Sunday, May 24, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Danger Of A Single Story - 1158 Words
According to the novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in the article, â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story†, she proclaims that when there is just one single story of someone or something, it can be detrimental to said subject. It can be detrimental to a group of people, because that one single story can make great people seem horrible. Having one single story about a beautiful place can make it sound terrifying. The world is multidimensional and having just one explanation of something, can make something sound like it is not. Adichie has fallen subject to believing in just one single story herself and she admits the negative repercussions it can have. In the article the author gives examples of how people tend to speak on things in just one way. People tend to talk about just the positive or just the negative and not include both ends of the spectrum. The author also describes examples of how these one-sided stories can be more harmful than helpful to those reading them. One unde niable argument that Adichie has is â€Å"to create a single story, show a people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again, and that is what they become.†Adichie, herself, has even witnessed this firsthand when a student went up to her and said â€Å"it was such a shame that Nigerian men were physical abusers like the father character in [her] novel.†This isn’t so much a sign of disrespect as it is a sign of ignorance. The student clearly had not known a Nigerian man, or a Nigerian person for thatShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of Singles Stories1372 Words  | 6 Pageslifetime people hear thousands of single stories from people, places, and things. This makes the passing of information very dangerous. A single story means, a limited viewpoint, or only seeing something from one angle. As proved in many cases, this is very dangerous in knowing the whole story from every perspective. In many cases the source you are hearing this from may have opinions or facts beyond the point adjusting your way of thinking. The dangers of singles stories was noted by Chimamanda NgoziRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story1489 Words  | 6 Pagesauthor, gave a stunning speech about â€Å"the Danger of a Single Story†. In her speech, she mentioned about negative consequences happening when people tend to form stereotypes based on a single story, the one-sided argument. The single story blindfolds our eyes and prevents us from seeing the complexity, diversity, and similarities that construct our world, just as Adichie says â€Å"these negative stories is to flatten my experience and overlook the many other stories that formed me†(12:56). Listening to allRead MoreThe Danger of a Single Story804 Words  | 4 PagesRanda ElFouly The Danger of a Single Story - A speech that was said by Chimamanda Adichie that inspired me to write this report. Chimamanda Adichie began talking about this thing she liked to call â€Å"a single story.†The Danger of a Single Story is about having a one sided perspective on different cultures and countries. She explains that she originally had a single story of writing because as a kid, all she had read were children’s books from America or England and all the characters in theseRead MoreDanger of a Single Story1661 Words  | 7 PagesReflection on â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story†By Chimamanda Adichie Why this all fuss about a â€Å"single story†? So what is a single story? Does this mean manipulation of ‘a single story’ by countless re-telling and thus creating an ‘entrenched’ view in our minds which we fail to challenge and investigate with a forward-looking vision? No wonder, this leads to a lot of assumptions, half-truths and stereotypes when this story is passed on from one to another. For example a lot of people thinkRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story1070 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"There s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.†(J.K Rowling). While this may be true for some stories, other stories tend to lead misbeliefs about a time period or place. That is what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explains throughout her telling of â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story.†She states how a story can mislead people to generalize how a place is or how the people are. Everyone at some point has heard a story that made them believe a misconception about a place. AdichieRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story Analysis827 Words  | 4 PagesIn Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ted talkâ€Å" The Danger of a Single Story†, she gave an address on her accomplished with writing as an African in her life. Through her im provement as a kid, her involvement with her roommate and different Americans, and her revelation and making of African writing Adichie creates logos in her discourse so the group of onlookers can understand the nature of universe which is â€Å"stereotyping†, what she calls, a solitary story. Universe is fill of people with different conceptualizationsRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story Summary823 Words  | 4 Pagestalks presentation,†The Danger of a Single Story,†Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explains how a single story presented by the media and books can affect the way a person may perceive others, places, and cultures (Adichie). She goes into details explaining her point through personal experiences where she falsely misunderstood someone based on a single word she heard numerously, and how she was a victim of a common stereotype. According to Adichie, there is never a single story and that people can go throughRead MoreLiterary Essay : The Danger Of A Sin gle Story1091 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout a persons life they are bound to do one of the following; be apart of a single story, struggle with their identity or stereotype someone or something. Literature reflects this experience people have with their identity. The single story is something that affects everyone, consistently and can be seen throughout literature; everything and everyone has a single story. In The Danger of a Single Story, Adichie talks about its impact; this is also explored in Supamans lyrics, and HopeRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story By Nancy Mairs984 Words  | 4 Pagesof many overlapping stories. A single story confines a corner of the world to a generalized stereotype. Chimamanda Adichie in TED talk, The Danger of a Single Story, addresses that â€Å"if you hear a single story about a person or a country we risk a critical understanding.