bush: I do not like broccoli. And I havent liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And Im President of the United States and Im not going to eat any more broccoli.George Bernard Shaw: There is no sincerer love than the love of food.Confucius: The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live.Spanish Proverb: The belly rules the mind.Socrates: Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.James Beard: A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.Mahatma Gandhi: To a man with an empty stomach, food is god.Arthur Pendenys: A good meal makes a man feel more charitable toward the whole world than any sermon. Harry Hopkins: Hunger is not debatable.Polish Proverb: Even were a cook to cook a fly, he would keep the breast for himself.Christopher Morley: No man is lonely while eating spaghetti- it requires so much attention.Philip W. Haberman: A gourmet is just a glutton with brains.Sir Robert Hutchinson: Vegetarianism is harmless enough, though it is apt to fill a man with wind and self-righteousness.H. S. Leigh: If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.Adelle Davis: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.Alice May Brock: Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good.Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.Eike von Repkow: He who comes first, eats first.Epictetus: Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent.Fran Lebowitz: Food is an impo rtant part of a balanced diet. Elsa Schiaparelli: A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.French Proverb: A good meal ought to begin with hunger.Plutarch: It is a hard matter, my fellow citizens, to argue with the belly, since it has no ears.Latvian Proverb: A smiling face is half the meal.Polish Proverb: Fish, to taste right, must swim three times- in water, in butter, and in wine.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Prairie Schooner, Americas Classic Covered Wagon
The Prairie Schooner, Americas Classic Covered Wagon The prairie schooner was the classic covered wagon that carried settlers westward across the North American plains. The nickname came from the typical white cloth cover on the wagon, which, from a distance, made it resemble the white cloth of a ships sails. Prairie Schooner The prairie schooner is often confused with the Conestoga wagon, but they are actually two very different types of wagons. Both were horse-drawn, of course, but the Conestoga wagon was much heavier and was first used by farmers in Pennsylvania to haul crops to market. The Conestoga wagon was often pulled by teams of up to six horses. Such wagons required reasonably good roads, such as the National Road, and were simply not practical for moving westward across the plains. The prairie schooner was a lighter wagon designed to travel great distances on rough prairie trails. And the prairie schooner could usually be pulled by a single team of horses, or sometimes even one horse. As finding food and water for animals could present a serious problem while traveling, there was an advantage to using light wagons that required fewer horses. Depending on the circumstances, prairie schooners would also be pulled by oxen or mules. How They Were Used Adapted from light farm wagons, prairie schooners generally had a canvas cover, or bonnet, supported on wooden arches. The cover provided some protection from sun and rain. The cloth cover, which was typically supported on bows of wood (or occasionally iron) could be coated with various materials to make it waterproof. The prairie schooner would typically be packed very carefully, with heavy pieces of furniture, or crates of supplies, placed low in the wagon box to keep the wagon from tipping on rough trails. With the possessions of a typical family stowed aboard the wagon, there generally wasnt much room to ride inside. The ride was often pretty rough, as the suspension was minimal. So many emigrants heading westward would simply walk alongside the wagon, with only children or the elderly riding inside. When stopped for the night, families tended to sleep under the stars. In rainy weather, families would seek to stay dry by huddling under the wagon, rather than inside it. Groups of prairie schooners often traveled together in the classic wagon trains along such routes as the Oregon Trail. When the railroads expanded throughout the American West in the late 1800s there was no longer a need to travel great distances by prairie schooner. The classic covered wagons fell out of use but became an enduring symbol of the westward migration.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Women's Role in the labor movement Research Paper
Women's Role in the labor movement - Research Paper Example The process of collective bargaining is deployed whereby the leaders negotiate either directly with the concerned entity or through an arbitrator to come to common terms of agreement. The history of trade unions dates back to the Industrial Revolution when mass industrialization and exploitation of workers and poor living conditions gave birth to the concept of worker rights (Dumont and Hacourt). The role of women in trade unions has presumed great significance today as the notion of gender equality and anti discrimination lawsuits become rampant. Women have assumed increasingly greater importance in trade union activities particularly in the United States, U.K, Netherlands and Canada (Curtin and Jennifer). The paper discusses the role of women in labor unions both in the United States and in Europe. The Case of U.S.A The history of women’s role in labor unions in the United States dates back to 1765 when â€Å"Daughters of Liberty†, a first of its kind society for prof essional women, was established (Tax). Thereafter, in 1824, women’s rights in the workplace assumed their significance when , in Rhode Island, 102 women workers called a strike, to support their brothers ( who were weavers) in an attempt to protest against the decline in wages and the introduction of long working hours (Anne). In 1825, however, this concept was taken to heights when the first union comprising of women only was formed under the banner of â€Å"The United Tailoresses of New York†(Tax). In 1831, approximately 1600 women of this union called on a strike, demanding a just and fair wage rate (Tax). IN 1845, Sarah Bagley formed