Monday, January 6, 2020
The Buddha And Buddhism - 1754 Words
Xuanzang was impressed by India’s ability to stay together for so long and have very few problems. Also, that many people conformed to the social rankings of their culture with little arguement. The fact that you are more free to do what you want without the consequence of death hanging over your head. Also, you are not forced to believe in one religion, and you do not have to accept one person as a ruler. They illustrate the descriptions of chapters 3-5 because they show that India was more of a philosophical civilization than it was a constrictive civilization like the Han Dynasty and Legalism. However, this contradicts the descriptions of India because not everyone liked and conformed to their social rules. This document can contribute the place of the Buddha and other teachings that Buddhism believes in. Also, it tells us about teachings of the Buddha that might have gotten lost over the years. This document tells us about the way life used to be in India when he visited, and how he perceived people to feel about the whole social statuses. Marco Polo’s first impressions of the city was that they were the finest and they had the most nobility in the known world. He noticed that the merchants were very wealthy, and a lot of goods would pass by them. He was surprised at the fact that both men and women were equal and they clothed themselves in silk. Marco Polo described the city as â€Å"the finest and most noblest in the world,†because they had mansions everywhere thatShow MoreRelatedThe Teachings Of Buddhism And The Buddha Essay1418 Words  | 6 Pages Buddhism is a very prominent religion followed by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It was founded Gautama Buddha, who is also known as the Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama. The Buddha has 3 names much like there are 3 types of Buddhism. The different types of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, and Pure Land. Though there are multiple schools of Buddhism, they all follow the teachings of the Buddha. Two of the main teachings of the Buddha are known as the Four Noble Truths and the Noble EightfoldRead MoreBuddha And The Founder Of Buddhism1118 Words  | 5 Pagesnever leaves†This quote from Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha and the founder of Buddhism, is a perfect representation of Buddhist beliefs. Buddhism is a strict religion with various guidelines one must follow. The Buddhists believe that they are each born-again many times and their main goal is to end this cycle of rebirth. One can do so by living each life better than the last, in hopes of releasing_____ _______ Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha, was born in Nepal, where he had a wealthy family withRead MoreThe Buddha Vairocana And Buddhism1598 Words  | 7 PagesBuddhism was introduced into Japan in Nara Period through Korea, with only some scripts in Chinese writing. At the time, Japanese find their country in lack of civilization like writing and cultural religion. By sending people to China to accept more doctrine from foreign countries, different Buddhism schools are developed later in time. During the end of Heian Period, one of the popular sect is dedicated to Shingon, which is established by a monk named â€Å"Kukai†. Buddha Vairocana is one of many BuddhasRead MoreBuddhism Is The Teaching Of Buddha1919 Words  | 8 Pagespractices Humanistic Buddhism. Humanistic Buddhism is the teaching of Buddha. It affirms that the Buddha was born into the human world, and was cultivated in this world. The difference is that Buddha was enlightened in this human world and he taught other huma n beings in this world how to reach Nirvana, the freedom from suffering, in this human world and not apart from it. Buddha taught others that it is through our humanity that Buddhahood, full enlightenment, will be attained. Buddhism says that â€Å"theRead MoreThe Buddha And The Founder Of Buddhism1237 Words  | 5 PagesI got all my information. I have read and completely understood the story of Siddhartha also known as the Buddha the founder of Buddhism. And one of the stories from a different religion that I can compare to the story of Siddhartha Gautama Is the story of Jesus Christ. The founder of Christianity and is the most famous myth in Christian religion. I can compare both because of the way Buddha and Jesus was born. They both came from a different country and womb but they do have the similarities ofRead MoreBuddha, Buddhism And The Buddhist Philosophy1527 Words  | 7 Pagesenough to see through the covering pulled over our head at birth, to the true explanation of why we’re here, the truth of our existence. Because of this, I have chosen to do my research paper on Buddha, Buddhism and the Buddhist philosophy. The first thing I would like to address is the history of Buddha. When Siddhartha Gautama was born, a wise man came to his father, the king, and told him that his son would either be a great king or a great holy man. The king was worried because he wanted hisRead MoreSummarise The Life Of Buddha And The History Of Buddhism937 Words  | 4 Pages1. Summarize the life of Buddha and the history of Buddhism. To summarize the life of Buddha I tried doing a little more research myself. There is not a complete biography on him. Not until centuries after his death and that is still very little. We know that he was born Siddhartha Gautama in Lumbini near the present Indian-Nepal border. We know that he was the son of a ruler of a petty kingdom. He was raised a young prince who was raised in sheltered luxury. When he turned 29 he saw how emptyRead MoreAll Sects Of Buddhism By Sakayumi Buddha1841 Words  | 8 PagesLasao Professor Amanda Lucia RLST 12 9 March 2015 Title All sects of Buddhism agree that the truths of Buddhism where discovered by Sakayumi Buddha during his meditations under the Bodhi tree. In honor of its founder, meditation holds a vital role in Buddhism for indicating an individual’s ability to attain truth. It is through the process of meditation, that Buddhists can attempt to attain enlightenment in the same matter as the Buddha during the myth of Bodhi- the story of Buddha’s enlightenment. InRead MoreChristianity And Buddhism : The Teachings Of Life, Death, And The Resurrection Of The Buddha887 Words  | 4 PagesIsrael. Buddhism is a spiritually sought religion that focus on the teachings of the Buddha. The number of Buddhist world-wide has been estimated to be around three-hundred and fifty million, which is about six percent of the world’s population. This religion is concentrated on the teachings of the Buddha and the perceived enlightenment of life. Siddhartha Gautama, became the founder in present-day Nepal, India during the fifth century. b. Thesis Statement: i. Although Christianity and Buddhism areRead MoreSiddhartha Gautama The Buddha And His Journey, The Epoch Of Buddhism2442 Words  | 10 Pagesand nobility in order to cease his own suffering and upon achieving his own enlightenment, provided a path for others to follow. Following his enlightenment, Gautama came to be known as the Buddha and his journey, the epoch of Buddhism. Unaccepting of some social and cultural practices of the time, the Buddha was openly critical of the Hindu Brahman’s possessiveness and almost secretive knowledge of the Veda texts; sharing this knowledge only with their son’s, assuring their family’s position socially
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