†Adichie also states, â€Å"a single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not what they are untrue, but they are incomplete.†Adichie believes everyone is guilty in creating single stories and they are dangerousRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi838 Words  | 4 PagesIn her TED Talk â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story†, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shared her personal experiences on how the stereotypes that are presented in the literature towards people from other cultures would actually be misleading to the readers and have negative influence on their cross-cultural communication. The danger of a single story lies not so much in lacking of knowledge or understanding of people from other culture, but rather in people’s leaving no room and possibilities for themselves to
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay Civil Disobedience - 2559 Words
Civil Disobedience History, as Karl Marx suggest, is defined by human suffering. When a man is oppressed, his natural recours is rebellion. Most ost restiance movements of the past incorporated violenve. Violence has been a mean to an end for centurys. Even today our lives are chronicled through violence and human suffering. However, a paradox ensues when revolutionaries use violence to free themselves from oppression, as a mean to an end. By replacing violence with violence, you are only contuining a destructive cycle that can in no way liberate everybody. It oppresses the oppressor and depresses the depressed. Martin Luther King jr. sought to remedy this unhealthy cycle by prescribing a new approach to rebellion. Not only did he†¦show more content†¦Blacks were rent from their native Africa and forced to exist as slaves. The treatment of these people not only decimated their freedom but demeaned their humanity. Slave owners whipped and beat the slaves if the tried to escape and black slave g irls were raped by their masters. Some refused to accept such oppression and began to rebel. Nat Turner, who is heralded as a martyr, rebelled against the white slave owners of the south by walking from plantation to plantation massacring the owners and their family’s. Even today, his martyrdom is vividly recounted in elementary educations black history courses. However, what is not often remembered is the fierce backlash that ensued due to the violent nature of his rebellion. Violence and discrimination continued to plague Black Americans even after the Civil war. They were lynched, their homes were burned, and they were terrorized by white supremacists who refused to accept the outcome of the war. Blacks did not sit by idly and watch, there are many reports of black militant groups organizing and forming to fight for civil rights. The problem was these groups incorporated violence in their movement, which as a result had violent reproductions. By the 1950’s, Blacks h ad seemingly come a long way from their years of slavery. They could vote, hold a job, and even go to public school. Many whites believed that they had undisputedly given BlackShow MoreRelatedcivil disobedience2309 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿IS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE JUSTIFIED? â€Å"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment. 1 â€Å"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it s the only thing that ever has.2 History has shown us through the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. who went against the greater power of their time to fight for injustice. These few respectableRead MoreLessons in Civil Disobedience828 Words  | 4 Pagesto its effectiveness, individualism, and past history of the world that has made immense progress. It is important to notice that if civil disobedience was not effective, then it would not be continually used to disobey the law. In The Role of Civil Disobedience in Democracy†by Kayla Starr, she explains why we have the right to participate in civil disobedience. â€Å"The U.S. Bill of Rights asserts that the authority of a government is derived from the consent of the governed, and whenever any formRead MoreEssay on Civil Disobedience1397 Words  | 6 Pageshistory, human beings have participated in acts of civil disobedience. However, in the last two centuries the belief and practice of it has been in full swing and has even brought on major historical events, especially concerning equal rights and just laws. Three major firm believers and activists in civil disobedience were Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King Jr., and Gandhi. All three of these men participated in acts of civil disobedience but each in his own way and for different reasonsRead MoreCivil Dis obedience Or Obedience?885 Words  | 4 PagesLaKyia Scott Professor Nelson English 1302 09 February 2015 Civil Disobedience or Obedience INTRODUCTION Civil disobedience is defined as the â€Å"refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in government policy or legislation, characterized by nonviolent means†; theories on this topic have been debated for centuries. (American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Edition pg161) Henry David Thoreau was well known for his refusal to participate in the political systems or activities of his era,Read MoreCivil Disobedience, By Thoreau870 Words  | 4 PagesCivil disobedience is the refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation. Thoreau s infamous ideas on Civil Disobedience, written in 1849, have been monumental in the fight for change. It has helped influence change anywhere from the 1940s fight against Danish resistance, to the 1950s and McCarthyism. Thoreau s words have helped lead the way to freedom. It has made the people of the world think about how they are being governed and how theyRead MoreCivil Disobedience in Ameri ca1044 Words  | 4 Pagesobedient includes: religious beliefs, background, and work ethics. Civil disobedience played a large role in America. Creating protests, riots, and sit-ins, America had many examples of disobedience. In America, we value our rights as citizens and individuals. We have the right to protest as stated in the first amendment of the United States Constitution, which is called Freedom of Speech. According to the Webster Dictionary, civil disobedience is said to be â€Å"the refusal to obey government demands or commandsRead MoreEssay on Civil Disobedience738 Words  | 3 PagesCivil Disobedience Henry Thoreau wrote an essay about it in the 19th century. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached it in the South. Mahatma Gandhi encouraged it in India. Nelson Mandela went to jail for promoting it. The Bible says that Paul, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were all guilty of it. According, civil disobedience encompasses the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government or of an occupying power without resorting to physical violenceRead MoreThoreau On Civil Disobedience1458 Words  | 6 PagesKonstantin Keller Anne Portman Philosophy 2010 4 December 2015 Thoreau on Civil Disobedience In Civil Disobedience, Henry Thoreau asserts that one should prioritize one’s conscience over the dictates of law. Thoreau begins his essay by arguing that government is rarely useful and that its power comes merely from the fact that the government is the strongest group, rather than because they hold the most correct viewpoint. He believes that people are obligated to do what they think is right and toRead MoreEssay on Civil Disobedience1532 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Civil disobedience is the term assigned to actions taken by individuals to sway public opinion about laws that individuals deem unfair or unjust. Actions taken are usually nonviolent, and can include sit-ins, mass demonstrations, picket lines, and marches. Citizens are acting on their consciences, demonstrating highly advanced moral reasoning skills. Generally, these advanced skills fall into Kohlberg’s Six Stages of Moral Development, Stage Five and Six in particular. Characteristics ofRead MoreCivil Disobedience And The Apartheid1428 Words  | 6 Pages Throughout history, civil disobedience has been used to bring about change across a wide variety of civil rights issues. In India, Mahatma Gandhi used civil disobedience to nonviolently protest against the British Raj and, after a thirty-year struggle, earn independence both for himself and his people. In the United States, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. employed civil disobedience to overcome both the Jim Crow laws that had oppressed the African-American minority and the systemic racism that was
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Legalizing Undocumented Immigrants America - 1692 Words
Legalizing Undocumented Immigrants America, the land of possibilities and greatest nation in the world. It is said to be the â€Å"land of the free†where people have the freedom to live without fearing a corrupt government, to practice any desired religion and express themselves in the way they seem most fit. America is that and much more. For many, it’s a place where dreams can become a reality, making the statement â€Å"the American dream†the most desired goal of those living in other parts of the world. People will put their life on the line and risk everything they have to reach that, â€Å"The American Dream.†Unfortunately, the dream is short lived. Apart from the racist comments from many natives, the government makes it very difficult to function as a â€Å"normal†person in society because of the lack of legal status. The goal of many illegals in this country is to one day be able call this place home and have confidence and a sense of belonging without fear of being depo rted. It is a human right to live in a place where someone feels secure and has the ability to pursue goals to better their lives. The United States of America should provide a pathway to legalizing the roughly eleven million undocumented immigrants that actively contribute to this great nation. The harm that legalizing that many immigrants would cause are minimal when compared to the many benefits it would bring this country. This country was populated by immigrants. Going back to the roots of this country, thisShow MoreRelatedUndocumented Immigrants Should Be Legal949 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica is a nation of immigration but America also faces the problem of illegal immigration. In America the debate of whether undocumented immigrants should be able to get full amnesty is still a controversy. Even though illegal immigrants did make an illicit action, many see the United States as an opportunity for a better future. In addition, undocumented immigrants should be granted citizens hip because it will benefit the United States. Creating an amnesty for the students will help the UnitedRead MoreWhat Are You Going?1637 Words  | 7 Pagesothers. The United States of America differs greatly from these countries in that it is a melting pot.