â€Å"The Female Labor Reform Association†in protest of the 12-13 hour long work day and gave a call to reduce it to 10 hours along with improvement in sanitation and safety facilities at cotton mills in Massachusetts (Tax). The acceptance of women in labor unions was gaining ground which was marked by the first of its kind in clusion of women and African Americans at a national level, in the leading trade union of that time- Cigar. From here onwards begun the journey of women in labor unions at a nationwide level. In 1869, women shoemakers established a national labor union by the name of â€Å"Daughters of St Crispin†at Massachusetts (Tax). This gave birth to the concept of Equal Opportunity in America, when in 1872, the Congress, for the first time, passed a bill whereby women working at the federal level were given the same pay for the same nature of work as their male counterparts (Tax). The notion of protests by women workers for their rights continued and, in 1881, Black women in the laundry sector hosted the biggest ever strike in history till then. In the same year, over 1800 women workers won the bill whereby women doctors were made mandatory for women patients at mental health clinics (Tax). In 1889, however, the concept of women’s rights at workplace was extended beyond that ref lected by strikes and protests (Tax). Jane Adams established a â€Å"full house†for social welfare of women in order to enhance their personal development and increase the recognition of their efforts in the society. It was in this year that the concept of social entrepreneurship in the context of women truly took shape and set the stage for others to follow suit. The concept of social welfare then extended to other spheres of life in 1898 when Charlotte Perkins Gillman, through power of the ink, conveyed the importance of women to be economically and financially independent (Martens and Mitter). As years passed different modes of expressing women’s rights in the workplace came into shape. For instance, in 1899, National Consumers League was established to steer and empower women consumers to use their power to achieve
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Data Analysis - Essay Example Additionally, I recorded the observed behavioral and communication skills on a checklist. I observed that in each session that the student had, it improved his behavioral and communication skills. Observation requires attention; I took a period of about an hour to observe each student. In the process, I kept involving the student to ensure their attentiveness and reduce chances of boredom. Some activities were physical activities that included doing puzzles and job activities or super brain exercises which encouraged communication and interaction as well as developmental activities such as Webber Photo Cards and Jenga game. During data collection, I used the tally sheets to check on their behaviors both the desired and undesired. To enhance accuracy, I assigned a score sheet to each student where I recorded their outcome for every session. To ensure consistency of data, I held meeting twice every week for a period of five weeks with each session being one hour long. In the undesired tally sheet, it had four behaviors I was supposed to observe in each student. The first thing that I was checking was the capability of a student to pay attention. In this, I wanted to identify and then record on a tally sheet the number of times a student failed to pay attention in an ongoing procedure or activity. If in a day a student failed to pay attention three times, I would tally thrice for that student that day. The second thing I was checking was the number of times the student went off the allocated task. My observation was therefore based on the tendency of a student to leave the task for other activities. I rec orded data for three sessions in a week for five weeks. Additionally, I also checked for the student’s incomplete work behavior and out-of-seat behavior during all the sessions that I had with them for the whole duration. As for the behaviors, I was looking out for the desired behavior presented by each student in every session for five weeks. The first
Friday, November 1, 2019
Laos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Laos - Essay Example The theory rejects the notion that values and principles of any ideology will be the guiding principles of national policies. Laos is a small landlocked state in South East Asia which has been under the rule of a socialist and communist oriented regime since the 1970s. The country has been isolated as it pursued social, political, economic, and diplomatic policies which were in line with the objectives and interests of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Vietnam and USSR were the main allies of the country which pushed forward the communist takeover of the country following the withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam during the 1970s. The collapse of the Soviet Union and Communist bloc led to wide ranging consequences for Laos. It has been trying to reorient and refocus its system in order to survive. This paper uses the theory of Realism to evaluate the strength and weakness of Laos within the international political system. It also analyzes the main policies of the country using the concepts of Realism. It also makes recommendations which can help benefit the country in improving its economic, political, diplomatic, and social conditions. Laos is a small landlocked country which is surrounded by powerful countries like China and Vietnam. During the colonial age the country came under French occupation where it was governed like a protectorate. The 1970s witnessed the supremacy and domination of the communist insurgents which overthrew the monarchy (Hiebert, 175). The country is a socialist country ruled by a single party which is the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party. The Politburo creates the policies of the government. A constitution was created in the early 1990s which gave the ruling party special powers and roles in the political system of the country. Other political parties were strictly banned in the country while the press is also regulated and controlled by the government. A small insurgency is also prevalent against
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