†The term melting pot has been associated with the United States (US) because there are many cultures within the country which blend together to form a whole (cite book merino, noel). The United States melting pot theory could be argued as the very quality that makes it the greatest superpower of the world. The US has also been called a nation of immigrants because almost every citizenRead MoreThe Legalization Of Legalizing Immigration Reform1488 Words  | 6 Pages2014 Legalizing Immigration Reforms I. Introduction A. America, to everyone around the world – even to those who have not stepped on its land, is acknowledged as the Land of Opportunity, a place applauded and revered for its allocation of freedom and equality among its inhabitants. Because of this, those seeking to flee poverty and lack of resources to sustain their lives come this country to experience the American Dream. One might ask, however. why the presence of illegal immigrants is stillRead MoreThe Positive Impact Of Legalizing Immigrants1384 Words  | 6 Pagestheir life styles and obtaining a higher education will be the way to move up to a higher social class. Providing a better life for their families is a desire strong enough that ensures these young immigrants becoming very dedicated workers. A really good example of of the positive impact legalizing immigrants will have is the program implements by the Department of Homeland Security called Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals also know in acronym as DACA. T his program gives permission for those whoRead MoreShould Undocumented Immigrants Be Legalized?2032 Words  | 9 PagesShould Undocumented Immigrants be Legalized? Moving to a new place to start anew is hard. Whether it is for school, work, or a desire for a change in lifestyle, many people move and are familiar with the accompanying hardships. But what if the only moving option for your life’s improvement was incredibly difficult, ripped you from family and friends, and, in fact, would label you as a criminal if you took matters into your own hands and set forth for a better life. But still, the typical concernsRead MoreThe Rise Of The Millennial Generation1198 Words  | 5 Pagesmust be able to voice their opinions to the government on issues that they believe are important. Topics like the ISIS Crisis, Immigration Reform, legalization of marijuana, and gun control must be talked about. The most recent terrorism act that America has witnessed is from the Islamic group, ISIS. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is an extremist group who have been known to kidnap and murder people from around the world. Although ISIS has not directly attacked the United States, people are awareRead MoreHow Can We Pay Off National Debt?866 Words  | 4 Pagesthat can’t find skilled employees in America. Do we improve on the immigration relationship and border control by enforcing stricter regulations? Just as fast as our illegals cross the border corporations are doing the same by outsourcing jobs overseas. American history is built on dreams, since day one of our existence people come to America looking for a better way of life. America is one of the only countries in the world where it is possible for poor immigrants to become millionaires. Whether thatRead MoreThe Benefits Of Immigrants During The United States946 Words  | 4 PagesThe Benefits of Immigrants Ever since 2001, when the tragedy of September 11th happened, many citizens in the U.S. have a fear of allowing immigrants into the United States. Some citizens judge that immigration is an impending threat to national security, and that the U.S. should close the borders up for good. The U.S. should not consider that because everything negative that occurs in the U.S. is not due to immigrants. The government can stop illegal immigration right now, but would it not affectRead MoreIn Search of a Dream Essay1372 Words  | 6 Pagesand 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, some of which are really committed to this country, but many workers aren’t given the chance to show their loyalty to the country. Getting into the U.S. brings many new challenges to the immigrants, language being one of the most important and basic ones since most of the immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally couldn’t afford a good education, thus they never learned Eng lish. With this same issue, immigrants face challengesRead MoreLegalization For Hard Working Immigrants890 Words  | 4 Pagesfor hard-working immigrants. Despite of the negative meaning associated with it, an immigration reform would be beneficial to the U.S. in social aspects, such as having undivided families, and by stimulating economic growth. A common misconception is that legalizing illegal immigrants would just result in â€Å"criminals†running around the streets causing disturbances. Who is ignored is the benefit of a very specific population of Americans, the sons and daughters of illegal immigrants. American children
Practical Report Free Essays
My possible results were now: Bacillus cereus, Mycobacterium segments, or Lasciviously acidophilus. Next I preformed the acid fast staining. When preparing this slide and viewing it on oil immersion, I was a little more confident about the negative result yielded. We will write a custom essay sample on Practical Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now You are less likely to confuse a negative blue with a positive fuchsia or pink color, which was my issue in my gram staining process. Was teetering on whether my gram stain was purple, red, or both. My results in the acid fast staining were clearly blue, making the results negative. Looking back at the key, it narrows my possible results by one, leaving me with: Mycobacterium segments, or Lasciviously acidophilus. My last staining slide was the spore stain. Here yielded a negative result. The color on my slide was red. From lab red is highlighting the cell, here green would represent the spore. Did have maybe one or two green spots, but chalked that up to over dripping of malachite green, over microwaving, or not enough water on paper towel, as my slide was cracked in half after being microwaves. Looking back again at the lab key was narrowed my choices again, ending up with Lasciviously acidophilus. In the end, three staining tests results were as follows: Gram yielded positive, acid sat yielded negative, and spore standardized negative. The morphology that noticed was rod shape. I had a hard time distinguishing long rods from short rods. In my opinion the rods seemed short, if possible when they appeared longer they looked more like two short rods were just attached at the ends. So my thought as to what my unknown bacteria is, would be: Lasciviously acidophilus. My rationale for my results answer is mainly based on what was yielded from the staining Of each slide. The colored results matched to either positive or negative and the morphology just takes you a tepee closer in matching your result. The bacteria that believe my results yielded is Lasciviously acidophilus. It is known as a â€Å"friendly’ bacteria and is a very common proportion that is found naturally in our bodies, mainly in the mouth, intestines, and the vagina. Structure wise Lasciviously acidophilus is a single-celled prokaryotic microorganism that lacks a distinct nucleus. It also contains a cell wall, a cytoplasm membrane, a nucleoli, cytoplasm, ribosome, pill, and flagella. It is rod shaped and measures about 0. 5 to 0. 8 micrometer across by 2 to 9 mm in length. It occurs in chains and is non spore forming (Sanders 322). Lasciviously acidophilus has optimal growth at 37-42 degrees Celsius. They are able to live in highly acidic environments. Prefers to grow at low pH, anything below 5. It is a motile bacteria that grows in or without the presence of oxygen. Bacteria is able to digest lactose. Culture preparations consist of dried or liquid cultures of living bacteria (it can be grown on agar slants made of 2% agar in a solution of 3. 5% Lasciviously broth). High colony counts on mediums that contain potassium acetate, dextrose, and CHOPPY to name a ewe. This bacteria is used as a proportion to prevent/treat vaginal candidates, yeast infections of the mouth, and diarrhea. Overuse or a side effects that are currently known about this bacteria is constipation and flatulence. With Lasciviously acidophilus there wasn’t much about the production of toxins it could cause, but more about the dittoing abilities. It aids in producing enzymes which promote digestibility, decreases the levels of toxic amines in the blood, the positive list goes on. When researching of other bacteria that was closely related to Lasciviously acidophilus. I was unsuccessful. But because it does grow naturally within us this bacteria works in conjunction with other bacteria and organisms within our bodies. After coming to the conclusion of my results until now I think was very oblivious to the bacteria that I was looking up. The more in-depth search I went into I realized I used this bacteria, this proportion, often in my profession. The physicians at my nursing home often prescribe Lasciviously acidophilus to residents that are being treated with an antibiotic. How to cite Practical Report, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
E-Business and E-Commerce of an ICT Organization- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theE-Business and E-Commerce of an ICT Organization for Business. Answer: Swot Analysis of an ICT Service in an Organisation SWOT ANALYSIS Organisation: IT-Commerce Lane Description of Current/new ICT service: IT Commerce Lane is the E-Business and E-commerce Website based on Electronic business services. This e-commerce site is used to provide the service of the web site to engage with the administrator community. It helps in doing the business and to discuss the process of the business on the internet. It basically deals with the better source of outcome and basically in designing, coding, promotional activities, marketing etc. Our organisation generally helps in organising, operating and promoting to share and gain the knowledge and skill through website (Andam, 2014). STRENGTHS It defines the main strengths of an organisation that surpasses and separates from the services being provided by the other organisation which generally leads to maintain the uniqueness and to maintain the competition which involves brand name of an organisation and the attractive domain name, loyalty, CRM, package discount, providing offers and seasonal offers etc. Providing gifts and new schemes to new customers (Boone Kurtz, 2013). WEAKNESS It sometimes lacks in the traditional form of branding for maintain the trust regarding the gross turnover, higher level of debt, lack of capital, an inadequate services, etc. Sensory Limitation. OPPORTUNITIES It is defined to lead to the best opportunity so as to provide the services globally and to all the geographical areas to be the most favourable network factors that company deals with it to give a competitive advantage. Maintaining the loyalty with the customers may lead to good and the positive feedback so that the company can get some permanent customers. THREATS It has the main factors and the features when making of the online transaction because sometimes it may lead to threat and the involvement of the third party which may harm an organisation in cost of inputs, growing competition in the market, etc. The prices involved with the goods and the services are normal and are economic and anyone willing to afford the organisational service it and buy the IT products and softwares of an organisation and start selling to the other customers on the increasing price rate (Barnes Hunt, 2013). Summary and Recommendation: In the simple form the E-commerce and E-Business is the process of buying and selling of the good and services over the internet. It concern with the main methodology of providing the e-business services by performing on the various designing tools, coding write-ups using new technologies, promoting all the business activities etc. The E-Business is the most prominent layer of performing all the business activities locally and globally to enhance the organisation name and providing the best services to the consumers and attracting them towards the gifts being offered so as to attract them towards the business organisations. It has become the modern way of doing the business following the traditional strategies for selling of the products. It mainly aims to have the proper accessibility to do the business globally reaching to all the geographical boundaries with the flexible speed and service available 24*7. Our organisation helps to provide the availability of information of all the products and services which becomes much easier and quickest way of accessing to the information on the website (Cavusgil et al., 2014). Abstract Electronic Commerce and business is the process dealing with the business activities performed on websites via the internet. It is used for accessing all the facilities being provide by the e-commerce site for the main purpose of buying or selling of the products. It is unlike to the traditional commerce being followed by it and carried out potentially and physical with the effort of team. In todays scenario e-commerce has made it easier for easy way of accessing to the web site by simply buying and selling of the products online (Wiengarten et al.,2015). It has brought the greater impact on reducing the physical work and is used to save time. It has been adopted as the successful lead in the world of computers. But there are hindrance which is brought up regarding the security issues and for this Security is the biggest challenge being accepted to and faced today for the advancement in the field of security (Chaffey, 2015). Definition of E-commerce and E-Business in ICT Organisation It generally refers to as the type of business or the transactions made which are purely based on the commercial basically involves with the accessing of information and to transfer the flow of information on the internet. It basically covers all the business types so as to increase the demand of a website over the internet. The E-commerce or E-business is totally based on the selling and buying of the products online through the particular website. It basically involves the trading in goods and services being performed between many organisations to provide all the IT facilities to the customers. It has emerged world-wide to access the easy way of doing the business and has become an important aspect to run the business globally (Galliers Leidner, 2014). Working of E-commerce and E-business for an Organisation The working involves the current ratio which basically involves the consumer to move over organisational website so as to interact with the organisation to buy the goods and services from it. It is essential for every client to interact with the employee of a company for moving to an online transaction server where all the information is being placed is being in the encrypted form. The process is as follows firstly the consumer will order to the desired good and the he will make the request for getting the service of that good buy processing to the private networks. Once the process is reached to the final process the information is being processed to the private networks to the gateways (Turbanet al., 2015). The whole process takes few minutes to complete 1 transaction. For this there are different ways of payments systems to process the desires the need of the customers. E-commerce is known for the very safe mode for making the transactions (Gregory et al., 2017). Latest Technologies Being Used for E-business It has become the important part for every E-Business website to update to the latest technologies so as to make the fastest way of accessing over the networks. Latest technologies being implemented in the organisations bring the vast changes over the website like fast way of accessing the products; increase the experience of shopping better, fastest way of making the transaction on the internet. It makes it easy for the user to perform the better functions and for this our organisation promise to our user to have the consumer friendly environment on the website (Humphreys et al., 2014). It helps the organisation to deal with the latest technology that will lead to the great success as more transactions are being performed and more goods and services being shared with the B2B and B2C for the best trading ad increase the relationship behaviours that increase in the information and communication technologies (McElheran, 2015). Various Models of E-Commerce Business-to-Business- It can be simply defined as the business been made between two companies. This type of business deals in the relationships between the other electronic websites and among business. It is been involved with the two primary components i.e. e-markets and e-infrastructure. It maintains the scope between the various business operations to the other organisations that are being involved to increase the business activities like marketing and sales for the development of the business. This has been proved as the fastest growing internet market (Laudon Traver, 2013). Business-to-Consumer- It is also known as the commerce between the companies and to the consumers. It basically helps to involve the consumer for collecting information. It helps in receiving the products and the information goods over the e-commerce network. It helps in reduction of the transaction costs which provide the incresability on the consumers to access to information and helps the customer to compare the price of a product or services. It has become the growing demand on the feasible goods (Wymer, 2013). Business-to-Government- It generally defines the business been involved with the companies and the government sectors. It helps to have a proper use of involving the public demands regarding to the licensing procedures etc. This process increases the transparency policy regarding to the government process (Pantano, 2014). Consumer-to-Consumer- It simply involves the business between the individual or to the consumers. This type of business is been characterized as the growth in the electronic market places and the specifically in the other firms and to the businesses. This process has been proved as the greatest potential for developing in the new markets. This process has the peer to peer connection between the organisations (Popa et al., 2016). Rising of E-Business Models and Strategies for Success In todays scenario everyone is aware of accessing the internet and especially the E-commerce websites which basically intends to involve the consumer for buying of products and service from the market so as to consume the time. Now days more stores are being place on the internet for the business purpose from running a local business online to the International market giants. The people generally attracts towards this field so as to rise in the field of merchandising on the e-commerce to the coming upcoming years (Sahney, 2015). It is mostly the consumer driven because the consumer needs the more innovation towards the latest technologies being used in an organisation. Some of the Factors being involved in this for rise in the growth are: Consumer is free to access to the products and services according to their own choice. It is essential to have the full detail and the information to be provided to the customer for the easy availability. They have the facility of accessing to the mobile devices for the easy way of access and enhance convenience. This process helps to save the money being spent between the business and the customers (Soto-Acosta et al., 2016). But now days as more and more accessibility is been increased on the E-commerce Web site the security threats are taking place when the transactions are being made. For this it becomes difficult for the consumer loyalty. It is important for all the online business processes to stay true towards the branding and the services for the consumers perception on the store. It has been diversified into various forms form the past few years to divide the business transactions for the better needs (Wiengarten et al., 2015). Types of Strategies being adapted during E-Business Brick-and-click- It has the chin which is being built among all the business organisations for the online undertaking process of the stores. Purely Based Online- The business is fully and completely based on the online process with the limited corporate offices and warehouses. Marketplace- It has become the largest place for the E-commerce platform for buying and selling of the products to the customers and simultaneously ot allows the seller to sell the other products also. Bargaining- It is the most essential and the common strategy which is being placed where every consumer willing to pay the certain amount to be bargained on the selected products and services that the consumers wants to obtain. This strategy has the rising form because of the other business competitions in the market (Thorne, 2016). Answer 1. The report is been generated in the Turnitin Originality Report. Answer 2. Yes, it is self-checked. Answer 3 a.) No b.) No c.)No d.)Yes e.)No f.)Yes, I have added my own comments and the information which is relevant to the topic. Conclusion In todays scenario people are getting fond of opening a new start up and doing the E-business so as to have a good amount in their pockets. It is very essential to discover and made the analysis behind the e-commerce. It is the fundamentally proved that the e-commerce is being great to people who have the real ones business (Van Der Aalst, 2013).There is a wide range of accessibility on the internet which is being proved profitable for way of doing the e-business because this platform fulfils all the needs under one roof or at one place according to the consumer demand. It mainly aims that the Internet with all its advantages has the greater impact where the consumer can shop to all the services globally according to its desires (Veit et al., 2014). References Andam, Z. R. (2014). e-Commerce and e-Business. Barnes, S., Hunt, B. (Eds.). (2013).E-commerce and v-business. Routledge. Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. R., Rammal, H. G., Rose, E. L. (2014).International business. Pearson Australia. Chaffey, D. (2015).Digital business and E-commerce management. Pearson Education Limited. Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. 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The Marriage Of John And Jaqueline Kennedy Essay Example For Students
The Marriage Of John And Jaqueline Kennedy Essay The Marriage of John and Jacqueline Kennedy. THESIS: Although the relationship of John and Jacqueline Kennedy evolved fromfriendship to love, their marriage was filled with tragedy, shame, and change. I.The relationship of John and Jacqueline Kennedy evolved from friendship to love.A. They met at a dinner party thrown by Charles and Martha Bartlett. B. Their marriage was called the wedding of the year. II.Their marriage had many tragedies. A. Although three children survived birth, Jackie had many unsuccessful pregnancies. B. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while riding in a motorcade. III. Their marriage was filled with shame.A. Jack had an irresistible urge to women. B. Jack had innumerable conversations with a Judith Campbell, a woman with mob connections. IV.Their marriage was filled with change. A. Life was different for the Kennedys in the White House. B. Jackie did a complete renovation of the White House. C. Life changed drastically for Jackie after the assassination of her husband. Although the relationship of John and Jacqueline Kennedy evolved fromfriendship to love, their marriage was filled with tragedy, shame and change. Thelife of the first family is highly publicized but many of the happenings of theKennedy family were not meant to be up for public scrutiny.During the time that Kennedy was in office there were many political as well as personal events thatwent on in his life. Love, tragedy, shame, and change were just some of thefeelings and occurrences that went on inside the White House. Jacqueline began her journalism career working for the Washington Times-Herald where she was soon promoted to Inquiring Cameragirl. This washow she first got to talk to Senator John F. Kennedy. She interviewed him for hercolumn a few times and attended a dinner party thrown by Charles and MarthaBartlett where Jack also attended. The Bartletts invited Jack, Jackie and a fewother couples so it would not look too contrived. Martha pushed Jack and Jackietogether on the cou ch, served them cocktails and hors doeuvres and let them drinktheir heads off. Charles Bartlett says that he had nothing to do with it, his wife was the only matchmaker involved in this scheme. This was not the only time thatthey met at the Bartletts home. When they started dating regularly theysometimes met there for a game of bridge, Checkers, or Monopoly. Jack telephoned Jackie in London one day and proposed marriage. Theengagement was announced in June 24, 1953 and the wedding was set forSeptember 12, 1953. (Davis 316) Joe Kennedy made sure that the wedding waswell publicized as the Wedding of the Year. (Mills 108)(Davis 189) Policeestimated that around three thousand onlookers watched as Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kennedy emerged from St. Marys Catholic Church in Newport for the first time and posed for the Associated Press, United Press, New York Times, Boston Globe,Washington Post, and even Life magazine. The reception was held at HammersmithFarm and around 1,200 guests sat at tables on the lawn and ate creamed chicken. Guests danced on the terrace to music played by Meyer Davis and at one pointcleared the floor and watched the newlywed couple dance to I Married an Angeland No Other Love. Jackie presented her bridesmaids with monogrammed silverpicture frames and Jack gave his ushers Brooks Brothers umbrellas. (Anthony 81) Along with Jackies two children that survived infancy, she had several otherpregnancies that ended in tragedy. The Kennedys first pregnancy in 1956 ended inmiscarriage. Jacks bad back problems had been flaring up so Jackie playedround-the-clock nurse to him, she changed his dressings several times a day, put onhis socks and slippers, played games with him and helped him in and out of bed. She exhausted herself doing this and, so caused the miscarriage. On November27, 1957, Jackie gave birth to her first child. Named Caroline Bouvier Kennedy,this perfectly healthy baby girl was delivered by Cesarean section and weighedseven pounds and two ounces. During the end of Jackies third pregnancy, Jackleft her to vacation on a yacht with his brother Teddy and a few close friends. OnAugust 23, 1960 as he cruised the Mediterranean, Jackie was rushed to NewportHospital after she suffered an internal hemorrhage and severe abdominal cramps. In an effort to save the baby the doctors performed an emergency Cesarean. Theinfant, an unnamed girl, died before drawing her first breath. (Heymann 190)Although no legal name was given to the girl, Jackie named the child for herself. The daughter was Jackies own Arabella. (Anthony 101) Born 17 days after thepresidential election of 1960 (Encarta) Jackies second child, aptly named John F. Culture Shock EssayOnce Kennedy had been elected to office things changed drastically for thefirst family. Jackie had always tried to shy away from the publics eye but as timewent on the first lady discovered it was harder and harder to get away from thereporters and photographers. Everywhere she went she was recognized bysomeone. After she had given birth to John Jr. she was on the roof of the hospitalalone enjoying the breeze when another patient walked up to her and asked her ifshe was Mrs. Kennedy. She silently nodded and retreated to her room. She hatedit when Jack made her stand on the front steps of the church after their weddingfor the hundreds of photographers from their various organizations to takepictures. When unauthorized pictures of her children were taken and publishedeverywhere she was furious. It seemed to her that no matter where she went shegot no privacy. In reality she and Jack were a very private couple, hardly ever seenholding hands or kissing in public. She enjoyed life before Jack was elected intooffice and hated what came after. Of all her work as first lady, Jackie would refer to the White Houserestoration as my project, recalling, I have worked harder on this project than Iever have on anything. She called it dreary-the strongest condemnation in hervocabulary. (Watney 95) When she first moved in she compared the White houseto Lubyanka, the infamous Soviet prison. She asked Henry Francis DuPont to beher advisor on this project. Jackie spent several hours on the phone every day,tracking down items from museums and private collectors and cajoling potentialdonors and contributors. During the early days, Jackie roamed the corridors ofthe mansion, discovering treasures and banquishing horrors, making sure thatthe family quarters received primary attention. Every room in the White Housewas renovated except for the Lincoln room, that was President Kennedys privatebedroom and the Kennedys favorite room in the house. Jackie ran out of fundswithin the first month of restoration and had to go to private funders. She s ooncame up with the plan that after the White House was finished she would make aguide book for tourists and the money that was made off of them would go tofuture restoration projects and keeping the White House up to date.After the death of Jack, Jackie went through many stages of grief. Shestuck close to Robert Kennedy and her children throughout the whole ordeal. Robert spent intense private time with Jackie, talking through the assassination,providing strength, advice, and protection. He became a surrogate father to herchildren. In late July, he organized a surprise party for her thirty-fifth birthday. Her appreciation was boundless. (Anthony 219) Many people said that she was verycomposed but Nelson Pierce said that he saw her when she was not composed, andshe was as any other woman would be who had lost their husband-probably evenmore so because of the terrific shock and the way in which she lost him. Even though help was offered by many of the family members, Jackie insisted onarranging the funeral by herself. She picked the burial plot in Arlington anddecided that there should be an eternal flame. Soon after his death, Jackie wasbusy arranging the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and many other projects.The Kennedy family has a legacy that the world can not forget. The life ofthe Kennedys will always be remembered when one thinks of the famous firstfamilies. Even though the life of John F. Kennedy came to a tragic end, he was agreat man in his time and will not soon be forgotten. Works CitedAnthony, Carl Sferrazza. As We Remember Her Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in theWords o f her Friends and Family. New York: Harper Collins Publishers,1997. Anthony, Carl Sferrazza. First Ladies Volume II The Saga of the PresidentsWives and Their Power 1961-1990. New York: William Morrow and CompanyInc., 1991. Davis, John H. Jacqueline Bouvier An Intimate Memoir. New York: John Wiley andSons, Inc., 1996. Davis, John H. The Bouviers From Waterloo to the Kennedys and Beyond. Washington DC: National Press Books, 1993. Donald, Aida Dipace. Kennedy, John F. Assassination. Dictionary of AmericanHistory. 1976 ed. Encyclopedia Americana: John F. Kennedy. Frank B. Freidel, Jr. (1999) Heymann, David C. A Woman Named Jackie. Secaucus, New Jersey: CarolPublishing group, 1994. Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia. 1998 ed. Mills, Judie. John F. Kennedy. New York: Franklin Watts, 1962. Watney, Hedda Lyons. Jackie O. New York: Leisure Books, 1994. 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